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NATO containers attacked in Balochistan


Apr 27, 2012
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NATO containers attacked in Balochistan


QUETTA: A group of armed men attacked two containers carrying relief goods for NATO in the Dhadar area of Balochistan on Sunday.

No one has claimed the responsibility for the attack.

According to local official of Balochistan Levies, two NATO containers were on their way to Afghanistan from Karachi when a group of assailants on motorbikes opened fire at them.

“They torched one of the containers and partially damaged another. One NATO container was completely gutted while fire tenders managed to save another from complete destruction,” Naib Teshildar of Balochistan said.

The attackers fled from the scene after setting the NATO containers on fire. No one was hurt in the attack.

Nato has started its exit from Afghanistan a few months ago. The route through Balochistan has become critical to Nato operations, as PTI-led activists set up unofficial checkpoints to block Nato supply routes in K-P since November 24, after a call by PTI chairman Imran Khan.

NATO containers attacked in Balochistan – The Express Tribune
Well done destroy their supplies and let those american pigs in Afghanistan starve to death :yahoo:
Well done destroy their supplies and let those american pigs in Afghanistan starve to death :yahoo:
Comments on this website and facebook resembles your comment. I would rather say that what would be the consequences of this incident.
Against JEW NATO it's terrorism, against muslims it's freedom
Published yesterday, so this means nato supplies are continue via Baluchistan. Was expected from US puppets of Riwind..
Killing is condemned
no one was killed in this attack)

The fan-boys aren't known to ponder over the consequences , mate . They will just emotionally suggest do something without even thinking of the results .
Everything is crystal clear and we know the american intentions in our region.If you have a little love for this country then get emotional rather then being selfish and fearful about consequences.

Is it ? No , it is getting murkier day by day seeing the rampant radicalization in the society and the internal enemies . Please , do not get me wrong about ' defending any American actions ' , my loyalty lies with Islamabad , with my own country . But you have to follow your brain here , not your heart . You may not know the over dependency of your country to Washington D.C . Suppose Pakistan blocks the NATO supplies completely , what happens afterwards ? The US-Iran ties are already mending , what if the Americans ask them for transit and slaps sanctions on Islamabad ? Good for the already-on-the-verge-of-decline economy of the country ? Good losing the last leverage over the Yanks from a strategic point of view ? I do not think so .

Is it ? No , it is getting murkier day by day seeing the rampant radicalization in the society and the internal enemies . Please , do not get me wrong about ' defending any American actions ' , my loyalty lies with Islamabad , with my own country . But you have to follow your brain here , not your heart . You may not know the over dependency of your country to Washington D.C . Suppose Pakistan blocks the NATO supplies completely , what happens afterwards ? The US-Iran ties are already mending , what if the Americans ask them for transit and slaps sanctions on Islamabad ? Good for the already-on-the-verge-of-decline economy of the country ? Good losing the last leverage over the Yanks from a strategic point of view ? I do not think so .
I think using iran for the supplies is not an option for USA otherwise they would have used iran for this purpose a long time ago.And even they if they do so it will be better for us ,now it,s the time to separate ourselves from their so called war on terror,by doing so at least there will be no more sectarian killings and bomb blasts in our country. Our economy is not 100% dependent on usa and what they call an aid is just a service fee for fighting their dirty war.Well the only sanctions they impose on us are the military ones and i think that won,t affect us because we are already dependent on Chinese military hardware.
Our common enemies continue to work against our peace objectives in the region. These acts of terror prove that they pose a serious threat to the safety of our nations. The sad part is that they continue to prey upon innocent lives in order to push their deadly agenda forward. And unfortunately, another innocent driver has fallen victim to their atrocities. But we will not let these acts of terror deter us from achieving our peace objectives in the region. We’ve come a long way in regards to our partnership and realize the importance of staying unified against our common enemies. Those who think that they can break our common desire to succeed are simply mistaken.

Our deepest and most heartfelt condolences go out to the friends and family of the driver who died in this attack. We hope that his friends and family will find the strength to deal with this tragedy. We look forward to working closely with the government of Pakistan, and negate the threat of terrorism through shared cooperation.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
I think using iran for the supplies is not an option for USA otherwise they would have used iran for this purpose a long time ago.And even they if they do so it will be better for us ,now it,s the time to separate ourselves from their so called war on terror,by doing so at least there will be no more sectarian killings and bomb blasts in our country. Our economy is not 100% dependent on usa and what they call an aid is just a service fee for fighting their dirty war.Well the only sanctions they impose on us are the military ones and i think that won,t affect us because we are already dependent on Chinese military hardware.

Alright . Then how do you explain , the Americans angering their old and trusted allies in the Middle East - the Arabs and the Israelis to reach a deal with Tehran , in such case ? Just why ? The Govt of America is known to go to any lengths to safeguard its interests . If certain rumors or uncredible reports are to be believed , then the Yanks have already asked Iran for a route to withdraw their equipment , this is the new geopolitical situation developing in the region and due to the " immature politics " by some politicians , we are poised to lose that final leverage too . Yes , it may prove to be better for us , in the long run as the attention will divert on Tehran , but for now the economy doesn't permit that and I can assure you , that the religious psychopaths ( Taliban , LEJ etc ) fighting the republic of Pakistan and murdering our civilians need no excuse to continue their bloodshed for the sake of bloodshed programme , even if we isolate ourselves from this war which we joined unwillingly , they are going to continue harping how " Pakistanis are infidels " and " how the whole system of the country should be changed " and their " draconian laws be enforced " . Lets see how far can we get with the ill-advised ' peace talks ' though I do not know , what common ground can we ever have with them .

I didn't say that our economy is completely dependent on U.S. or European Union , but still I do not think you have no idea of the gravity of the economical situation . Our forex reserves are going down every day , my friend . You need IMF at the moment more than ever . You cant afford to anger the EU because it gives you trade incentives . That is the problem , the American aid isn't the only one . You have over dependent on a country and this is something which is never good .
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Our common enemies continue to work against our peace objectives in the region. These acts of terror prove that they pose a serious threat to the safety of our nations. The sad part is that they continue to prey upon innocent lives in order to push their deadly agenda forward. And unfortunately, another innocent driver has fallen victim to their atrocities. But we will not let these acts of terror deter us from achieving our peace objectives in the region. We’ve come a long way in regards to our partnership and realize the importance of staying unified against our common enemies. Those who think that they can break our common desire to succeed are simply mistaken.

Our deepest and most heartfelt condolences go out to the friends and family of the driver who died in this attack. We hope that his friends and family will find the strength to deal with this tragedy. We look forward to working closely with the government of Pakistan, and negate the threat of terrorism through shared cooperation.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
Nice try) But no one with a thinkable brain is going to believe your bu-ll shit.And what peace objectives in this region lol?))Your dirty and unfavourable presence in this region is the only reason behind every single problem.So get the f-uck out of here.

Is it ? No , it is getting murkier day by day seeing the rampant radicalization in the society and the internal enemies . Please , do not get me wrong about ' defending any American actions ' , my loyalty lies with Islamabad , with my own country . But you have to follow your brain here , not your heart . You may not know the over dependency of your country to Washington D.C . Suppose Pakistan blocks the NATO supplies completely , what happens afterwards ? The US-Iran ties are already mending , what if the Americans ask them for transit and slaps sanctions on Islamabad ? Good for the already-on-the-verge-of-decline economy of the country ? Good losing the last leverage over the Yanks from a strategic point of view ? I do not think so .

tu phir sedhay alfaaz may ise tarhan marwatay rahay ?? jesay pichlay 10 saal say so called BAHADUR general ke harkatoon ke wajah say 50,000 Pakistani marwa bhetay hain ??
tu phir sedhay alfaaz may ise tarhan marwatay rahay ?? jesay pichlay 10 saal say so called BAHADUR general ke harkatoon ke wajah say 50,000 Pakistani marwa bhetay hain ??
I agree with you and that,s that i was trying to tell him ,now it,s time to take a serious action .Go read the latest news finally imran khan nato blockade is working and the nato countries started to beg him for the supply route.We really need some more people like imran khan to solve this problem.
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