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Nawaz Sharif assured by military there will be no coup but in return he must “share space"

Pakistani generals come winning in every episode. There is a reason they are at the PM house.

They know if PM house goes down - Next will be GHQ. Because if the politicians go in the jail -

Things will start rolling
Names start flowing

Ex and current corrupt jernails are saving their throne. The day Pakistani people understand this power game - It will be a new day. Pakistain current and ex jernails will never want a true revolution in Pakistan. They are a mafia. Just like any mafia - They won't give up control easily.

Cool story
Cool story

Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power - Robert D. Kaplan - Google Books

Zarar Zamin:


The Official Website of SECP

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Newspapers reported that DHA had allowed the offices to be reopened, but would not deal with them directly or indirectly. “They are still blacklisted and the DHA is not going to issue affidavits and allocation letters for property being dealt by them.” DHA authorities said that these offices had been sealed because many people had complained of “irregularities” in transactions.

The most disturbing aspect of the whole scandal, feared by some real estate experts, is that in their scramble to make big money, Army Officers working in the DHA may have sold large tracts of lands to Indian buyers who were investing in DHA lands through their Dubai front offices.

According to one source one company had been inquiring about buying 500 acres of land near the Pak-India border. Under the mess that was going it, it may have done so already.

Say what? Any truth?

All of that is pretty marginal in comparison to what our blessed civilian leaders have done in the past 4 decades.
Ultimately the powers that are in control in Pakistan are not internal, not our generals or our sacred democratic leadership.

All of that is pretty marginal in comparison to what our blessed civilian leaders have done in the past 4 decades.
Ultimately the powers that are in control in Pakistan are not internal, not our generals or our sacred democratic leadership.

Lets forget who did the most. Tell me one thing - Those that pump evil are the lesser evils of all? Really?

Zia Ul Yakki brought Kink Nawaz. Kink Nawaz was corrupt. Zia Ul Yaqqi was not? Mushy came to clean the system. Who did he form the government with? Chaudhary bradran and imported PM?

Instituitonal corruption in Pak Army is way more than politicians. Current jernails can't do much as the ex ones have strong connections + current jernails land in the same lala land of milk & honey.

If you want - I can give you more links to read.

Of course, not everything media says is true.

Bottom line is - Those who brought Kink Nawaz, worked with him and so on belong to the same herd. An honest Pakistani soldier cannot make it to COAS. At least I do not think so. Because if that was the case - Ever in Pak History - He would have started cleaning maham within the ranks. No one did - Which makes me think all of them are complicit.

Even wig Ch Nisar has things around him. A clean man cannot reach that level. Unless he/she belongs to the feudal lord. Any case, my whole premise is built on history. If you are part of the system or do not take action within your ranks - It means you benefit.
I don't blame PMLN. The situation is forced on PMLN. So-called lovers of democracy [PTI-ian/PAT-ian], ab bugtoh.

There is still tiny percent of victory for democracy as the alternative is not pretty.
I don't blame PMLN. The situation is forced on PMLN. So-called lovers of democracy [PTI-ian/PAT-ian], ab bugtoh.

There is still tiny percent of victory for democracy as the alternative is not pretty.
An an, its always winner takes all. PML-N ceded authority, PTI ceded credibility, TuQ, well he is a hired mercenary anyways, but the biggest winner is military.
Another gift of Inqilab and Azadi
Another gift of Inqilab and Azadi

By the end of this month Chinese President was expected to come to Pakistan to sign Energy deals but it seems these dharnas backed by army will make sure it doesn't happen. His plane will be on its way to Sri Lanka and India.
By the end of this month Chinese President was expected to come to Pakistan to sign Energy deals but it seems these dharnas backed by army will make sure it doesn't happen. His plane will be on its way to Sri Lanka and India.
Well for military a weaker civilian government would always be easy to manipulate. If a military can cause its own economy to bleed for its political objectives, well anything can be expected in the long run.
Moeed was talking about the spread of civil disobedience on international media.On the contrary, this event has so far been already picked up by Reuters and Economist (Both widely read in investor community across the world). Soon We'll see WSJ and NYT reporting it -God forbid- and the image rebuilding of Pakistan as a military state will be complete.
All fault of Nawaz Sharif idiot.

PML(N)/PTI are both parties that do not want military influence beyond the acceptable limit.

If PML(N) had resigned...formed a neutral government..reformed electoral process..and had conducted free and fair elections..guess what?

Military would have been side-lined and stability would have spread in Pakistan..and in all likelyhood, PML(N) would still came out on top with more seats than PTI/PPP etc.

But alas, only if PML(N) had a vision.
Musharraf ke martial law say chand din pehley..

Unprecedented Video Inside Supreme Court Shows Anti-Corruption Protestor Forcibly Removed | Tune.pk

Before musharaf, s Marshallaw- noora league , s attack on pakistan , s supreme court!

There are too many mahajirs in the army high command who were promoted by Musharraf in his reign over which there was a lot of cry in 2006 as far as I remember it was reported in geo tv. Those mahajir army high rank officials in the army and ISI are the main rogue elements causing problems for his government at the moment, also they are the same people who are behind all the propaganda in the favor of their daddy musharraf. NS should understand that the biggest enemies of NS and PMLN are mahajirs and he should remove them from all important posts, but this idiot NS made a mahajir as president of pakistan. All the analysts taking toeing the line of establishment appear mahajir from their accents. NS the stupid has so many mahajirs all around him whose reasons I can never understand, the idiot badly became prime minister due to the votes of punjabis but I see the least number of punjabis on any important official postion in the government other than his own close friends and relatives. Dr. Miftah, Zubair umar are also mahajirs who are holding important positions in the government. The situation in the army is even worse where so many mahajirs are enjoying very influential positions despite being 5% of pakistan's population. On this forum too , all the haters of NS, PMLN and people of punjab are in general of suspected mahajir origins.

All these situations arise due to arrogance of NS , only if he can get over his arrogance the situation will never reach to such point that all the opposition, media and public turns against him.
So now pakarmy is Muhajir army? Lolzzz
Cause it's not saving noora, s fake mandate? Great , noora logic!
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