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NATO can take Kaliningrad oblast in 2 weeks according to military experts

Are you serious? Russians have some of the best scientists in the world.
Without new breed of new scientists and engineers Russia will not sustain superpower status and slowly decline toward its superpower status New scientists and engineers are necessary for sustaining superpower status, with a current trends of quite low fertility rate most Russian population will become aged/eldary peoples which doing nothing for the country but burden on economy
Without new breed of new scientists and engineers Russia will not sustain superpower status and slowly decline toward its superpower status New scientists and engineers are necessary for sustaining superpower status, with a current trends of quite low fertility rate most Russian population will become aged/eldary peoples which doing nothing for the country but burden on economy

Science and sustainability have to be balanced. At current population level, humanity won't survive to the end of this century.

Week beginning on December 22, 2019: 412.21 ppm
Weekly value from 1 year ago: 409.24 ppm
Weekly value from 10 years ago: 388.17 ppm

And as result Russia will be nuked also

Could be. I'm no prophet nor do I pretend to be one.
And remember rest of the world will using 7 or 8 gen jets and Russia stuck with 4 or 5 gen jets in 2100

Science and sustainability have to be balanced. At current population level, humanity won't survive to the end of this century.

Week beginning on December 22, 2019: 412.21 ppm
Weekly value from 1 year ago: 409.24 ppm
Weekly value from 10 years ago: 388.17 ppm

You're nobody to predict we are not sustain in a next century if current population trends continue you're not the expert on everything for god sake stop pretending to be prophet or something you shithead
And as result Russia will be nuked also

But the war won't be started by Russia. It would be started by US invasion of Kaliningrad oblast.

And remember rest of the world will using 7 or 8 gen jets and Russia stuck with 4 or 5 gen jets in 2100

You are no prophet. Talking like this gets you executed in KSA for impersonating Muhammad PBUH.
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But the war won't be started by Russia. It would be started by US invasion of Kaliningrad oblast.
Why you assume that you're that only west/USA will start war on Russia, couldn't be possible that Russia will starts war first in future just like Russian starts invasion and captured lots of eastern European countries at the start of COLD WAR, this is biased opinion
You are no prophet. Talking like this gets you executed in KSA for impersonating Muhammad PBUH.
And i am not pretending to be prophet or something and you're not getting my points, with old/aging population of Europe which include western Russia, with a no new breeds of new scientists/Engineers Russian military industrial complex stuck and remain idle,If Russian want to improve their overall economy and military industrial complexes either they should increase their population by increasing fertility rates or allow new immigrants to utilized their unused resources
Why you assume that you're that only west/USA will start war on Russia, couldn't be possible that Russia will starts war first in future just like Russian starts invasion and captured lots of eastern European countries at the start of COLD WAR, this is biased opinion

If every country fights for land that were once theirs, there be war between every country every day. No one wants that.
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If every country fights for land that were once theirs, there be war between every country every day. No one wants that.
if you have nothing to say then you started troll and rants and starts diverting topic, you're biased opinion worth nothing why you think only west will be stated a war on Russia why not Russia will starts war over EU or USA
if you have nothing to say then you started troll and rants and starts diverting topic, you're biased opinion worth nothing why you think only west will be stated a war on Russia why not Russia will starts war over EU or USA

All humans are evil. Be they Russians or anyone else. Humans kill each other for land for hundreds of thousands of years. Every single day there is war on this planet. They poison the planet. They ruin natural habitat. They drive wildlife to extinction. No animals other than humans slaughter their own kind. Humans are disease.

Week beginning on December 22, 2019: 412.21 ppm
Weekly value from 1 year ago: 409.24 ppm
Weekly value from 10 years ago: 388.17 ppm

the problem with Kaliningrad is that it surround.

Russia only has the 11th Corp station there.
2 Motorized Rifle BDEs
1 marine BDE
1 Self propelled Field Artillery BDE
1 Missile BDE

80 Tanks, 240 IFV.

the most black sea fleet is located there. also about 2 fighter Squadrons

the problem is that most of the remaining Western Front ground forces are just as far from there as most of nato forces. not to mention they would have to invade and take the baltic 1st. which means they would have to leave forces there to hold those.

the three combined Baltic nations have
2 Mech BDEs???, 9 Infantry BDEs if you they fully mob. (no tanks, no IFV). but the baltics are great for defense. forest, swamps, and urban areas. are great for light Defensive forces.

Poland (counting Reserves) forces taking Kaliningrad.
2 Cav BDEs, 2 Tank BDEs, 3 Mech BDEs, 14 Infantry BDEs, 1 CAB, 2 ADA BDEs. there also 1 US Armored BDE CBT TM in Poland.

1100 tanks
800 IFVs.

48 F16C/D
28 MiG29

Follow on Forces

Western Military District (includes reserves)
2 armies (1GTA & 6 CAA) plus Airborne Corp.
4 Tank BDEs
8 Motor Infantry BDEs
6 airborne BDEs
1 Cav BDE

8 Field Artillery BDEs

1 Engineer BDE
2 Logistic BDEs
1 Signal BDE

820 tanks
1320 IFVs

31 Mig-31
42 SU-27
34 Mig-29
10 SU-30
24 SU-34
16 SU-35

15 SU-24
64 Atk Copters

the 20th Guard Combined Armed army is a real distance. so unless it was pre moved it would take a while. same is true of the Russian Southern Military District.

NATO (US, Ger, CZ, Slovak, France, Den, Neth, Bel, UK). the US, UK, French forces are station in Germany.
4 Tank BDEs
14 Mech BDEs
2 Motorized Infantry BDEs
2 Airborne BDEs
1 Air Mobile BDE
1 Infantry BDE

2 Field Artillery BDE
2 CABs

8 Log BDEs
1 Med BDE
4 Sig BDEs
3 Eng BDEs

582 tanks
2054 IFV

153 Attack Copters

295 Typhoons
55 F15E
100 Rafale
14 JAS39
77 F16C/D
12 MiG29
107 Mirage 2000
154 F16A/B

88 Tornado

the French army, Spain, Italy, Rom, Hungary, UK, US and other NATO ground forces would be overwhelming in numbers. not to mention Air units.

the naval in balance would be even greater. if Russian forces were dumb enough to move out on the offensive or counter attack NATO they would be punished. the smart move would be to fight a defensive war. but even then that would be stacked against them.
Lithuania in particular has strong claim to Kaliningrad oblast because before Teutonic knights took it by force in 1255 it used to be part of Lithuania. This region was Slavic territory before Germans conquered it in 1255 and founded Konigsberg the biggest city in eastern Germany until 1945 when it was annexed by USSR and renamed Kaliningrad. Kaliningrad is a little over 1,000 km from Moscow.


Aren't the Baltic States ethnically Kievian Rus? And even if NATO tries to take Kalinin Oblast, they will find a hundreds of Iskander-M raining down upon them. NATO under the Zionist-American ownership is itching for a war against the Russian Federation. Suffice to say, the fear held by Eastern European countries, such as Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine of a Russian invasion, are misplaced. Russia never invaded Europe.N Quite the opposite, Nazi Germany had invaded Russia. Also, Soviet Union was a Jewish-Khazarian Bolshevik entity which brutally ruled and oppressed Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe. The Russian Federation, is NOT the brutal Soviet/Jewish-Khazarian/Bolshevik regime. The Russian Federation is Orthodox Christian and has no design or intent to invade Europe. The people of both Europe, West and East, need to get it through their thick skull, that Europe is Russia's important trading partner. Why would Russia want invade it's most important trading partner in the Western Hemisphere? Makes no sense at all for Russia to do so. This whole bullshit is scaremongering played on by the Zionist-West.

It is indeed a pity that Europe fails to recognize the fact that it is under the ownership and hegemony of Zionism. In particular and in it's entirety, Britain, France and the Netherlands. Failure of the European people to recognize this glaring fact, is what is most probably going to be the demise of Europe. The continent has been at the center stage of two global wars, because it has been hijacked and under the ownership of Zionism.
Russia never invaded Europe

Incorrect. Peter the Great invaded Sweden and got Saint Petersburg, Baltic states from Sweden.

the problem with Kaliningrad is that it surround.

Not surrounded completely. It has access to Russian mainland by sea. You can see map.


the problem with Kaliningrad is that it surround.

Russia only has the 11th Corp station there.
2 Motorized Rifle BDEs
1 marine BDE
1 Self propelled Field Artillery BDE
1 Missile BDE

80 Tanks, 240 IFV.

the most black sea fleet is located there. also about 2 fighter Squadrons

the problem is that most of the remaining Western Front ground forces are just as far from there as most of nato forces. not to mention they would have to invade and take the baltic 1st. which means they would have to leave forces there to hold those.

the three combined Baltic nations have
2 Mech BDEs???, 9 Infantry BDEs if you they fully mob. (no tanks, no IFV). but the baltics are great for defense. forest, swamps, and urban areas. are great for light Defensive forces.

Poland (counting Reserves) forces taking Kaliningrad.
2 Cav BDEs, 2 Tank BDEs, 3 Mech BDEs, 14 Infantry BDEs, 1 CAB, 2 ADA BDEs. there also 1 US Armored BDE CBT TM in Poland.

1100 tanks
800 IFVs.

48 F16C/D
28 MiG29

Follow on Forces

Western Military District
(includes reserves)
2 armies (1GTA & 6 CAA) plus Airborne Corp.
4 Tank BDEs
8 Motor Infantry BDEs
6 airborne BDEs
1 Cav BDE

8 Field Artillery BDEs

1 Engineer BDE
2 Logistic BDEs
1 Signal BDE

820 tanks
1320 IFVs

31 Mig-31
42 SU-27
34 Mig-29
10 SU-30
24 SU-34
16 SU-35

15 SU-24
64 Atk Copters

the 20th Guard Combined Armed army is a real distance. so unless it was pre moved it would take a while. same is true of the Russian Southern Military District.

NATO (US, Ger, CZ, Slovak, France, Den, Neth, Bel, UK). the US, UK, French forces are station in Germany.
4 Tank BDEs
14 Mech BDEs
2 Motorized Infantry BDEs
2 Airborne BDEs
1 Air Mobile BDE
1 Infantry BDE

2 Field Artillery BDE
2 CABs

8 Log BDEs
1 Med BDE
4 Sig BDEs
3 Eng BDEs

582 tanks
2054 IFV

153 Attack Copters

295 Typhoons
55 F15E
100 Rafale
14 JAS39
77 F16C/D
12 MiG29
107 Mirage 2000
154 F16A/B

88 Tornado

the French army, Spain, Italy, Rom, Hungary, UK, US and other NATO ground forces would be overwhelming in numbers. not to mention Air units.

the naval in balance would be even greater. if Russian forces were dumb enough to move out on the offensive or counter attack NATO they would be punished. the smart move would be to fight a defensive war. but even then that would be stacked against them.

The US won't invade Kaliningrad oblast. The US has no historical land claim on Kaliningrad oblast. Only Germany, Lithuania and MAAAAAYBE Poland do. Even if Germany invades Kalinigrad oblast and takes over Kaliningrad oblast with very high casualties, invasion force from Russian mainland will take it back again. Argentina already tried that with Falklands.

And besides, even if in the off chance the US invades Kaliningrad oblast, then Russia invade Alaska and based on irredentism take back Alaska.
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Incorrect. Peter the Great invaded Sweden and got Saint Petersburg, Baltic states from Sweden.

Sweden, Norway, Finland, Scandinavian, Vikings, "to-may-to" or "to-maa-tow" had invaded Russian territory between the sixth and tenth centuries. So for you to say that Russia took Saint Petersburg or the Baltic States from Sweden, doesn't make any sense whichever way you look at it.

It's like the Jews saying that the Holy Land is their's and try to kick out the Palestinians. When if we really want to go down that route, then the Philistines were there before the time of Prophet Moses (Alaihi Salam).
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Scandinavian, Vikings, "to-may-to" or "to-maa-tow" had invaded Russian territory between the sixth and tenth centuries. So for you to say that Russia took Saint Petersburg or the Baltic States from Sweden, doesn't make any sense whichever way you look at it.

It's like the Jews saying that the Holy Land is their's and try to kick out the Palestinians. When if we really want to go down that route, then the Philistines were there before the time of Prophet Moses (Alaihi Salam).
Actually Russia had part of Baltic coast where Saint Petersburg is located (it was founded by Russians - we could not take it) from 9th to 17th ct (part of Novgorod principality) and from 18th ct till now. Sweden took our Baltic coast during Time of Troubles in the beginning of 17th ct. They cut us from the Baltic Sea for about 100 years. Peter the Great took back the Baltic coast in the beginning of 18th ct - it had to be done in one way or another. You can not cut a country from the sea and expect it will not come for it.

By the way - Finns are not Vikings.
Another map with the Rus sphere of influence in Baltics.
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