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NATO forces serve world bankers: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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NATO forces serve world bankers: Analyst

Interview with peace activist Kenneth O'Keefe

Press TV has conducted an interview with peace activist Kenneth O’Keefe to talk about the presence of foreign forces in Afghanistan.

What follows is a rush transcript of that interview:

Press TV: What do you make of the mounting death of the NATO soldiers? We are seeing 25 soldiers, foreign forces, killed in Afghanistan this year. Two drones have crashed in Afghanistan this month alone and also we saw the crashing of a British helicopter. Many are saying that this shows the strength of the Taliban who are right now in the middle of their spring offensive. Do you see it that way too?

O’Keefe: Well, there is no question whatsoever that the people of Afghanistan, whether it be the Taliban or anybody else, are defending their homeland. And clearly we, the United States and the NATO powers, we haven’t had no reason to go Afghanistan at all. Let us not forget importantly, that Osama bin Laden was offered to the US government if they only provided some evidence that he was involved in 9/11 and not only did they not do that, but the FBI very famously stated that there was no evidence linking bin Laden to 9/11 and therefore he was never even charged.

So the whole reason why we supposedly had to invade Afghanistan was in fact a lie. There was never any reason for it. We’ve never had a moral basis to justify our presence there and in the end, this is exactly what will happen. As an immoral action, we have no real basis to be there and morally, we do not have any defense of staying there either, because the people who are there, the Taliban and otherwise, are defending their homeland. So they are going to beat us and we will leave eventually. There is no question of this.

Press TV: Well, speaking of leaving, the US is pressuring the Afghan government to sign a security pact that will allow the US at least, to remain beyond 2014. Why do you think the US is insisting on doing so? Do you think the new Afghan government will agree to it?

O’Keefe: Well, you know [Afghan President] Hamid Karzai knows well that his existence for the most part has been very much contingent upon the security provided to him and he has done largely the bidding of the United States most of the last decade. However, it’s clear that things are changing there and he understands very well that he’s got a bullseye on his head for all of the bidding that he has done for the United States. So I hope that he will not sign any deal that will absolve the United States prosecution for its crimes over there.

Clearly that’s what the United States wants, not just in Afghanistan, but around the world. They feel they can get away with bloody murder everywhere and they should never be prosecuted. There should never be any punishment for it and I hope that Hamid Karzai takes a stand and does not allow any kind of deal that would allow that to continue.

Press TV: Well, Mr. O’Keefe, I also would like to touch upon NATO as a military alliance. Right now we are seeing it being used, also with regards to Russia as it creeps closer and closer eastern Ukraine. Its role in Afghanistan we have all seen. What do you make of the role that NATO has played in much of the conflicts in the world today?

O’Keefe: I see NATO the same way I see the US military and the British military, and basically what they are is nothing more than a force for the banksters. The bankers of the world love war. It’s very profitable and also achieves the goal of dividing the human population, because nothing divides people more than having bombs dropped on them.

So ultimately, I see NATO as nothing more than a multiforce for the bankers and clearly they have no reason or right to be starting fights with anybody. What’s happening with Russia is really kind of the last rose of the American empire. I have no doubt that the empire is in full decline and it will not continue to be the policeman of the world. So, NATO is nothing more than a force for the bankers, if you ask me. And they will continue to act that way until we as the people change the whole system.

PressTV - NATO forces serve world bankers: Analyst
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