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Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.

Nespak wins 409 MW Torcamp Godubar hydropower project

LAHORE - The NESPAK has attained another milestone in the hydropower sector by winning a project titled “409 MW Torcamp Godubar Hydropower Project” through competitive bidding.

Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO) entrusted the project to a joint venture of NESPAK (lead firm), FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG, Germany (foreign JV partner) in association with TRS (Pvt.) Limited, Lahore. Dr Tahir M Hayat, Managing Director NESPAK , along with Zafar Aman (project manager), chief engineer, GT&GE Division represented NESPAK at the contract signing ceremony held at PEDO House in Peshawar.

The project is located in Chitral district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The scope of work includes feasibility study, detailed engineering design, preparation of tender documents and PC-I. The duration of the project is 24 months.
KP Government is just one step away from fulfilling the biggest Promise of Kaptaan with the people.

20MW electricity being provided at 2 Rs per unit.

‏پشاور ائرپورٹ توسیع منصوبہ جو انشاء اللہ اپریل 2018 تک مکمل ہو جائے گا.

Expanded, upgraded BKIA inauguration likely on Pakistan Day

PESHAWAR: As expansion work on the only international airport in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa ends, doors to the upgraded facility are likely to open for visitors later this month on Pakistan Day, March 23.
Kohat Institute of Medical Sciences. KPK.




Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi inaugurated Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Plant of Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) at Nashpa, Karak on 8 March 2018.




According to KPESE, there were 671 schools closed between 2008-2013 due to non-availability of teachers and political transferring and posting. Now 561 out of these 671 schools have been reopened by the new provincial govt. between 2013-2018 where 65,000 students have been enrolled.
Not only this, 350 other institutions have also been reopened which remained closed for decades.

K-P launches app to battle gender-based violence


The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government on Thursday launched a new smartphone application to assist women experiencing gender-based violence and improve the services it offers via the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Commission for the Status of Women (KPCSW).

The app, named KPCSW also works offline. It contains features like text, voice and video messages, and MMS, to help women report cases of violence. People can also access useful information regarding laws protecting women and how to approach KPCSW for help.

The app can be downloaded for free on Google Play Store.
Has Imran Khan turned KP into ‘Naya’ KP?

Imran Khan, the charismatic leader believes “Dreams have no time frame”.

It took him 21 years to reach this position where his biggest challenge is dynastic politics and corruption in Pakistan.

It has been almost five years since Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) embraced PTI with open hands and today, the PTI-led government has changed this province into ways more than one.

Those days are gone when common people believed all that the politicians promised about magical land and wealth, now the common people want to see all the vows turning into reality.

It was the first time that PTI came in power, In 2013 general elections, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf gained control of the province after breaking the national stranglehold of the two traditional rivals.

Nothing was secure in the province back in the year 2013.

Imran Khan and KP government brought many major changes in the province and people of province are satisfied today with the overall performance of PTI’s government.

The changes are the harbinger of making NAYA KPK and to revolutionize it on modern lines.

PTI has done commendable work; conditions in KP are now such stable as compared to when PTI took the charge.

The police is the most important department, KP Police is independent and depoliticized, it’s an independent department stopped all sorts of political interference.

There is zero tolerance policy against corruption. First year hundreds of Police officials have been demoted on complaints regarding corruption and misuse of power.

It is the first time in the history of Pakistan that policeman are being appointed through Merit based NTS- Test. Earlier, the appointments were made through political interference.

There are also many changes introduced in the working of this department.

The government has introduced an online FIR system, through which a person can launch an FIR against anyone without any hazard.

Recently IG KP made his telephone number public so people can directly contact him on his personal number for any complaints.

Education is the backbone of any nation and without it none can progress. Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan always said Education reforms nation, not motorways.

PTI government took civil society, teacher’s union, parents, community elders into confidence and they were made aware of the importance of education for their child at primary level.

Due to poverty and security threats, children were not being enrolled in schools throughout KP in the past but KP government has made an immense movement in this respect by restoring the trust of these families to come forward.

The biometric attendance monitoring system installed for teachers used only in government schools.

Teachers are showing up in schools, the entire education system is the process to be unified to present one curriculum for all schools across the province in English.

Public confidence has surged on KP education reforms and a record 151,000 students have migrated from private schools to government-run schools.

Last year 34, 000 students migrated from private schools to government schools in KP, a rare achievement by Pakistani standards.

This significant increase is testimony of reforms initiatives in government schools, some of which have never been done in this private sector.

This movement of children from private to government schools is indicative of the trust parents are regaining in public schools.

The health sector also has improved significantly; patients testify that doctors are present in the government hospitals to attend to their ailments.


Sehat Ka Insaf program during which each child received vaccination against 9 preventable diseases and given each family a hygiene kit that’s includes soap, toothpaste, towel etc.

In the public sector, health services are provided through a best system of health care facilities.

Primary care facilities include basic health units (BHUs), rural health center (RHCs), Government rural dispensaries (GRDs), mother and child health (MCH) centers and TB Centers.

All of these facilities provide 8/6 OPD services, while RHCs provide a broader range of curative services, 24/7. Primary care facilities also provide outreach preventive services to the 8 communities through vaccinators, sanitary inspectors and a sanitary patrol.

Tehsil and district headquarters hospitals are also providing increasingly specialized secondary health care.

The functional capacity of health facilities assessed 5 specified inputs which include Infrastructure, Human Resources, Drugs and supplies, equipment and level specific support services.

The biggest problem in revenue collection was corruption and the typical Patwari culture was the major source.

According to Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT), KP government is ahead of all other provinces including Punjab in terms of good governance.

The PTI government has also launched the first ever institute for street children.

It will accommodate 1000 children and provide them with education, health, recreation, sports, boarding, food, career, psychological counseling etc.
Right to Information and Right to services allows the citizen to get government Information to keep watch and catch corruption, RTI bills also ranked to better then Punjab RTI bill.

Right to services allows citizen to demand basic services in stipulated number of 30 days. F

For the first time in the history, PTI government has initiated a financial assistance scheme for the welfare of windows hailing from the minority community.

The Billion Tree Tsunami Afforestation Project in KP province has surpassed its target by restoring and planting trees.

Launched in 2014 by Chairman PTI Imran Khan, The Billion Tree Tsunami aims to turn the tide on land degradation and loss in the mountainous.

The campaign simultaneously helped KPK province fulfil its 350,000 hectare commitment to the Bonn challenge.

A global effort to bring 150 million hectares to deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020

There are definitely some failure but overall the performance is satisfactory and they have done many good things for People of KPK.

Imran Khan wants to bring positive change in Pakistan and rid us of the evils, terrorism, lawlessness, inflation, corruption.

Under his leadership, KP is changing and there is clear direction.

Today, Imran Khan believes that he and his party are ready to take the responsibility to steer Pakistan out of crisis.

I think the whole nation is now looking towards Imran Khan as a possible alternate and believes to fix the mess in Pakistan.

The biggest proof of Imran Khan’s success is that his opponents, PML-N and PPP, too are accepting his party as the biggest potential challenger for them.

He created his own vote bank and brought families and youth to the politics.

I think, it is under his leadership that Pakistan will finally become a country where law will prevail and everyone will share the fruits of development, not just the wealthy few.

Source:- ARY Blogs
House call 2.0: Women GPs bring remote care to rural Pakistan


Doctor Nadia Rasheed speaks during an interview with AFP on skype at a telemedicine online treatment centre run by the government of Khyber Pakhtukhwa in the remote Behali area in Mansehra district

Bhosa, Mansehra: In a remote Pakistani village surrounded by lush green hills, Mohammad Fayyaz brings his two-year-old son to a clinic so that a female doctor sitting hundreds of kilometres away can examine him.

Healthcare in rural Pakistan and the careers of women doctors are being revolutionised as internet access grows across the country, allowing people with limited mobility because of geography or culture to interact online.

Previously, Fayyaz would have had to travel for hours from his village of Bhosa, in northern Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, only to spend hours queuing at overcrowded clinics in cities like Abbottabad or Peshawar for medical help.

Women doctors more than 1,500 kilometres (930 miles) to the south in the port of Karachi face their own challenges, with their careers often put on ice once they marry and become mothers.

Now, a Karachi-based health tech startup, Sehat Kahani, has deployed Skype to solve both problems at once by bringing work to the doctors and medical advice to the villages.

"My son took just one dose of medicine and he feels much better now," Fayyaz told AFP after paying a nominal fee of 100 rupees (90 cents) to visit the Sehat Kahani clinic in his village and speak face-to-face via video conferencing to a doctor in Karachi.

Convenience is everything in a place where women must walk for miles to fetch water from a spring and power cuts can last up to 12 hours a day, the low hum of generators a constant backdrop to village life.

The remote doctors offer a fresh solution to Pakistan´s struggling healthcare sector.

The country has one of the world´s highest infant mortality rates and just 0.5-0.8 percent of its GDP has been spent on the health sector in the past decade.

"It is very helpful, particularly for female patients because it is close to all of us," Fayyaz says.

"That´s why I am here," agrees Bibi Mehrunisa, one of the many women clustered in the clinic´s waiting room, some with children in tow.

Marriage vs career

It´s also important for the women on the computer screens.

At her Karachi home, doctor Benish Ehsan was multitasking, caring for her child as he sat on her lap, even as she began her online examination of a young patient in Bhosa.

"Is he using the bathroom, has the vomiting stopped or not?" she asks through the computer screen, advising the worried mother to feed her child more fruit and vegetables.

"He has lost some weight, so I am prescribing some medicines for that too," she says.

Later, speaking to AFP, Ehsan says the programme is empowering for stay-at-home mothers who also happen to be doctors, like her.


Pakistani patients arrive at a telemedicine online treatment centre run by the government of Khyber Pakhtukhwa in the remote Behali area in Mansehra district-AFP

"It suits us, we don´t need to go outside and can continue our practice even sitting at home," she says. "We are enjoying our family life and can also take care of patients."

Raheel Tanvir, a Sehat Kahani representative at the clinic in Bhosa, says roughly 80 percent of women doctors quit the profession after they get married.

"So the basic aim was to bring back those female doctors... They can continue their profession, can examine the patients while sitting at home and can also take care of their family," says Tanvir.

The Bhosa clinic opened last September and since then has seen hundreds of patients each month, demonstrating the need for the female doctors´ skills.

"It´s a huge waste," says Javed Akram, vice chancellor of the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) in Islamabad, lamenting how women end up using their medical degree "to get married".

"Men prefer to have doctors as wives rather than receptionists or hair stylists," he explains. "They are not giving anything back to the country... Let them work."

Helping remote areas remotely

The clinic in Bhosa operates simply: a nurse examines the patient and sends all the information to the doctor, who then consults with the patient via Skype before making a diagnosis.

The local government is also tuning in to the trend, setting up an e-ilaj, or e-treatment, centre in a village called Bilahi, with plans to expand in other remote areas of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

At Bilahi, where women clad in traditional shawls await their turn at the clinic surrounded by rolling hills, a four-year-old named Zehwish Azeem is examined remotely by physician Nadia Rasheed in Islamabad.


A paramedic member checks the eye of a patient at a telemedicine online treatment centre run by the government of Khyber Pakhtukhwa in the remote Behali area in Mansehra district.AFP

Rasheed said the government initiative works with a local internet provider to bring medical advice to some 15 villages with a population of more than 27,000 people in a rural area where doctors are few.

"This area is remote, people are poor and they had to travel a long time for treatment," Mian Badar Jan, an official in the Bilahi clinic told AFP.

"Now this system with modern facilities is helping them."
Latest technology helps improve TB diagnosis ..KPK

PESHAWAR: The health department has claimed that the use of new technology has ensured the prompt and correct tuberculosis diagnosis in the province.

According to the relevant officials, it was earlier difficult to diagnose TB patients correctly and therefore, the subsequent impropertreatment caused liver and kidney problems and hearing impairment.

They say the 26 GeneXpert machines procured by the health department have enabled the TB Control Programme to improve diagnostic services during the last one year and thus, leading to the accurate diagnosis.

Health dept procured 26 GeneXpert machines okayed by WHO

Project director of TB Control Programme Dr Maqsood Ali Khan told Dawn that the early detection of the disease was essential to initiate the immediate infection control measures and minimise the transmission of the disease to others as one patient if left untreated could infect 10-15 people a year.

He said the GeneXpert was a newly-developed machine approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for nucleic acid amplification test, which detected the types of TB in two hours.

“We have been using these machines for TB screening in 26 centres in 20 districts of the province to ensure the early diagnosis and treatment of patients,” he said.

Dr Maqsood said the high workload districts installed more than one machineand there were a total of 21 machine installed with four modules and five machines installed with 16 modules.

The cost of four module machine was Rs3.5 m while the price of a 16-module machine was around Rs7.5 million.

Last year, a total of 13,745 tests were referred to 22 GeneXpert site in the province in order to diagnose tuberculosis and detect resistant TB.

Tuberculosis was detected in 5031 (36.5 per cent) cases in which 268 (5.3 per cent) patients were resistant to rifampicin drug.

This new technology machine has helped enormously to detect difficult to diagnose TB cases and also to ensure timely diagnose of Resistant TB cases, he said.

Health secretary Abid Majeed told Dawn that the department had launched comprehensive strategy to eradicate TB.

He said the government had allocated Rs275.7 million for two years (2017 to 2019) and passed a law under which 20 diseases, including TB, had been declared notifiable to enhance its detection rate.

“All patients undergo free testing and medication. We also give free food baskets to the patients and transportation charges to encourage treatment,” he said.
PESHAWAR, (19th Mar, 2018 ): Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak Monday said that Reshakai Industrial City was the centre of the province and would soon become the centre of industrial and commercial activities connecting the North and South parts of the province in the backdrop of CPEC.

He was presiding over a meeting to review progress of CPEC projects in the industries, energy and transport sectors here at Chief Minister House Peshawar. The meeting was attended by Secretaries of Finance, Energy, Transport, Planning & Development departments and other high ups of the concerned sectors that focused on China-KP Economic Cooperation and the projects in industries, transport and energy sectors.

The participants were briefed about the projects in industries that included KP Comprehensive Special Economic Zones, projects under CPEC, Reshakai and Hattar Special Economic Zones, the MoUs signed between KP Government and Chinese public sector companies which would be presented in the core committee meeting.

In energy sector, there were two projects Toren More Kari HPP Chitral with the capacity of 350 megawatt of electricity with the cost of 753 million US dollars and Jameshill Toren More HPP Chitral with the capacity of 260 megawatt of electricity costing 616 million US dollars.

The provincial government had already signed MoUs with the Sino Hydro companies. Chief Minister said that he should be updated on the outcome of the incoming core committee meeting adding that the province had agreements for investment in the 600 MW of electricity in Chitral.

Other projects in energy would be made part of the CPEC as MoUs signed in this regard. Some of the projects had been cleared by the cabinet and the rest should be brought to the cabinet for final approval.

Pervez Khattak directed for the futuristic strategy for laying down the transmission line from the project to the main grid with the future needs and requirements in mind. Reshakai economic zone is the most suitable location connecting the whole province for economic trade and commercial activities therefore work should be planned with the timelines and the progress reviewed regularly adding that the financial model should be immediately prepared to be followed a feasibility report.

He also talked about the extension of Hattar industrial state and the cooperation with Chinese government for Chinese machinery at Daraban D.I.Khan. He directed for putting on ground other such activities made with the Malaysian investors and other investors.
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