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Nawaz launches Rs3.9 billion gas project in Kohat

While ignored other billion-dollars that came into the fruition for the economy of Pakistan which is now being undermined by Islamabad lockdown leading by anarchist, and precisely why many businessmen ran away from Peshawar under the ruling of Imran Khan to Lahore. Do i need to account more to point out why the business investors avoid Imran Khan like plague?

Quad-e-Azam solar power plant is still in effect. Nandipur project is launched by Pervez Musharraf, abandoned under the ruling of Zardari, and then picked up by Nawaz Sharif due to lack of energy sectors option. With the great amount of investment recently on energy sectors, it makes no sense to continue with Nandipur project that might cost more for maintenance than the estimated profit. Nandipur project is never been PMLN to begin with, yet PMLN went out of its way to revive the abandoned project.

What can you understand about the energy sectors given the fact that you support Imran Khan that personally picked Pervez Khattak for the long history of anti-development including Khala baag damn and now CPEC. Since when do you care about development even though only PMLN has bothered to invest on the development of Pakistan in the history of Pakistan. :D
How much time u have to waste for writing useless post full of made up stuff
How much time u have to waste for writing useless post full of made up stuff

It depends. Time is being wasted, but for better or for worse. I'd like to believe that i am utilizing my time for better, plus my posts are very insightful for the readers to gain the perspective about what is happening in Pakistan.

You, on the other hand, is supporting proven certified Anarchist with the long history of supporting terrorist-outfit aka TTP, picked Pervez Khattak with the long history of anti-development of Pakistan, and now housing every anti-Pakistani elements to undermine the stability of Pakistan whether politically, economically, and systematically all for the sake of protesting against corruption which your Imran Khan fired his own accountability team for exposing the corruption from within his party not long ago.
The only reason PTI is in crisis is because of illiterate tatto's like you.
First of all I'm pretty sure I'm more qualified compared to you . I have pretty awesome job.

Yes, I support imran khan and I am proud of it .
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday performed the groundbreaking ceremony of a gas project worth nearly Rs3.9 billion in Kohat city of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where his rival Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf is in government.

"This is not a small project — has anyone done this for Kohat before? Who has spoken about gas for kohat before - the project is being launched today," the premier said.

"4 billion rupees is nothing, Nawaz Sharif will even give his life for you," the prime minister said.

In his address, the prime minister also promised to open a hospital in Kohat and launch a project of free treatment.

"I will make a state-of-the-art hospital here. Your children will not have to go to Islamabad and Rawalpindi for treatment, treatment will be provided to them here,” he said. "Nobody will have to sell their assets for treatment."

"Kohat, Pindi Gheb will be joined by a highway... you will become closer to Islamabad and Peshawar."

He said orders for the construction of the highway have been given to the chairman of National Highways Authority, who was present during the address.

A campus of Kohat University for women will be constructed, the prime minister announced.

'We will bring change in KP'
To roaring applause, Nawaz said a railcar service will be launched from Rawalpindi to Kohat and back.

"CPEC is being made, it will bring prosperity and progress to Pakistan," Nawaz said, adding that loadshedding will be "finished forever" by 2018.

Saying Khyber Pakhtunkhwa should be changed for good, he vowed: "We will bring that change."

Taking a jibe at the opposition, he said: "The opposition are worried that if Pakistan remains on this path to success their political careers will end by 2018."

"They have not done anything in KPK over the past three years. The PML-N government will come to power in KPK in 2018," the premier added.

Nawaz's visit to Kohat comes at a time when the the opposition party, PTI, and the ruling PML-N have locked horns over the Panamagate scandal.

PTI has announced plans to lay siege on the capital on Nov 2 "at any cost" if by then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif doesn’t agree to an investigation into the Panama Papers leaks, under the terms of reference proposed by the opposition, or resign from his position.

Its so weird Pakistani consumer already facing gas load shedding and Nawaz is spending billions of dollar on gas project......from where this 3.9 billion came ????....

Isn't he talk like king, instead of politician ...........app ko da diaa........like he is giving from his pocket....lolzz
First of all I'm pretty sure I'm more qualified compared to you . I have pretty awesome job.

Yes, I support imran khan and I am proud of it .

Qualified in what? Destruction? Destroying yourself, your family and your future at the hand of Imran Khan that is determined to burn Pakistan to the ground just because the world doesn't revolve around Imran Khan?
According to my views, it is just like the marketing of their party.
Because he started this project out of Punjab after getting trouble from opposition.
He is not a good PM of Pakistan.
It depends. Time is being wasted, but for better or for worse. I'd like to believe that i am utilizing my time for better, plus my posts are very insightful for the readers to gain the perspective about what is happening in Pakistan.

You, on the other hand, is supporting proven certified Anarchist with the long history of supporting terrorist-outfit aka TTP, picked Pervez Khattak with the long history of anti-development of Pakistan, and now housing every anti-Pakistani elements to undermine the stability of Pakistan whether politically, economically, and systematically.
I can answer to your post but I think most of think you are repeating . but I will give it a short again

1) if standing against corruption is anrchiest so be it . anchrist is someone who attacked SC , who attacked army , who toppled Benazir government , who have attacked Wapda in last tenure .

2) Mujhadian is made by Zia . Taliban was created out of then by PMLN. TTP is made out of Taliban and Shahbaz Sharif called them brothers . advised them to attacked other province but Not Punjab. And we all saw they listened to him

3) now pervez Khattak is anti Pakistan ? Did people who leaked story to dawn about critical national security meetings . who was so happy that modhi was elected that he went To swear in ceremony . who give most favourite nation title to India . who let all soilders die in kargil. Who support army action against terrorist in Punjab .
Its so weird Pakistani consumer already facing gas load shedding and Nawaz is spending billions of dollar on gas project......from where this 3.9 billion came ????....

Because Nawaz came into power in 2013? Invested on the energy sectors from 2014? Probably the only one to invest on energy sectors given Pervez Musharraf and Zardari did nothing during their ruling? Since the investments poured from 2014, that means 7-10 years is needed to complete the project. I have hard time believing that it can be done before 2018 realistically. But miracles do happen. :D
Qualified in what? Destruction? Destroying yourself, your family and your future at the hand of Imran Khan that is determined to burn Pakistan to the ground just because the world doesn't revolve around Imran Khan?
What destruction . ? Cities blocked by government . tear shell attacked by Punjab police . how did PTI did distraction ? Please eleborate ?
Yay, because this is at the top of our priorities.....
Because Nawaz came into power in 2013? Invested on the energy sectors from 2014? Probably the only one to invest on energy sectors given Pervez Musharraf and Zardari did nothing during their ruling? Since the investments poured from 2014, that means 7-10 years is needed to complete the project. I have hard time believing that it can be done before 2018 realistically. But miracles do happen. :D
These are security sensitive project and required a huge pre project study. It take two to three hears to select the company through open bidding, if open bidding. .....damn...if people know the procedure it takes years...
I can answer to your post but I think most of think you are repeating . but I will give it a short again

1) if standing against corruption is anrchiest so be it . anchrist is someone who attacked SC , who attacked army , who toppled Benazir government , who have attacked Wapda in last tenure .

2) Mujhadian is made by Zia . Taliban was created out of then by PMLN. TTP is made out of Taliban and Shahbaz Sharif called them brothers . advised them to attacked other province but Not Punjab. And we all saw they listened to him

3) now pervez Khattak is anti Pakistan ? Did people who leaked story to dawn about critical national security meetings . who was so happy that modhi was elected that he went To swear in ceremony . who give most favourite nation title to India . who let all soilders die in kargil. Who support army action against terrorist in Punjab .

Amazing. That is new height of stupidity to no end. :D

Shabhaz called TTP their brothers in 90s during when there was no TTP? The same TTP that is indian-funded recently born somewhere from 2003 as confessed by Ajit Doval, in-charge of Indian NSA?

Let me guess. Pakistan army had no role behind the development of Afghan Taliban aka former Afghan Mujahideen? The same Afghan Taliban that is bankrolled by Pakistan army to design for pro-Pakistani foreign policy in Afghanistan had no role in Afghan Taliban at all?

The same TTP, that was born recently, Imran Khan defended knowingly that TTP was killing innocent people including children? In fact, in the entire history of Pakistan - only Imran Khan has defended TTP and even proposed political offices for TTP.

No, no. Pervez Khattak is the most loyal in the history of Pakistan. He loves his Pakistan more than Pukhtoonistan. He loves Khala Baag dam and CPEC. He never instigates racial wars. He even goes against those who oppose development of Pakistan. Brilliant and loyal man!!!

Interesting fun fact about Imranistan i am learning today. Delusions to no end. :D

These are security sensitive project and required a huge pre project study. It take two to three hears to select the company through open bidding, if open bidding. .....damn...if people know the procedure it takes years...

No, it takes only a second. Imran Khan is the proof of that. Imran Khan is able to get the energy sectors rolling in KP and now there is no load shedding in KP anymore. :D

What destruction . ? Cities blocked by government . tear shell attacked by Punjab police . how did PTI did distraction ? Please eleborate ?

As the result of costing Pakistan more than 500 billion rupees in the last dharna, holding cities and towns as hostage, burning infrastructures, blocking ambulance to kill 15 years old boy, forcibly closing down local businesses against their wills, instigating civil wars in form of racial wars?

As long as Nawaz Sharif is PM as democratically elected by the people' votes, he is responsible for the state of Pakistan. Even if it means controlling the situation through the local police enforcement to containers to preserve the the stability of politically, economically and systematically, then so be it.
Amazing. That is new height of stupidity to no end. :D

Shabhaz called TTP their brothers in 90s during when there was no TTP? The same TTP that is indian-funded recently born somewhere from 2003 as confessed by Ajit Doval, in-charge of Indian NSA?

Let me guess. Pakistan army had no role behind the development of Afghan Taliban aka former Afghan Mujahideen? The same Afghan Taliban that is bankrolled by Pakistan army to design for pro-Pakistani foreign policy in Afghanistan had no role in Afghan Taliban at all?

The same TTP, that was born recently, Imran Khan defended knowingly that TTP was killing innocent people including children? In fact, in the entire history of Pakistan - only Imran Khan has defended TTP and even proposed political offices for TTP.

No, no. Pervez Khattak is the most loyal in the history of Pakistan. He loves his Pakistan more than Pukhtoonistan. He loves Khala Baag dam and CPEC. He never instigates racial wars. He even goes against those who oppose development of Pakistan. Brilliant and loyal man!!!

Interesting fun fact about Imranistan i am learning today. Delusions to no end. :D

No, it takes only a second. Imran Khan is the proof of that. Imran Khan is able to get the energy sectors rolling in KP and now there is no load shedding in KP anymore. :D

As the result of costing Pakistan more than 500 billion rupees in the last dharna, holding cities and towns as hostage, burning infrastructures, blocking ambulance to kill 15 years old boy, forcibly closing down local businesses against their wills, instigating civil wars in form of racial wars?

As long as Nawaz Sharif is PM as democratically elected by the people' votes, he is responsible for the state of Pakistan. Even if it means controlling the situation through the local police enforcement to containers to preserve the the stability of politically, economically and systematically, then so be it.




It is official. Imranistan officially lost the plot. As for Pakistan army, i sincerely hope they are reading the comments of Imranistan.

I cannot even explain where to begin with taking your post into the account. Your post truly epitomize exactly what is wrong with Imranistan. May God protects Pakistan from such mainstream stupidity that is becoming trend now. :confused:

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