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Nature's Music


Jul 22, 2012
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I would like to dedicate this thread for the different beauty of nature in terms of sounds of nature:

This is what it sounds like when you put tree rings on a record player.

This is an excerpt from the record Years, created by Bartholomäus Traubeck, which features seven recordings from different Austrian trees including Oak, Maple, Walnut, and Beech. What you are hearing is an Ash tree’s year ring data. Every tree sounds vastly unique due to varying characteristics of the rings, such as strength, thickness and rate of growth.

Keep in mind that the tree rings are being translated into the language of music, rather than sounding musical in and of themselves. Traubeck’s one-of-a-kind record player uses a PlayStation Eye Camera and a stepper motor attached to its control arm. It relays the data to a computer with a program called Ableton Live. What you end up with is an incredible piano track, and in the case of the Ash, a very eerie one.

Hats off to Traubeck for coming up with the ingenious method to turn a simple slice of wood into a beautiful unique arraignment. It makes you wonder what types of music other parts of nature would play.

Read more at This is what it sounds like when you put tree rings on a record player. | REALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information

Dream-Like Song Created From Birds Perched On Electric Wires Proves Nature Is Perfect (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post | by Sarah Barnes

"Reading the newspaper one morning, I saw this picture of birds on the electric wires," says video creator Jarbas Agnelli." I cut out the photo and decided to make a song, using the exact location of the birds as notes. I was just curious to hear what melody the birds were creating."

Interpreting the position of birds as musical notes resulted in the beautiful piece you hear above. The work was made over an original photo shot by Paulo Pinto and published in 2009 in a Brazilian newspaper "O Estado de São Paulo."

The video description ends with this: "I just erased the birds for effect at the end, but didn't change their positions at all. What would be the point?"

Dream-Like Song Created From Birds Perched On Electric Wires Proves Nature Is Perfect (VIDEO)

Jim Wilson | God's Chorus of Crickets | crickets audio recording slowed way down

Tom Waits (on Jim Wilson): "Wilson, he's always playing with time. I heard a recording recently of crickets slowed way down. It sounds like a choir, it sounds like angel music. Something sparkling, celestial with full harmony and bass parts - you wouldn't believe it. It's like a sweeping chorus of heaven, and it's just slowed down, they didn't manipulate the tape at all. So I think when Wilson slows people down, it gives you a chance to watch them moving through space. And there's something to be said for slowing down the world."

Source: "Woyzeck to run at Freud Playhouse". Daily Bruin (USA), by Andrew Lee. December 3, 2002

Find more on the recording on this link:www.democraticunderground.com/10023815586

Tom Waits on Tom waits talking about this recording -gloriousnoise.com/2008/tom_waits_i…rviews_tom_waits

More on the recording - hearingvoices.com/transcript.php?fID=142

You can buy original recording here - www.amazon.com/Gods-Chorus-Crick…=viglink124132-20

Original recording from the author -www.constancedemby.com/godscricketchorus_f.html

And more: scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/…d-down-crickets/

Jim Wilson | God's Chorus of Crickets | crickets audio recording slowed way down by acornavi on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
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