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Naxals killed 18 policemen

I have sympathy for those Naxal, the guerrilla guided by maoism. Because I know they are the poorest indian people in India. you indian's ruling class is the exploiting class and the Naxal belongs to the exploited class, so the uprising is only natural. yes, I know your democracy is fake.

Where there is oppression, there is revolt. This saying proved to be true in past china and it will go for today's India as well.

Your sympathy is appreciated but misplaced.

If the naxals feel so strongly, why don't they contest the elections ? If the commies can do so why not the naxals ?

Ruling class ?
I have sympathy for those Naxal, the guerrilla guided by maoism. Because I know they are the poorest indian people in India. you indian's ruling class is the exploiting class and the Naxal belongs to the exploited class, so the uprising is only natural. yes, I know your democracy is fake.

Where there is oppression, there is revolt. This saying proved to be true in past china and it will go for today's India as well.

The naxal ideology is only in name. They have forgotten ideology and are now nothing more than an alternative oppressive system under the areas of their control. Pathetically, in some places, their class war has turned into a caste war.

If the naxals feel so strongly, why don't they contest the elections?

Naxals don't believe in elections. According to them, if they were to fight elections, they will turn into the class oppressors that they are supposed to be fighting against.

Ruling class ?

Us. You. Me. Honestly, you don't know what ruling class means and you're here negating all leftist movements as "bloody commies". Perhaps you should try researching a subject before mocking it.
The naxal ideology is only in name. They have forgotten ideology and are now nothing more than an alternative oppressive system under the areas of their control. Pathetically, in some places, their class war has turned into a caste war.

Naxals don't believe in elections. According to them, if they were to fight elections, they will turn into the class oppressors that they are supposed to be fighting against.

Us. You. Me. Honestly, you don't know what ruling class means and you're here negating all leftist movements as "bloody commies". Perhaps you should try researching a subject before mocking it.

Lets not get personal. I own enough land to know what ruling class is or can be.

If the naxals do not wish to contest elections & wish to stay outside the system, they deserve whats coming their way... soon.
I own enough land

That explains your disdain for Naxals in particular and leftist movements in general.

If the naxals do not wish to contest elections & wish to stay outside the system, they deserve whats coming their way... soon.

Sigh. This kind of thinking will only help the Naxals.
That explains your disdain for Naxals in particular and leftist movements in general.

Sigh. This kind of thinking will only help the Naxals.

Have no time for idlers who only spread mischief without doing an honest days work.

Anyway, lets cut it out.
If the maoists really wanted betterment of the jangalmahal in west bengal they would have asked for better roads,a few schools,better medical facsilities as return for laying down their arms instead of asking for release of notorious naxals in custody and taking aback of commandos!!.........also you can see cut down roads and closed schools as fruitfull results of the armed maoist rebellion who talk of betterment of the deprieved!!.....BLOODY HYPOCRITES!
If the maoists really wanted betterment of the jangalmahal in west bengal they would have asked for better roads,a few schools,better medical facsilities as return for laying down their arms instead of asking for release of notorious naxals in custody and taking aback of commandos!!.........also you can see cut down roads and closed schools as fruitfull results of the armed maoist rebellion who talk of betterment of the deprieved!!.....BLOODY HYPOCRITES!

Jako...i agree with you but please keep in mind that their leaders have failed them miserably. Not that all Naxals are hypocrites but when you are failed by system for decades(read GOI here) its very easy to mislead you and unfortunately that's what happening with Naxals in large. I am on for use of force against the naxals who have taken violence as their medium to talk but we need to be very cautious here...always keep in mind that this is a political problem and cannot be solved by force. GOI needs to fasten up development process of Naxal belt. Mark my words the only way to defeat Naxals is to kill the public support that they have...remember Punjab...militancy was at its peak from 84 to early 90's but lost its tooth when they lost public support...KPS Gill can take the credit but the actual reason was no/less public support. May be overthinking here but i can see the same fate for Naxals because at present they are not working as per their Agenda which is betterment of tribal people and are more behaving like goons who want to have better life just for them....I would suggest read "paritosh" posts where he has very astutely described how Naxals have destroyed half of the schools that GOI built in Naxal belt....

I have sympathy for those Naxal, the guerrilla guided by maoism. Because I know they are the poorest indian people in India. you indian's ruling class is the exploiting class and the Naxal belongs to the exploited class, so the uprising is only natural. yes, I know your democracy is fake.

Well CherryError i would have loved to discuss with you on this topic but seems you are more interested in judgements than logic(if you already know that our democracy is fake then whats there to discuss)...so whatever keeps you happy...
Where there is oppression, there is revolt. This saying proved to be true in past china and it will go for today's India as well.

Agreed. What differentiates you is what medium you choose to revolt...In our independence history we have both Gandhi ji and Bhagat Singh so i will leave it to reader's interpretation...What matters is your actions should help the masses and not make life more difficult for them than what it already is
What the naxals need(read the sufferers or deprieved) are better representives and leaders who really want their betterment rather than work for their own vested interests under the veil of ARMED socialism!
What the naxals need(read the sufferers or deprieved) are better representives and leaders who really want their betterment rather than work for their own vested interests under the veil of ARMED socialism!

Bingo!...i am in 100% agreement with you. Unfortunately they don't such leaders(if they have than they are low profile), though when they had we were sleeping...well the damage has been done so i hope GOI will take some more prudent steps to avoid any collateral damage and bring our millions of deprived fellow indians to the path of progress
@ sympathy baba,

This was an attack on the sovereignty of India, we'll kill those who challenge our sovereignty, irrespective of your emotions.... now cut the crap...
:) I have no objection to Indian use of airforce against "terrorists" or whoever creates problem for you.

My reply was in statment by an Indian who was saying Pakistan is using force against own people while India is toooooooo much civilized and dont use forces against its own people.

We all know about Mezoram. and now after too much patience India is also resorting to use of airpower against Naxals.

So in such a situation silly statments from Indians should not be there.

Do you agree ?

I guess you are the only one who knows about mizoram!!!

How about providing some credible proof about your alligation?This is the second time i am asking you for proof. You sure you wanna duck the question again.
Dialogue with Naxals possible if they abjure violence: PM

Refusing to bracket Naxals with terrorists, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday ruled out use of armed forces against them and said that the government is willing to hold talks with them if they abjured violence.

"They (Naxals) are banned organisations and are covered under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act," he said replying to a question if the government proposed to declare the ultra-left groups as terror outfits.

"We are not in favour of using the armed forces against the Naxalites. The para-military forces and police are adequate (for counter-Naxal operations)," he told a press meet in Mumbai and underscored the need for looking at the causes of alienation of the people, particularly the tribals.

While terming Naxalism as the biggest internal security threat, the Prime Minister said dialogue with them was possible only if they shunned violence.

"Why the Naxalites alone, the government is prepared to have a dialogue with even the terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir if they abjure violence," he said.

Voicing concern over Saturday's audacious Taliban assault on Pakistan Military's General Headquarters in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, the Prime Minister said, "People and government of Pakistan should realise the great harm and (their) patronisation of terrorist groups have done to the South Asian region.

"The situation in our neighbourhood -- in Pakistan and Afghanistan is not as it should be. Rising role of terrorist groups is a matter of concern for us," he said.

Singh refused to be drawn into any controversy over CBI's decision seeking closure of the case against Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi in the Bofors gun deal.

"It is not proper for me to comment on CBI petition for closure of the case as it is sub-judice, but we acted on legal advice from Attorney General, Solicitor General (which was) endorsed by the Law Minister," he said.

Maintaining that the worst of price rise was over, the Prime Minister ruled out announcement of any fresh farm loan waiver and hoped that the Rabi crop would be normal.

He also described as "improper" the Maharashtra-for-Marathi campaign by MNS leader Raj Thackeray, saying, "I feel sorry. I am confident the people of Maharashtra will give him a befitting reply."

Dialogue with Naxals possible if they abjure violence: PM- Hindustan Times
IAF to take adequate steps to counter Naxals: Chidambaram

Government on Wednesday said the Indian Air Force will take adequate counter-measures to protect its choppers and pilots from Naxal attacks.

"The IAF will take adequate counter-measures," Home Minister P Chidambaram said when asked about IAF seeking permission from the Defence Ministry to open fire at Naxals if its helicopters or air crew came under attack.

However, the Home Minister refused to reveal any details.

Chidambaram said an IAF helicopter was fired at by the Maoists a few weeks back in Chhattisgarh.

Air Chief Marshal P V Naik had said the IAF had sought permission from the Defence Ministry to open fire in self-defence if its helicopters or air crew operating in the Maoist-infested areas came under attack.

'Confronting naxal is no war'

A day after Naxals brutally killed intelligence office Francis Indwar in Jharkhand, Home Minister P Chidambaram said today that if Naxals would abjure violence, the government can talk to them.

"The government does not call confronting Naxals a war. We do not wage war against our own people," he said.

It is the Naxals who are holding up to armed struggle, he added.

He clarified that as Naxals claim to be working for poor, the government also is working for the poor people. He said, the government can work togehter with Naxals but for this they would have to leave violence.

IAF to take adequate steps to counter Naxals: Chidambaram- Hindustan Times
These naxals were believed to confined and the government more or less just ignored them now they seem to be spreading ;and the government is responding to something they should have done from the start.
Crude bomb explodes, 3 minor girls killed in Dumka

Three minor girls were killed today and another injured when a crude bomb planted atop a tree exploded in a village in Dumka district, police said.
The blast occured in Kendpahari village when the girls, out of curiosity, brought down the "object" kept in the hallow of the tree and tried to tear it open, Superintendent of Police Arun Kumar Singh said in Jharkhand.
Kolammati Marandi (10) and Niru Tudu died on the spot while Sonamati Tudu (6) succumbed to injuries at a local hospital, he said, adding eight-year-old Savitri is battling for life in the hospital.
The girls had gone to feed cattle at a pasture in the village when they noticed the bomb.
Police have launched raids to identify the culprits who had put the bomb in the hollow of the tree.

Crude bomb explodes,3 minor girls killed in Dumka- Hindustan Times
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