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Nawaz Sharif or Taliban-Nawaz Sharif?


Apr 27, 2010
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Everyone talks about IK all the time and call him Taliban Khan and other names because he's pro peace talks and has been very vocal about it all over the media. But no one talks about our Prime Minister who is more to be blamed because he is the one who is in authority to take the decisions.

The problem with IK is he's just vocal about whatever he believes, but NS on the other hand is a true coward who has a track record of friendship and alliances with extremists in past and is well known for under the table deals with terrorists. His deep relations with sectarian group LeJ is known to everyone. Now watch what Kashif Abbasi just revealed about him recently.

The thing is, IK doesn't hold any public portfolio or any ministry, but this dumbo is our freaking Prime Minister.

From past, here are a few other things from these ganja brothers as a reminder:

Shahbaz`s plea to `spare Punjab` - DAWN.COM


Full Story: http://express.com.pk/epaper/PoPupwindow.aspx?newsID=1100882611&Issue=NP_KHI&Date=20100315


@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Leader @pkuser2k12 @Jzaib @airmarshal @Echelon @RescueRanger @CrazyPaki @FaujHistorian @Azlan Haider @A.Rafay @mafiya @balixd @chauvunist
So IK was slammed in the previous thread u started and now u want the same to happen to the sharif brothers. Let me make it easy, they both are wrong for being blind towards those terrorists commonly known as the TTP. No one should have a soft corner for talibans as they r killing ur people. As for the N-league govt. they would eventually have to go towards the right decision and support the army for an operation. Would if have been IK in power he would have stuck to his opinion no matter what as he would have denied the reality that he is not the only stake holder behind the scene and that would not have ended well.
Everyone talks about IK all the time and call him Taliban Khan and other names because he's pro peace talks and has been very vocal about it all over the media. But no one talks about our Prime Minister who is more to be blamed because he is the one who is in authority to take the decisions.

The problem with IK is he's just vocal about whatever he believes, but NS on the other hand is a true coward who has a track record of friendship and alliances with extremists in past and is well known for under the table deals with terrorists. His deep relations with sectarian group LeJ is known to everyone. Now watch what Kashif Abbasi just revealed about him recently.

The thing is, IK doesn't hold any public portfolio or any ministry, but this dumbo is our freaking Prime Minister.

From past, here are a few other things from these ganja brothers as a reminder:

Shahbaz`s plea to `spare Punjab` - DAWN.COM


Full Story: http://express.com.pk/epaper/PoPupwindow.aspx?newsID=1100882611&Issue=NP_KHI&Date=20100315


@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Leader @pkuser2k12 @Jzaib @airmarshal @Echelon @RescueRanger @CrazyPaki @FaujHistorian @Azlan Haider @A.Rafay @mafiya @balixd @chauvunist

nice try bacha, keep trying and maybe some believe you
PML-N ------------- Pakistan Mullah League - Nadan group

Taliban Khan and Noora are both big time duffers when it comes to Talibarbarians
PML-N ------------- Pakistan Mullah League - Nadan group

Taliban Khan and Noora are both big time duffers when it comes to Talibarbarians

And what is your strategy to deal with them?

If Kamran Abbasi is saying it, I may have to believe it.

Nawaz Sharif actions since his coveted third term in the office is nothing but cowardice. From dealing with economic, energy issues to terrorism. Not a single solid step which shows his 'experience' or his leadership.

Some in govt are saying operation are justified and is being done against foreign elements. Fair enough. I agree against foreign militants operation be carried out and they cant be offered talks.

But what about local militants there? Just like operation is being carried out against foreign militant with swift resolve, why haven't we seen govt moving with same resolve for talks with local militants? It just shows lack of commitment, lack of leadership & most importantly lack of courage to deal with the problem.
PML-N ------------- Pakistan Mullah League - Nadan group

Taliban Khan and Noora are both big time duffers when it comes to Talibarbarians

I like your posts like always, you mentioned two parties you forgot zia/establishment and their buddies who were suppose to liberate kashmir and bring islamic peace revolution in the region no kindly tell us all how these special people played double game before nadan group or even ik came to the scene? When I say special people i am pointing towards people with-in them both in top and lower orders.
So IK was slammed in the previous thread u started and now u want the same to happen to the sharif brothers. Let me make it easy, they both are wrong for being blind towards those terrorists commonly known as the TTP. No one should have a soft corner for talibans as they r killing ur people. As for the N-league govt. they would eventually have to go towards the right decision and support the army for an operation. Would if have been IK in power he would have stuck to his opinion no matter what as he would have denied the reality that he is not the only stake holder behind the scene and that would not have ended well.

Its not like I started the thread just because IK got slammed in another thread :lol: It was a phase 2 of that idea, I am already working on phase 3 for PPP.. So stay tuned.. ;)
Everyone talks about IK all the time and call him Taliban Khan and other names because he's pro peace talks and has been very vocal about it all over the media. But no one talks about our Prime Minister who is more to be blamed because he is the one who is in authority to take the decisions.

The problem with IK is he's just vocal about whatever he believes, but NS on the other hand is a true coward who has a track record of friendship and alliances with extremists in past and is well known for under the table deals with terrorists. His deep relations with sectarian group LeJ is known to everyone. Now watch what Kashif Abbasi just revealed about him recently.

The thing is, IK doesn't hold any public portfolio or any ministry, but this dumbo is our freaking Prime Minister.

From past, here are a few other things from these ganja brothers as a reminder:

Shahbaz`s plea to `spare Punjab` - DAWN.COM


Full Story: http://express.com.pk/epaper/PoPupwindow.aspx?newsID=1100882611&Issue=NP_KHI&Date=20100315


@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Leader @pkuser2k12 @Jzaib @airmarshal @Echelon @RescueRanger @CrazyPaki @FaujHistorian @Azlan Haider @A.Rafay @mafiya @balixd @chauvunist

Nawaz Sharif is more politically mature and smart than Imran Khan. he is keeping his mouth shut and don't speak frivolously , that's why nobody jumping their gun on NS. On the other hand, IK, without caring what should he speak at which time drawing more flank.
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nice try bacha, keep trying and maybe some believe you

Thanks chacha, and for a note I don't want anyone to believe me. I just want everyone to see the facts and decide using their own head.

I just presented few facts, if you want then go ahead and prove them wrong. ;)

Nawaz Sharif is more politically mature and smart than Imran Khan. he is keeping his mouth shut and speaks , that's why no body jumping his gun on NS. On the other hand, IK, without caring what should he speak at which time drawing more flank.

Exactly, this is what I've been saying since long. IK's main problem is, he's way more vocal at peace talks than anyone else and that is where things go wrong.

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Its not like I started the thread just because IK got slammed in another thread :lol: It was a phase 2 of that idea, I am already working on phase 3 for PPP.. So stay tuned.. ;)

Pakistani educated elite need to address the root cause aka Islamism

These parties are just symptoms of much deeper rot in our belief system, and our combined economic outlook,.
Nawaz Sharif is more politically mature and smart than Imran Khan. he is keeping his mouth shut and speaks , that's why no body jumping his gun on NS. On the other hand, IK, without caring what should he speak at which time drawing more flank.

That politics for you. Even when nation is suffering, you are educating us of Nawaz Sharif political acumen.

Leadership requires to speak to engage in a dialogue too. Thats how clean politics is run. When someone is dumb and duffer like Nawaz, it only means he has no leadership skill or he can only take decisions, whatever they are, in secrecy or when they are forced on him.

Imran, rightly or wrongly has ignited a debate through his courageous stance. Being in Pakistan and all his property in Pakistan, he wants to live and die with you. Not some fly by night lootera group who has businesses and properties abroad.

Terrorism being a national issue needs debate not some closed door, 'say something do something else' trickery which for most of us is 'leadership'!
Nawaz Sharif is more politically mature and smart than Imran Khan. he is keeping his mouth shut and speaks , that's why no body jumping his gun on NS. On the other hand, IK, without caring what should he speak at which time drawing more flank.

That's a good point.

I didn't think about this aspect.

We in Karachi are too busy with phone calls from London,

---- And sadly they are not from the QUEEN, but a fat little drama queen :D

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