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Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.

i m not from kpk but i have been there
right now the priority of kpk government is to fix the existing infrastructure along with a few major projects that are to be completed in a time frame of 2-3 years like peshawar mass transit
other than this they are spending most of the resources on education health and security along with increasing the efficiency of public service departments

Hmmm.. It's nice. The first priority should be education, health and LAW n Order.
Hmmm.. It's nice. The first priority should be education, health and LAW n Order.
unfortunately this is not the case in rest of pakistan where politicians are busy building jangla buses (in india dehli metro train was built with double that amount) only to gain support from our ignorant public
just look at punjab police
KPK NAB Performance inspection by NAB Pakistan

PESHAWAR, Feb 20 (SABAH): Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, Chairman National Accountability Bureau (NAB) visited NAB KPK Bureau to have annual inspection of NAB KPK Bureau. NAB Chairman’s Inspection & Monitoring Team (CI&MT) who was deputed to conduct Annual Inspection of NAB KPK Bureau for the year 2014. The inspection was carried out from February 18 to February 20, 2015 in order to review and evaluate the performance of NAB KPK Bureau on the basis of a quantified grading system.

Senior Member (CI&MT) along with his team conducted Annual Inspection of NAB KPK Bureau for the year of 2014. He gave briefing to Chairman NAB about the inspection done and highlighted the strengths and weakness of NAB KPK Bureau. He said that on the directions of the Chairman NAB, Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, a quantified grading system has been devised, under this grading system; performance of NAB Regional Bureaus is being evaluated. at a given criteria.

The Chairman NAB said NAB is Pakistan’s apex anti-corruption organization which is assigned with the responsibility of elimination of corruption through a holistic approach of awareness, prevention and enforcement. It operates under the National Accountability Ordinance-1999 which is extended to all of Pakistan, including FATA and Gilgit Baltistan. NAB has its Headquarter at Islamabad while it has seven regional Bureaus located at Karachi, Lahore, Pehsawar, Quetta, Sukkur, Multan and Rawlapindi.

The Chairman NAB said that NAB KPK Bureau is one of the important Regional Bureaus of NAB. It plays prominent role in contributing towards the overall performance of NAB. During the briefing, the Chairman was informed that NAB KPK during 2014 filed 35 references. NAB KPK received 5261 complaints during the year 2014 and all were disposed of. NAB KPK authorized 360 Complaints Verification in 2014 and disposed of 260 Complaints Verifications (CVs), completed 65 of the total 249 authorized inquires and completed 40 out of 54 authorized investigations. NAB KPK during 2014 recovered 159.512 millions and arrested 116 accused persons. NAB KPK has recovered Rs. 1615.250 million since its inception.

The Chairman NAB said Corruption is one of the major factors that hurdles the progress and prosperity of a country. It creates injustice, poverty and subside merit, depriving a deserving person of its due right. He said corruption affects country just like a cancer. Corruption not only causes delays in the early completion of development projects but also causes huge losses to national exchequer.

He said that increase in the number of complaints also reflects enhanced public trusted in the NAB. The PILDAT report for the last year also supports the position stated above as 42% people trusted NAB against 30 % for police and 29 % for government officials. He said the recent report of Transparency International also rated Pakistan in Corruption Perception Index (CPI) from 175 to 126 which is a great achievement for Pakistan due to NAB’s efforts.

The Chairman NAB appreciated the performance of NAB KPK Bureau and directed to arrest all corrupts and proclaimed offenders (POs). He also directed all ranks of officers of NAB KPK to work more vigilantly, diligently and honestly in order to curb corruption and corrupt practices from the country.

He said that (CI&MT) inspection team has done good work. He said performance of all wings of NAB KPK under the supervision of DG NAB KPK is appreciated. There is room for improvements, however good work is always appreciated and shows commitment of the Bureau.

@Leader @Jazzbot @WAJsal @khawaja07 @nomi007 @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @waleed3601
@Dr. Stranglove @Jzaib @insight-out @nasirahmad @mr42O
KP begins developing Ethics textbooks for non-Muslim students


Ironically, the KPTB hasn’t yet developed Ethics textbooks for public and private schools in the province. — AFP/file
PESHAWAR: Waking up from a deep slumber after decades, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Textbook Board has begun developing books on Ethics as an alternative subject to Islamiat for non-Muslim schoolchildren in the province.

Currently, Islamiat is not compulsory for non-Muslim students at schools. They can opt for Ethics subject in place of Islamiat.

Ironically, the KPTB hasn’t yet developed Ethics textbooks for public and private schools in the province.

The situation has forced missionary schools in the province to teach Ethics books published by the Punjab Textbook Board or written noted authors to their non-Muslim students.

“We have students of different religions, mostly Muslims and therefore, we have arranged teachers for them to teach things about the respective religions to them,” the principal of a local missionary school told Dawn.

He said every student had the right to learn about his/her religion and culture at school.

An official of the elementary and secondary education department said non-Muslim students of government schools mostly had no choice but to study Islamiat due to unavailability of Ethics teacher.

Sources in the KPTB said the study material on Ethics for fourth-12th grades had been prepared in light of the latest curriculum and that its review would begin soon.

They said the publication of textbooks on Ethics would begin once experts completed the review of study material.

The sources said efforts would be made to introduce some Ethics books for primary classes in the next academic year beginning April.

Most non-Muslims forced to study Islamiat in schools

A schoolteacher told Dawn that a non-Muslim ninth grader enrolled in the Government High School Dabgari selected Ethics as optional subject but had to change its decision due to unavailability of a teacher for it.

“We told him that it’s impossible to arrange a separate teacher for him,” he said. A total of 15 non-Muslim students are enrolled in the Government Primary School, Asia Gate, and six in the Government Middle School, Asia Gate. These students, all Sikhs, have been studying Islamiat since their enrolment.

A teacher said several non-Muslim school children had been securing excellent marks, which were far better than their Muslim colleagues, in the annual examinations and monthly tests. He said such students secured more marks in Islamiat than Ethics.

When contacted, special assistant to the chief minister on minority affairs Sardar Soran Singh said most Sikh students had long been studying Islamiat at government schools in the province.

“Non-Muslim students avoid selecting Ethics due to the absence of textbooks and study material,” he said.

Singh said unavailability of specialist teachers for Ethics was also to blame for non-Muslims not opting for Ethics as alternate to Islamiat.

Published in Dawn March 1st , 2015



It's 3233 no. post and m gonna take it to 3500 very soon with all of the good news coming from KPK.


KP eyes $1.2bn foreign investment from Investment Roadshow Dubai


Chief Minister Pervez Khattak.—INP/file
PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government expects around $1.2 billion foreign investment in different sectors particularly in energy, power, housing and agriculture sectors in the province.

Chief Minister Pervez Khattak told a news conference here on Friday that the recent Investment Road Show for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Dubai was successful as the response of foreign investors was very positive.

He said the investors, who attended the event, expressed willingness to make investment in the province though the local law and order situation was not conducive.

CM says investors at Dubai road show expressed interest in power, agriculture and housing sectors
The chief minister said investors showed interest in power generation, agriculture and housing sectors.

He said the law and order situation could not discourage investment and that development would continue.

The provincial government had organised a two-day investment moot in Dubai on February 24.

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan inaugurated the event. Organisers claimed investors from different countries attended the World Bank-funded moot in large numbers.

The chief minister said he didn’t attend the show due to his hectic schedule for the Senate elections to be held on March 5.

The ministers, advisers and senior officers also attended the conference.

The chief minister was more upbeat due to the success of his recent meeting with federal finance minister Ishaq Dar rather than the investment show in Dubai.

He said he had discussed 28 points with the finance minister, who made serious commitments to resolving the issues of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Khattak said the centre would clear the province’s arrears on the head of net hydel profit and agreed to allow the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government to generate electricity from surplus gas.

He said electricity produced from gas would be provided to industries, which would end unemployment in the province.

While responding to a question, the chief minister said foreign investors would come when PTI chairman Imran Khan became the prime minister.

“Investors have trust in Imran Khan and they will bring investment when he becomes the prime minister,” he said.

Khattak said Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had geographical disadvantage and was not feasible for industrialisation unless the government offered incentives.

He said provision of electricity could help attract industrialists.

When asked about the provincial government’s stand on the proposed changes in the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor route, the chief minister said his government had reservations about the matter and would not allow the federal government to make changes in the original plan.

He said the federal government would arrange a briefing for parliamentary leaders about the project.

Giving details of the investment show, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Investment and Trade vice chairman Mohsin Aziz said more than 12 letters of intent were signed with foreign investors during the conference.

He said $1.2 billion investment was expected in the province after these letters of intent were signed with investors.

Mohsin Aziz said members of Pakistan Business Council also attended the conference.

He said the show was project specific and investors were provided feasibility reports of different projects.

The board chairman said 12 letters of intent were signed with the tourism department and investors expressed interest in construction of rest houses.

He said investors also agreed to invest in the hydel power generation and establishment of oil refinery. Mohsin Aziz said the investors, who showed willingness in the installation of refinery, sought the government’s help in the acquisition of land for the plant.

He said $8 million investment was expected in the housing sector, while letters of intents were signed for making investment in the agriculture sector.

He also said foreign investors were aware of the current security situation in the country and that the government did not conceal anything from them.

Published in Dawn, February 28th, 2015

Emergency Response Squad Ready to Serve and Protect

Great governance is not about one off success or ad-hoc measures, its about creating a system that delivers time and time again, consistently. The building of institutions is at the forefront of PTIs agenda and that is the only way forward.


The ‘Billion Tree Tsunami’


The writer is a former minister of state for environment and the Global Vice-President of the IUCN. He is also the chairman of the PTI Green Growth Initiative in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and can be reached @aminattock

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” —Robert Swan

Unimplemented manifestos and hollow sloganeering have been the unfortunate hallmarks of Pakistan politics. Being a party advocating reform and change, the PTI is now endeavouring to shift this perception. The Green Growth Initiative, launched and currently underway, in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) has been a step in that direction. The most obvious litmus test for any such initiative, however, lies in translating it into projects on the ground and allocating them a share out of the budgetary pie. This important step was diligently followed last year and culminated in a stream of projects one of which is the Billion Tree Tsunami.

After going through a detailed consultation and development process, this flagship project is now clearly defining new frontiers for growth and protection of K-P’s forests. These forests can truly be termed the lungs of Pakistan — as they constitute 40 per cent of the country’s forest cover. Overall, Pakistan’s forest cover is a paltry four per cent of land area, which is one of the lowest in the world and much lower than the average of 35 per cent present in environmentally healthier countries. In addition, even this meagre forest cover is under threat with one of the highest deforestation rates in the world.

These trends are not only shockingly unacceptable but are now a direct threat to the country’s sustainable future. Owing mainly to its geography and topography, Pakistan is now considered one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change impacts. The melting glaciers in the north, erratic monsoon patterns and repeated devastating floods in the past few years have been a stark reminder of the devastation and infrastructure loss this vulnerability can cause. The ever-thinning forest reserve not only multiplies the loss due to climate change but also weakens one of the most effective tools that Pakistan has for not only sequestering carbon but also building local resilience to the impacts of climate change.

The K-P government has now committed to not only reversing the high rate of deforestation but also shifting the current philosophy from treating forests as ‘revenue’ machines towards preserving them as valued ‘natural capital’. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, the forest area in K-P is targeted for a major enhancement from 20 per cent to 22 per cent by 2018, which would entail bringing new area under forests as well as protecting and enriching the existing area. Thus, under the project, at least 30,000 hectares of additional forests will be planted through a massive afforestation drive. In addition, through enrichment measures, the tree cover in existing forests would be targeted for increase from 20 per cent to 30 per cent by 2018. This would entail protection and gap plantations in, at least, 27,000 hectares each year. The above ambitious targets would be achieved through the massive four-year Billion Tree Tsunami project, which is now underway.

The project has been designed with various innovative features, which are breaking new ground in K-P and aim to ensure the long-term sustainability of this drive. Under this project, small-scale ‘eco-preneurs’ are being created in the province by privatising various facets of forest growth and protection. In this regard, firstly an innovative programme for establishing ‘youth nurseries’ has been initiated. The government is encouraging local villagers to set up small nurseries (20,000-25,000 plants), which will have secure buy-back agreements with the Forest Department generating an income of between Rs12,000 to Rs18,000 per month for the local youth — thus providing green jobs with dignity for the youth of K-P. This programme is already underway and is backed by a detailed village-level GIS mapping done for the whole province.

Secondly, the project innovatively focuses on outsourcing new forest growth to the private sector — in addition to creating more eco-preneurs, this will also ensure survival of planted forests through performance-based payments spread over a three-year period as the saplings turn into trees.

Thirdly, for forest protection, the local communities being traditional custodians have been extended responsibility for ‘forest closure’ to ensure protection and enrichment of the forests. Under a partnership agreement with the government, they will be allowed to train and hire local ‘Forest Nigahbans’. This initiative will be financed by the government and provide more jobs for the youth and ensure responsible protection of forests.

The government is also in the process of establishing rules for REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation-plus) to capitalise on latent carbon benefits and transfer these benefits to the communities. In addition, a complete ban on cutting and felling of trees in the reserved forests of K-P and ensuring complete transparency through independent third-party monitoring utilising tools such as GIS monitoring and Google Forest Watch are other features of the programme. All these steps have been complemented with a crackdown against the powerful timber mafia, which has brutally shaved off more than Rs100 billion worth of natural forests in the past 10 years. The K-P government has publicly vowed to curb their activities, cut off their sources in the government, raise and strictly enforce penalties, enhance satellite real time monitoring and have a zero-tolerance policy towards their nefarious activities and reclaim nature from these mafias.

The Billion Tree Tsunami is a unique project extending a win-win opportunity for K-P, Pakistan and the world. For K-P, it is enhancing forest cover while generating green jobs for the youth. For Pakistan, this project will enhance water availability, reduce soil erosion and increase resilience against climate-induced floods. For the world, this project will sequester carbon and contribute towards global climate mitigation.

Overall, the Green Growth Initiative of K-P, embodied by projects such as the Billion Tree Tsunami, aims to create a paradigm shift in K-P’s growth trajectory — leading to prosperity, poverty reduction and a better quality of life for the people while fulfilling the imperatives for a cleaner environment.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 1st, 2015.

Emergency Response Squad Ready to Serve and Protect

Great governance is not about one off success or ad-hoc measures, its about creating a system that delivers time and time again, consistently. The building of institutions is at the forefront of PTIs agenda and that is the only way forward.


What a joke man. Why didn't you share the closer view pics of the other side of this ERS 15 vehicle ? Look at the broken door handle LOL. This vehicle is just a repainted old Nissan.



Oh really ? LOL

What a joke man. Why didn't you share the closer view pics of the other side of this ERS 15 vehicle ? Look at the broken door handle LOL. This vehicle is just a repainted old Nissan.



Oh really ? LOL

It's because KPK govt is doing all their jobs within the money they have. They are not taking loans like your leaders did and are doing. This is a great thing that they are not bringing bullet-proof cars like your govt did and after some time everybody got to know that the cars were not bullet-proof but were simple cars and your leaders fooled police officers and eaten all the money.

Maybe any of the user of that car (security officer) broke that lock?

Even in developed countries like Japan, China etc govt recycle old things and use it as long as possible. You told me another good thing about PTI govt in KPK. :)

BTW Who the hell are you to question it? Shall I remind you the performance of your govt in Sindh? Or in federal?







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