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NATO Summit: Pakistan Offers No Quarter

پاکستان اور امریکی تعلقات

ميں يہ دوہرانا چاہتا ہوں کہ امریکی حکومت اس خطے میں پائیدار امن اور استحکام لانے میں پاکستان کے اہم کردار پر پختہ یقین رکھتی ہے۔ امریکی سیاسی اور فوجی قیادت نے بارہا اس امر کی نشاندہی کی ہے کہ ہمارے مشترکہ علاقائی مقاصد کے حصول کے لیے دونوں ممالک کو مل کر کام کرنے کی زیادہ ضرورت ہے۔ یہ ایک ناقابل تردید حقیقت ہے کہ ماضی قريب میں کچھ بدقسمت اور ناخوشگوار واقعات کی وجہ سے ہمارے باہمی تعلقات کو کافی نقصان اٹھانا پڑا ہے۔ ليکن اس کے باوجود ہمارے انتہا پسندی اور خطے میں امن کو یقینی بنانے کے لئے مشترکہ خواہش اورمقصد ہمیں ایک دوسرے سے باندھے ہوئے ہيں اورموجودہ چیلنجوں پر قابو پانے ميں نہايت مددگار ہے۔ امریکی حکومت اس بات پر پختہ يقين رکھتی ہے کہ بہتر تعاون اور رابطوں کے ذریعے ہی ہم ان غیر انسانی انتہا پسندوں کو شکست دینے ميں کامياب ہوسکتے ہيں۔

یہ نوٹ کرنا نہايت اہم ہے کہ سیاسی اور اقتصادی اعتبار سے ایک مستحکم اور فعال پاکستان ہی امریکہ کے وسیع تر مفاد میں ہے۔ ہم خطے ميں پاکستان کو ایک کلیدی ملک سمجھتے ہيں اور خطے میں پائیدار امن اور ديرپا استحکام کا دارومدار پاکستان کے استحکام پر ہی منحصر ہے۔ وقت کا يہ تقاضہ ہے کہ ہم اپنے باہمی اختلافات کو پس پشت رکھ کر اور دہشت گردی کی لعنت کو ختم کرنے پر اپنے مشترکہ کوششوں کو اس پر مرکوزکريں جس نے خطے کے امن کو تباہ کيا ہوا ہے۔

امریکی حکومت حقیقی طور پر پاکستان کی خود مختاری کا احترام کرتی ہے اوراس قسم کے تعلقات اور شراکت داری کے ليۓخواہاں ہيں جو نہ صرف يہ کہ اسٹريجک بنيادوں پر استوار ہو، بلکہ ديرپا، طویل المدت، پائیداراور واضح طور پر متعين بنيادوں پر قائم ہو۔ امریکی انتظامیہ پارلیمانی پالیسی کی سفارشات کی روشنی میں پاکستانی حکومت کے ساتھ تمام باہمی مفادات کے مسائل پرفعال طور پر جاری بات چیت میں مصروف ہے جس ميں نیٹو کی سپلائی کی بحالی بھی شامل ہے جو بشمول افغانيوں کے افغانستان میں موجود درجنوں اقوام کو متاثر کرتی ہے۔

مزید براں، امریکی حکومت اس بات پر پختہ یقین رکھتی ہے کے پاکستانی حکومت پر يہ منحصر ہے اور اسے يہ حق بھی حاصل ہے کہ اپنے ملک اور شہريوں کے طویل المیعاد مفادات اور نفع کے لئے وہ فيصلے کريں جو پاکستان کے عوام کے ليے مناسب اور زیادہ فائدہ مند ہو۔ اس کے علاوہ امریکی حکومت پاکستان پر قومی اور ملکی فیصلوں کے مخصوص نتائج حاصل کرنے کے لئے کسی بھی قسم کا غلط دباؤ نہیں ڈال رہی ہے جس کا کچھ مبصرين نے جھوٹا دعوی کیا ہے ۔

ڈیجیٹل آؤٹ ریچ ٹیم، شعبہ امریکی وزارت خارجہ

The U.S. – Pakistan Relationship

Let me reiterate that the U.S. government strongly believes in the crucial role of Pakistan in bringing lasting peace and stability to the region. The U.S. political and military leadership have repeatedly highlighted that there is a greater need of both the countries working together for the sake of achieving our common regional objectives. This is an undeniable fact that our relationship and partnership has suffered due to some unfortunate incidents in the recent past. Nevertheless our common cause against extremism and the urge for ensuring peace in the region bind us together, and help us overcome existing challenges. The U.S. government is convinced of the inevitability of defeating these inhumane radicals through better cooperation and coordination.

It is important to note that it is in the greater interest of the U.S. to see a politically and economically stable and vibrant Pakistan. We believe that Pakistan is a keystone for ensuring stability in the region and enduring peace in the region is contingent upon its stability. The need of the hour is to set aside our differences and direct our joint efforts towards the menace of terrorism that has devastated peace in the region.

The U.S. government genuinely respects Pakistan’s sovereignty and seeks a partnership with Pakistan that is long-term, enduring, strategic, and more clearly defined. The U.S. administration is actively engaged in a continuing dialogue with the Government of Pakistan in the light of parliamentary policy recommendations on all bilateral issues of interests including the resumption of NATO supply which affects dozens of nations in Afghanistan and the Afghans themselves.

Furthermore, the U.S. strongly believes that it is up to the government of Pakistan to decide as to what will be most beneficial for the long-term interests of its citizens and country. Also, the U.S. is not pressurizing Pakistan for a particular outcome of the national and regional decisions as falsely claimed by some of the commentators.

Tashfin – Digital Outreach Team, The US State Dept,
The height of arrogance displayed by Obama is unbelievable. While walking on the street if you accidentally bump into somebody people start apologizing. This isn't a sign of weakness but humbleness. This is what a good human being is. This is what the society teaches us. Good manners, politeness and humbleness.

And here this guy is finding it hard to apologize on behalf of his troops for the mass murder committed by them. And he is the leader of a so called free world, well mannered and champion of human rights. A holder of UN's peace award. And yet he finds it hard to say Thank You to a country which for 11 years has given his nation an almost free ride in carrying out their mission.

All of that amounts to nothing now and what he holds the grudge on is a six months of supply route halt. Truly an arrogant and ill mannered human being. Not an ounce of integrity remains in him as makes a colossal mess out of more than six decades long relations between US and Pak.
IF that is true, then surely it will translate into increasing US willingness to meet Pakistan's demands then. So when USA apologizes and pays $10k per truck, you will know whether that is true or not.
Yes! this is absolutely right we will agree with U over here.I would luv this to happen ......:D
An excellent suggestion by AQ, exploring a separation of the supply lines for NATO countries other than the US:

great suggestion! this separation of US supplies and european supplies would immediately reveal to the world that europeans will have no supplies and will need none - this will show the anglo-americans to be the most isolated bunch of all in afghanistan because if pakistan indeed offers to supply europeans, it will instantly prove that europeans aren't in this fight any more and have long abandoned anglo-american leadership~ha~ha~ha

the guy is a genius
Great suggestion in the article posted by AM. That we should looks at seperarting supply coming from European nations and the US. There is no quarrel with them. They can send their supplies for their troops. There is not much a quarrel with the US either but the arrogance and thickheadedness of Obama and his administration.
The height of arrogance displayed by Obama is unbelievable. While walking on the street if you accidentally bump into somebody people start apologizing. This isn't a sign of weakness but humbleness. This is what a good human being is. This is what the society teaches us. Good manners, politeness and humbleness.

And here this guy is finding it hard to apologize on behalf of his troops for the mass murder committed by them. And he is the leader of a so called free world, well mannered and champion of human rights. A holder of UN's peace award. And yet he finds it hard to say Thank You to a country which for 11 years has given his nation an almost free ride in carrying out their mission.

All of that amounts to nothing now and what he holds the grudge on is a six months of supply route halt. Truly an arrogant and ill mannered human being. Not an ounce of integrity remains in him as makes a colossal mess out of more than six decades long relations between US and Pak.

This guy is a big disappointment both in foreign department and what he's done domestically.

He'll definitely NOT be getting my vote in the next elections.
^^ When you force apology it has no meanings.

I think Pakistanis have misplaced sense of apology!

پاکستان اور امریکی تعلقات

ميں يہ دوہرانا چاہتا ہوں کہ امریکی حکومت اس خطے میں پائیدار امن اور استحکام لانے میں پاکستان کے اہم کردار پر پختہ یقین رکھتی ہے۔ امریکی سیاسی اور فوجی قیادت نے بارہا اس امر کی نشاندہی کی ہے کہ ہمارے مشترکہ علاقائی مقاصد کے حصول کے لیے دونوں ممالک کو مل کر کام کرنے کی زیادہ ضرورت ہے۔ یہ ایک ناقابل تردید حقیقت ہے کہ ماضی قريب میں کچھ بدقسمت اور ناخوشگوار واقعات کی وجہ سے ہمارے باہمی تعلقات کو کافی نقصان اٹھانا پڑا ہے۔ ليکن اس کے باوجود ہمارے انتہا پسندی اور خطے میں امن کو یقینی بنانے کے لئے مشترکہ خواہش اورمقصد ہمیں ایک دوسرے سے باندھے ہوئے ہيں اورموجودہ چیلنجوں پر قابو پانے ميں نہايت مددگار ہے۔ امریکی حکومت اس بات پر پختہ يقين رکھتی ہے کہ بہتر تعاون اور رابطوں کے ذریعے ہی ہم ان غیر انسانی انتہا پسندوں کو شکست دینے ميں کامياب ہوسکتے ہيں۔

یہ نوٹ کرنا نہايت اہم ہے کہ سیاسی اور اقتصادی اعتبار سے ایک مستحکم اور فعال پاکستان ہی امریکہ کے وسیع تر مفاد میں ہے۔ ہم خطے ميں پاکستان کو ایک کلیدی ملک سمجھتے ہيں اور خطے میں پائیدار امن اور ديرپا استحکام کا دارومدار پاکستان کے استحکام پر ہی منحصر ہے۔ وقت کا يہ تقاضہ ہے کہ ہم اپنے باہمی اختلافات کو پس پشت رکھ کر اور دہشت گردی کی لعنت کو ختم کرنے پر اپنے مشترکہ کوششوں کو اس پر مرکوزکريں جس نے خطے کے امن کو تباہ کيا ہوا ہے۔

امریکی حکومت حقیقی طور پر پاکستان کی خود مختاری کا احترام کرتی ہے اوراس قسم کے تعلقات اور شراکت داری کے ليۓخواہاں ہيں جو نہ صرف يہ کہ اسٹريجک بنيادوں پر استوار ہو، بلکہ ديرپا، طویل المدت، پائیداراور واضح طور پر متعين بنيادوں پر قائم ہو۔ امریکی انتظامیہ پارلیمانی پالیسی کی سفارشات کی روشنی میں پاکستانی حکومت کے ساتھ تمام باہمی مفادات کے مسائل پرفعال طور پر جاری بات چیت میں مصروف ہے جس ميں نیٹو کی سپلائی کی بحالی بھی شامل ہے جو بشمول افغانيوں کے افغانستان میں موجود درجنوں اقوام کو متاثر کرتی ہے۔

مزید براں، امریکی حکومت اس بات پر پختہ یقین رکھتی ہے کے پاکستانی حکومت پر يہ منحصر ہے اور اسے يہ حق بھی حاصل ہے کہ اپنے ملک اور شہريوں کے طویل المیعاد مفادات اور نفع کے لئے وہ فيصلے کريں جو پاکستان کے عوام کے ليے مناسب اور زیادہ فائدہ مند ہو۔ اس کے علاوہ امریکی حکومت پاکستان پر قومی اور ملکی فیصلوں کے مخصوص نتائج حاصل کرنے کے لئے کسی بھی قسم کا غلط دباؤ نہیں ڈال رہی ہے جس کا کچھ مبصرين نے جھوٹا دعوی کیا ہے ۔

ڈیجیٹل آؤٹ ریچ ٹیم، شعبہ امریکی وزارت خارجہ

The U.S. – Pakistan Relationship

Let me reiterate that the U.S. government strongly believes in the crucial role of Pakistan in bringing lasting peace and stability to the region. The U.S. political and military leadership have repeatedly highlighted that there is a greater need of both the countries working together for the sake of achieving our common regional objectives. This is an undeniable fact that our relationship and partnership has suffered due to some unfortunate incidents in the recent past. Nevertheless our common cause against extremism and the urge for ensuring peace in the region bind us together, and help us overcome existing challenges. The U.S. government is convinced of the inevitability of defeating these inhumane radicals through better cooperation and coordination.

It is important to note that it is in the greater interest of the U.S. to see a politically and economically stable and vibrant Pakistan. We believe that Pakistan is a keystone for ensuring stability in the region and enduring peace in the region is contingent upon its stability. The need of the hour is to set aside our differences and direct our joint efforts towards the menace of terrorism that has devastated peace in the region.

The U.S. government genuinely respects Pakistan’s sovereignty and seeks a partnership with Pakistan that is long-term, enduring, strategic, and more clearly defined. The U.S. administration is actively engaged in a continuing dialogue with the Government of Pakistan in the light of parliamentary policy recommendations on all bilateral issues of interests including the resumption of NATO supply which affects dozens of nations in Afghanistan and the Afghans themselves.

Furthermore, the U.S. strongly believes that it is up to the government of Pakistan to decide as to what will be most beneficial for the long-term interests of its citizens and country. Also, the U.S. is not pressurizing Pakistan for a particular outcome of the national and regional decisions as falsely claimed by some of the commentators.

Tashfin – Digital Outreach Team, The US State Dept,

Now who cannot appreciate such noble intentions?

Thanks you Tashfin for the kind words.
The height of arrogance displayed by Obama is unbelievable. While walking on the street if you accidentally bump into somebody people start apologizing. This isn't a sign of weakness but humbleness. This is what a good human being is. This is what the society teaches us. Good manners, politeness and humbleness.

And here this guy is finding it hard to apologize on behalf of his troops for the mass murder committed by them. And he is the leader of a so called free world, well mannered and champion of human rights. A holder of UN's peace award. And yet he finds it hard to say Thank You to a country which for 11 years has given his nation an almost free ride in carrying out their mission.

All of that amounts to nothing now and what he holds the grudge on is a six months of supply route halt. Truly an arrogant and ill mannered human being. Not an ounce of integrity remains in him as makes a colossal mess out of more than six decades long relations between US and Pak.
LoL you are finding it strange when not getting an apology for something as murky as salala and cribbing. Has your country apologized to bangladeshis for the genocide? See apology is not really that simple. Specially given the sad mess that was salala.
He should have skipped the whole thing. But he went anyways.
And PPP can never take credit for this refusal to open the supply. They had years to negotiate a proper deal for Pakistan. Only the pressure of elections forced them to do something this time.
bomb blasts have ended in Pakistan after the closing of nato supply.....is it possible that nato containers contains ready to use IED's that are thrown out on Pakistani roads?
The height of arrogance displayed by Obama is unbelievable. While walking on the street if you accidentally bump into somebody people start apologizing. This isn't a sign of weakness but humbleness. This is what a good human being is. This is what the society teaches us. Good manners, politeness and humbleness.

And here this guy is finding it hard to apologize on behalf of his troops for the mass murder committed by them. And he is the leader of a so called free world, well mannered and champion of human rights. A holder of UN's peace award. And yet he finds it hard to say Thank You to a country which for 11 years has given his nation an almost free ride in carrying out their mission.

All of that amounts to nothing now and what he holds the grudge on is a six months of supply route halt. Truly an arrogant and ill mannered human being. Not an ounce of integrity remains in him as makes a colossal mess out of more than six decades long relations between US and Pak.
I get the apology part given things available in public domain it seems right. I kind of feel they probably did it to teach a lesson. I however do not get 5000$ per truck part that amount looks like trying to exploit the situation. We have to remember world does not end after 2014 nor US dominance, by asking for that money request for apology is now looking like trade. The message we are getting is, we can forget the apology if you pay me the money. Does not build good image.
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