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Nawaz mediating between Taliban, Karzai

Its very obvious that Saudis are US's Puppets and they never can go beyond, while Robert Gattes refuse to compromise. i have serious concerns about it that these are the delibrate efforts to creat confusions and uncertainities among the region especially in Pakistan.

This cud be a sort of tactics being used as cover to keep nation's attentions on the fake issues diverted from some thing criucial which may be not benefical for Pakistan in long run. We shouldn't forget that our nukes are their hot target which want to capture by hook & crook.
Nawaz Sharif would be better off trying to fix some of the problems at home because he is certainly no expert diplomat or negotiator as we saw in Kargil to our expense.

Nawaz Sharif and Qazi Hussain are both doing/saying childish things these days to get attention from the public. If this is true it is pathetic, he ignores all the problems at home and blames all the surcide bombings on ISI and the ARMY and now he will go solve the problems of a superpower?
Neither Nawaz nor Qazi Hussein Ahmad are "independent" actors - when they speak it is their master's voice we hear.
Hey hey hey

Where is that American Slogan "We Don't talk to the TERRORISTS".

Why they are asking for the help of nawaz sharif and Saudi Arabia to broker talk with the SO called Terrorist or Taliban.

Its not wise to look Nawaz sharif with doubtful eyes because we all Know USA, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were the One who Created this FRANKANSTEIN Taliban and Nawaz Sharif's Govt saw the rise of TALIBAN so KSA and NS are the best players who can Broker negotiations and may Bring Peace in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

USA has lost the war, they will not be able to say that they won the war because everyone will know That Peace came by Dialogue not by military might of USA
Actually it was more like Benizer Bhutto's government that saw the rise of the Taliban. You see the problem with these guys is that they dont have any moral stance, they dont have any ideology other than staying in power and criticizing the other guy when they are not in power. Like all the stuff Bhutto used to say about being the only Pakistani leader who is the enemy of terrorists and the ISI and all that, she was the one in power when Pakistan sponsored the Taliban.

Like in America, there are the republicans and the democrats, and both have different ideologies and visions on how they want to see their country. There is a constant tug of war and therefore there is balance and merits of both the ideologies become self-evident. America then treads a relatively balanced path in the long run. Both sorts of people get to see their leaders in calling shots at some point and there is no disillusionment.

But people like Sharif and Bhutto, they'd say anything they need to get power and change it the next day. Sharif says he will do a better job fighting terrorists when he meets western people, and in Pakistani rallies he tells everyone that Musharraf and the Army are fools for 'fighting Americas war'. Same thing with the religious parties, they claimed Musharraf to be a savior right after the coup just like they did with Zia, and now they both become vile military dictators who over threw a democratic and ‘popular’ governments. So there is no Islamic Vs Secular spectrum like there should be in any country, no right wingers that defend the national security with very high regard and the left wingers that take a more pacifist view on things... There is just these guys.

During the Soviet war the religious parties were absolutely thrilled that we were helping the Mujahideen, but now they say Pakistan Army made these ‘daemons’ and is therefore getting what it deserves (we are not to blame despite the fact that we ruled NWFP and Balochistan all this time).

Nawaz Sharif comes to Pakistan and tells people that look the west is cutting off aid to Pakistan because Musharraf is an idiot, but fact is that when he and Imran Khan go to meet congress men and senators, they are the ones who positively insist that Pakistan should have its aid cut because only they can produce better results in the WoT.

So you see these guys are good for nothing. They have no loyalty, no vision and no nationalism.
:agree: Kasrkin rightly said.

The problem with our political leaders is that all they can see and rush to short-term gains.

Every political party which has been part of the military rule directly or indirecly when thrown out of power, come with cheap shots like that.
Blaming the ruling party and the military for all the ills whereas shutting their minds and closing eyes towards what their role has been in brining all these ills to the country.

As far parties like JUI-JI and others with all changing names once in a while well they had been enjoying the rule in almost every government. Even US and west has been in this misperception and still is, that they can put pressur and have influence on fighting forces in Afghanistan well trust me they are only middlemen who are used for conveying messages.

Look at the Qazi Hussain Ahmad during all these years of Musharraf and even now when they claimed to have a democractic government, he fails to gather few people who could side with him for his rallies.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman even failed to win his seat from his native town whereas if Mr Akram Durrani (former CM NWFP) did not ask his people from Bannu and if he did not used his other means to win votes for Fazlur Rehman, well nobody even would have seen him at a small press conference either.
Bhutto certainly had no problem working for 'dictator' Ayub Khan and make his career, just like Sharif who certainly had no problem working for 'dictator' Zia-ul-Haq. Qazi-Hussain and MMA certainly had no problem ruling Balochistan and NWFP under 'dictator' Musharraf and hailed him when he took office, as did Imran Khan.
Opportunity in a general sense, however Saudi While in service to the US, are players in their own right.

:) well yes but i say this time we should be more careful and more selfish while dealing with these "players in their own right".
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This is just more evidence that Nawaz Sharif is power hungry he will negotiate with anyone to fulfill his ultimate goal.
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