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Native Americans and Russians share the same language


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Native Americans and Russians share the same language: Dialects reveal how ancestors migrated 13,000 years ago
  • Study used a technique called linguistic phylogeny to analyse languages
  • Researchers found a link between the current Na-Dene languages of North America and the Yeniseian languages of Central Siberia
  • Around 40 languages were found to have diffused across Asia and the U.S.
  • The findings also reveal that migration may not have been a one-way trip
  • This diffusion of languages suggests some people returned home, taking their dialects with them

PUBLISHED: 10:31 GMT, 13 March 2014 | UPDATED: 11:18 GMT, 13 March 2014

It's been known for years that some Native Americans and Russians share ancestors, and new research claims to have confirmed this link by discovering they also share language traits.

Scientists from Georgetown University used a technique called linguistic phylogeny to discover a direct link between the Na-Dene family of languages in North America, and the Yeniseian languages of Central Siberia.

Their findings also revealed the migration of people from central Asia to North America around 13,000 years ago may not have been a one-way trip - with some people returning home to Siberia, taking their language back with them.


Scientists from Georgetown University used a technique called linguistic phylogeny to discover a link between the Na-Dene family of languages of North American tribes and the Yeniseian languages of Central Siberia. Stock illustration of an Apache Indian is pictured

In 2012, DNA research found genetic markers that linked people living in the Russian republic of Altai, southern Siberia, with indigenous populations in North America.

Scientists believe that during an ice age between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago, inhabitants of Siberia crossed a stretch of land known as the Bering Land Bridge into North America.


This stretch of land is now buried under the waters of the Bering and Chukchi Seas.

By studying mutations in the languages of these two regions, scientists found a lineage shift approximately 13,000 and 14,000 years ago - when the inhabitants are thought to have made this journey across the ice.

However, because of the wide spread of languages, and the fact links still remain in Siberia, the researchers suggest some of these migrants returned home.


This map shows the outlines of Siberia, left, and Alaska, right, with dashed lines. The broader area in darker green represents the Bering Land Bridge used by Siberians to travel into North America. The latest linguistic research, however, suggests some Siberians may have returned home, taking their language with them


An engraving showing Native Americans running, shooting arrows and throwing balls in Florida during the 1500s. Most Native Americans are descended from a small group of migrants that crossed a 'land bridge' between Asia and America during the ice ages more than 15,000 years ago

To investigate this further, scientists used a technique originally created to investigate evolutionary relationships between biological species, called phylogenetic analysis.

This involves creating a tree that represents relationships of common ancestry based on shared traits.

The researchers used a linguistic version of this phylogeny to discover around 40 languages that had diffused across North America and Asia.

They began by coding a linguistic data set from each of the languages and establishing relationships between this data.

They then applied these links to the known migration patterns from Asia to North America.

The people we know as Native Americans arrived at the continent in three separate great migrations.

Most Native Americans are descended from a small group of migrants that crossed a 'land bridge' between Asia and America during the ice ages 15,000 years ago.

These migrants, known as the 'First Americans', populated most of North and South America.

By studying variations in Native American DNA sequences, a team of scientists recently found that while most of the Native American populations arose from the first migration, two subsequent migrations also made important genetic contributions.

The second and third migrations have left an impact only in Arctic populations that speak Eskimo-Aleut languages and in the Canadian Chipewyan who speak a Na-Dene language.

Eskimos show the most differences, with just 50 per cent of their DNA coming from the 'First Americans'.

The findings highlight an early dispersal of Na-Dene along the North American coast with a Yeniseian back migration through Siberia.

Study co-author Dr Mark Sicoli said: 'We found substantial support for the out-of-Beringia dispersal adding to a growing body of evidence for an ancestral population in Beringia before the land bridge was inundated by rising sea levels at the end of the last ice age.'

He added that although they cannot conclusively determine the migration pattern just from these results - and stated the study does not necessarily contradict the popular tale of hunters entering the New World through Beringia - it, at the very least, indicates migration may not have been a one-way trip.

'This work also helps demonstrate the usefulness of evolutionary modeling with linguistic trees for investigating these types of questions,' concluded Dr Sicoli.

The research was published in the journal PLOS ONE.

Read more: Native Americans and Russians share the same language | Mail Online
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Native Americans and Russians share the same language: Dialects reveal how ancestors migrated 13,000 years ago
  • Study used a technique called linguistic phylogeny to analyse languages
  • Researchers found a link between the current Na-Dene languages of North America and the Yeniseian languages of Central Siberia
  • Around 40 languages were found to have diffused across Asia and the U.S.
  • The findings also reveal that migration may not have been a one-way trip
  • This diffusion of languages suggests some people returned home, taking their dialects with them

PUBLISHED: 10:31 GMT, 13 March 2014 | UPDATED: 11:18 GMT, 13 March 2014

It's been known for years that some Native Americans and Russians share ancestors, and new research claims to have confirmed this link by discovering they also share language traits.

Scientists from Georgetown University used a technique called linguistic phylogeny to discover a direct link between the Na-Dene family of languages in North America, and the Yeniseian languages of Central Siberia.

Their findings also revealed the migration of people from central Asia to North America around 13,000 years ago may not have been a one-way trip - with some people returning home to Siberia, taking their language back with them.


Scientists from Georgetown University used a technique called linguistic phylogeny to discover a link between the Na-Dene family of languages of North American tribes and the Yeniseian languages of Central Siberia. Stock illustration of an Apache Indian is pictured

In 2012, DNA research found genetic markers that linked people living in the Russian republic of Altai, southern Siberia, with indigenous populations in North America.

Scientists believe that during an ice age between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago, inhabitants of Siberia crossed a stretch of land known as the Bering Land Bridge into North America.


This stretch of land is now buried under the waters of the Bering and Chukchi Seas.

By studying mutations in the languages of these two regions, scientists found a lineage shift approximately 13,000 and 14,000 years ago - when the inhabitants are thought to have made this journey across the ice.

However, because of the wide spread of languages, and the fact links still remain in Siberia, the researchers suggest some of these migrants returned home.


This map shows the outlines of Siberia, left, and Alaska, right, with dashed lines. The broader area in darker green represents the Bering Land Bridge used by Siberians to travel into North America. The latest linguistic research, however, suggests some Siberians may have returned home, taking their language with them


An engraving showing Native Americans running, shooting arrows and throwing balls in Florida during the 1500s. Most Native Americans are descended from a small group of migrants that crossed a 'land bridge' between Asia and America during the ice ages more than 15,000 years ago

To investigate this further, scientists used a technique originally created to investigate evolutionary relationships between biological species, called phylogenetic analysis.

This involves creating a tree that represents relationships of common ancestry based on shared traits.

The researchers used a linguistic version of this phylogeny to discover around 40 languages that had diffused across North America and Asia.

They began by coding a linguistic data set from each of the languages and establishing relationships between this data.

They then applied these links to the known migration patterns from Asia to North America.

The people we know as Native Americans arrived at the continent in three separate great migrations.

Most Native Americans are descended from a small group of migrants that crossed a 'land bridge' between Asia and America during the ice ages 15,000 years ago.

These migrants, known as the 'First Americans', populated most of North and South America.

By studying variations in Native American DNA sequences, a team of scientists recently found that while most of the Native American populations arose from the first migration, two subsequent migrations also made important genetic contributions.

The second and third migrations have left an impact only in Arctic populations that speak Eskimo-Aleut languages and in the Canadian Chipewyan who speak a Na-Dene language.

Eskimos show the most differences, with just 50 per cent of their DNA coming from the 'First Americans'.

The findings highlight an early dispersal of Na-Dene along the North American coast with a Yeniseian back migration through Siberia.

Study co-author Dr Mark Sicoli said: 'We found substantial support for the out-of-Beringia dispersal adding to a growing body of evidence for an ancestral population in Beringia before the land bridge was inundated by rising sea levels at the end of the last ice age.'

He added that although they cannot conclusively determine the migration pattern just from these results - and stated the study does not necessarily contradict the popular tale of hunters entering the New World through Beringia - it, at the very least, indicates migration may not have been a one-way trip.

'This work also helps demonstrate the usefulness of evolutionary modeling with linguistic trees for investigating these types of questions,' concluded Dr Sicoli.

The research was published in the journal PLOS ONE.

Read more: Native Americans and Russians share the same language | Mail Online
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The idiot that wrote the article just said Native Americans are realted to russian to get more views. The slavs which mainly speak russian originated from the area around modern day ukraine. The native americans orginated from the altay mountains just like the turks so a correct thread title would be "Native Americans and Turks Share the Same Language"
The idiot that wrote the article just said Native Americans are realted to russian to get more views. The slavs which mainly speak russian originated from the area around modern day ukraine. The native americans orginated from the altay mountains just like the turks so a correct thread title would be "Native Americans and Turks Share the Same Language"
not true, russian language originated after mixing with north slavic dialect from the north. Russia is a multicultural country, russian minorities are russians too, russians are genticly closer to turkic people in Siberia than turks
Foreigners does not know your concept of Rus(ethnic Rus) and Russian(citizen), when you say Russian thats what comes to people mind

Not native Siberians, thats why title is kind of misleading.

Something like "Native Siberians of Russia" would be more accurate.
What do you expect from daily fail. Sorry daily mail. I'm sure they can't distinguish between ethnic russian and ethnic yakut LOL
If you mean Russians of Tatar or other Turkic descent you are right but Slavic Russians are not. Few centuries ago Slavic borders didn't even reach Kiev. Whole of eastern europe to Chinese wall was Turkic territory. If the writer of this article had knowledge of general history he would know that. Russians, like many other ethnicities are trying to steal Turkic legacy. Native Americans resemble tatars more than Russians. They are our distant cousins.

Do native Americans look more like Slavs or Turkics like Tatar, kakzakh etc....

native american guy - Google zoeken

You decide
not true, russian language originated after mixing with north slavic dialect from the north. Russia is a multicultural country, russian minorities are russians too, russians are genticly closer to turkic people in Siberia than turks

The Russian language was evolved from the Proto-Indo-European Kurgan language with some minor Uralic influence.
If you mean Russians of Tatar or other Turkic descent you are right but Slavic Russians are not. Few centuries ago Slavic borders didn't even reach Kiev. Whole of eastern europe to Chinese wall was Turkic territory. If the writer of this article had knowledge of general history he would know that. Russians, like many other ethnicities are trying to steal Turkic legacy. Native Americans resemble tatars more than Russians. They are our distant cousins.

Do native Americans look more like Slavs or Turkics like Tatar, kakzakh etc....

native american guy - Google zoeken

You decide
tatars look more russian than native american, russians are more north east asian than turks check this out if you dont believe me

Russians more East Asian than Turks and Fins - Page 3
Why dont you speak a turkic language then?
why are Mexicans speaking Spanish instead ameradian languages? Most dominated genetics carried out for russians which are indo european
why are Mexicans speaking Spanish instead ameradian languages? Most dominated genetics carried out for russians which are indo european
Wait so are you saying that the slavs that lived in the area around moscow were Turks but that they were conquered by slavs and now speak a slavic language? This would be the same as your mexican example. Also this is the first time I have seen a Russian who is not ethnically turkic define himself as turkic,
Wait so are you saying that the slavs that lived in the area around moscow were Turks but that they were conquered by slavs and now speak a slavic language? This would be the same as your mexican example. Also this is the first time I have seen a Russian who is not ethnically turkic define himself as turkic,
this is what i am not saying i say original slavic russians mixed with various people from Siberia mostly Finnic and Uralic people tough, its 20%.
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