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National Security Policy of Pakistan


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
Does anybody has the new National Internal Security Policy document, given by Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan???

What is your opinion on the on going process of setting up National Security Policy. Specially shed some light on the organization (NACTA) how will this department perform the main duties, what will be the main purpose of this organization?

JID (Joint Intelligence Directorate), to bring 33 different intelligence agencies under a single roof is recommended - a single point agenda to end terrorism, urban defence and preemptively protect the country. Also new technologies are to introduced. Intelligence sharing, intelligence coordination and actionable intelligence has significantly improved, remarks IM Nisar Ali Khan.

Other than Terrorism / Counter-Terrorism Objective, the 33 separate agencies of Pakistan would keep working on their specific agendas against internal and external threats.

An ISD, Internal Security Division is being established to strengthen coordination between all the civil armed forces of the country,

Pakistan has 33 Intelligence organisation, and god knows how many contractors working in Pakistan?

Will NACTA be able to coordinate between all, Police, LEAs and Intel Agencies successfully? What will be the authority given to this organization etc?

Please give details and opinions as possible. Thank you
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Pakistan government has finally approved a new national security policy. The 100-page document gives a rare insight into the country’s current security problems.

According to the first-ever national security policy document, close to 50,000 people were killed in Pakistan among them over 5000 personnel of the law-enforcement agencies since the country joined the so-called US-led war on terror after 9/11 attacks in 2001.

The document goes on to estimate the total loss to economy in the last ten years because of terrorism at $78 billion.

The new policy is approved at a time when government efforts to seek a peace deal with the pro-Taliban militants are all but failed. Chairing a special cabinet meeting, the country’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has asked the militants to announce an unconditional ceasefire.

The policy seeks to revamp the National Counter Terrorism Authority. Under the plan, a directorate of internal security will be established to ensure better coordination among the country’s intelligence agencies.
Text of National Security Policy 2014-18

February 27, 2014


ISLAMABAD - Following is the text of National Security Policy 2014-18 draft:

1. This first ever National Internal Security Policy (NISP) is formulated to protect national interests of Pakistan by addressing critical security issues as well as concerns of the nation. It is based upon principles of mutual inclusiveness and integration of all national efforts and includes three elements viz i ) dialogue with all stakeholders, ii) isolation of terrorists from their support systems, iii) enhancing deterrence and capacity of the security apparatus to neutralise the threats to internal security of Pakistan. This requires integrated efforts through an institutionalised monitoring framework under democratic leadership to elicit support and cooperation of local and international stakeholders.

2. Global terrorism and armed conflict in Afghanistan have changed the internal security paradigm of Pakistan. Pakistan’s economy has suffered a loss of more than US$ 78 billion in last 10 years only. More than 50,000 Pakistanis, including civilian, Armed Forces and Law-Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) personnel, were affected or sacrificed their lives.

This challenges the resolve and resilience of people of Pakistan for peace.
National Internal Security Environment

3. Internal Security environment is dominated by non-traditional threats of extremism, sectarianism, terrorism and militancy. In present form, the internal security apparatus is inadequately equipped and enormously strained to tackle these threats. This elucidates the dire need for a comprehensive and inclusive response plan, as no single state agency is capable of dealing with such threats on its own.

4. Whereas it is critical to define the composite picture concerning threats to the national security, NISP essentially remains focused on Internal Security, (NIS) paradigm, however, would be incomplete without identifying its linkages with the external diplomatic initiatives and various other dimensions of human security, in some parts of the country hostile networks have also challenged the writ of the State. Nonetheless, national security apparatus including Ministry of Defence (MoD) is dealing with this situation under political oversight. Other, relevant State institutions will address social, economic, environmental and external security aspects.

5. Create a safe environment where life, property, civil liberties and socio-economic rights of the citizens are protected and the people of Pakistan are able to live and prosper in harmony, freedom respect and dignity as enshrined in the Constitution of Pakistan.

Threat Perception

6. Pakistan is facing serious traditional and non-traditional threats of violent extremism, sectarianism, terrorism and militancy. This has adversely affected economic stability and social harmony and continues to instill a sense of insecurity among the people at large.

7. Subversive activities and a pattern of targeting the national security apparatus and key installations by the terrorists and non state armed groups have compounded the challenge. Faced with the complexity of the situation, use of chemical and biological substances by terrorist and non-State armed groups cannot be ignored and MoD is equipped to deal with these extreme threats.

8. Terrorist networks lurk in shadow and thrive on a strategy of invisibility and ambiguity. They operate in an ideologically motivated network of networks to embroil the Sate on Physical, psychological and ideological levels.

9. The widespread spectrum of internal threats is a critical impediment to economic development and social cohesion. Traditionally, the entire internal security apparatus acts in a reactive rather than proactive manner.
Policy Objectives

10. To establish the writ of the State and protect the people from all internal threats.

11. To protect the life, property and fundamental rights of the citizens of Pakistan.

12. To promote pluralism, freedom, democracy and a culture of tolerance.

13. To prevent, deter and contain threats to internal security in a transparent, accountable and just manner.

14. To peacefully resolve and manage disputes with hostile elements without compromising the rule of law.
Policy Framework

15. The soft component of policy framework outlines an integrated process of research and coordination on key issues. It highlights primacy of the political process, supported by a Comprehensive Response Plan (CRP). CRP is focused on winning over trust and confidence of general public to combat extremism and terrorism. The hard component of NISP comprises of Composite Deterrence Plan (CDP). It complements the existing internal security apparatus to combat terrorism.
Comprehensive Response Plan (CRP)

16. CRP is a composite process based on dialogue with all sections of the society. It includes infrastructure development, Rehabilitation of victims of terrorism, National Narrative Reconciliation, Reintegration and Legal Reforms. All these encompassing elements of social, economic and ideological domain require utmost attention and careful execution.

17. Terrorism has not only affected the socio-cultural environment but it has also damaged the scarce existing infrastructure in Pakistan by way of frequent attacks on educational institutions, healthcare facilities, communication networks and supply of energy within the country. NACTA will coordinate all relevant agencies for fair assessment of losses, monitor and recommend plans for security infrastructure.

18. Sustainable and integrated development for rehabilitation of affected regions is fundamental in collaboration with respective provincial governments. Though such efforts are already in place but need vigorous follow up for timely implementation and quick impact. It will also ensure that victims of terrorism are provided sufficient support through similar programmes.

19. Towards this end, enormous support of various public and international organisations is available, but requires synergy and improved communication. NACTA will analyse the shortcomings of planning and execution and recommend appropriate strategies in this process. An integrated evaluation and monitoring mechanism shall be established within NACTA to coordinate the process of rehabilitation.

National Narrative

20. Constructing a robust national narrative on extremism, sectarianism, terrorism and militancy is the corner stone of an ideological response to non-traditional threats. Such a narrative is essential for coming up with common ideological denominators in a diverse society. Religious scholars, intelligentsia, educational institutions and media are the key stakeholders for constructing and disseminating the National Narrative. NACTA will facilitate a dialogue with all stakeholders to strengthen democratic values of tolerance respecting diversity of the society.

21. NACTA in consultation with other institutions supporting NISP will develop a National De-Radicalisation Programme.

22. NACTA will devise strategy options in consultation with the experts and relevant departments for peace building with extremist elements and terrorist groups opting to submit to lawful authorities and reconcile their differences on key issues within the legal framework.


23. The reintegration aspect of CRP is a holistic people centric process. This has direct bearing on economic security of the citizens and it needs an integrated response from public, private and development sector and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

24. First, it envisages a Youth Engagement Strategy (YES) imparting technical and vocational education, creating jobs and offering soft loans in collaboration with respective Provincial Governments to ensure decent livelihood opportunities for all.

25. Secondly this reintegration also envisions the incorporation of madrassas in the mainstream educational framework. Understanding the critical role played by these institutions for a pluralistic society, it is important to integrate them within the national education system by supporting their administration, financial audit and curriculum accreditation. The same applies to other private educational institutions.

Legal Reforms

26. Implementing of NISP requires a comprehensive review of existing legal framework. This reform process will respond to imperatives of criminal justice and ensure the protection of fundamental rights of the citizens of Pakistan. Among other reforms in criminal justice, it also requires review of the regulatory capacity of the State to monitor, evaluate and prevent the misuse of existing laws under which mosques and madrassas are functioning.

27. NACTA will conduct detailed research and consultation with relevant stakeholders including Ministry of Law & Justice, judiciary, police, prosecution, prisons and legal experts to recommend a futuristic legal framework capable of addressing all contingencies of NISP.

Composite Deterrence Plan

28. The National Internal Security Apparatus (NISA) suffers from inadequacies to identify the threat, analyse it and respond quickly at all tiers. Best practices suggest that CDP would remain elusive without synchronisation of national efforts and democratic oversight.

29. Despite all material constraints the overall performance of law-enforcement agencies is inconsistent and needs improvement. CDP will provide a consistent approach through integration of specialised skills and capabilities to combat the traditional and non-traditional threats to internal security. This needs restructuring and capacity building of NISA on urgent basis for enhanced service delivery of justice and security.

30. NISP aims of performance enhancement of existing apparatus and filling the capacity gaps of NISA by creating new but cost effective and efficient institutions. CDP works to change the posture of national internal security apparatus from reactive to proactive. The immediate objective is to eliminate growing menace of terrorism by, inter alia, filling the coordination gaps in intelligence regime to develop proactive systems.

31. While tackling non-traditional security threat, it would be imperative to address traditional threats by using conventional law-enforcement apparatus more effectively. Towards this end, identification and mapping of critical security threats to public is essential to articulate a response strategy under a unified command and control.
Contours of NISP

32. The contours of response mechanism of NISP hinge upon the major activities under taken by various stake holders implementing the CRP and CDP.

33. Construct a national narrative on extremism, terrorism, sectarianism and militancy to dispel the wrong perceptions created by the terrorists on ideological basis by engaging media, civil society, organisations, overseas Pakistanis and international community to elicit support and cooperation.

34. Design and implement national de-radicalization programme for the people vulnerable to extremism that can be rehabilitated and reintegrated in the society.

35. Integrate the mosques and the madrassas in the national and provincial educational establishment by mapping and thereafter mainstreaming the existing and new madrassas and private sector educational institutions.

36. Develop social and physical infrastructure in terrorism affected regions through sustained and inclusive efforts by all State institutions at Federal and provincial levels.

37. Rehabilitate all victims of terrorism especially vulnerable groups like women, children, elderly minorities and people with special needs.

38. Improve worsening law and order situation by eliminating trends of targeted assassinations, extortion, kidnapping for ransom and other serious and organised crime.

39. Ensure protection of key installations and places of national importance.

40. Enforce a comprehensive arms control regime across the country.

41. Prevent misuse of social, electronic and print media, mobile phone Sims and electronic devices and prevent cyber crimes for
any purpose threatening internal security.

42. Integrate national data base and registration plan to identify people residing in Pakistan and their assets.

44. Design and implement plans to regulate lawful movement of Afghan refugees within the country.

45. Enforce a robust border control regime to interdict illegal cross border movement of persons, goods, drugs and precursors, weapons or any other material threatening internal security.

46. Capacity building and modernisation of all pillars of Criminal Justice System including judiciary, police, prosecution and high security prisons in all geographic entities of Pakistan.

47. Establishment of Directorate of Internal Security (DIS) under NACTA where 33 civilians and military intelligence and operational agencies are represented having clear articulation of command control by int3egrating all grids of tactical, operational and strategic intelligence, civil and military, under one roof.

48. Capacity building of DIS for collection, analysis and dissemination through integrated qualitative intelligence gathering efforts having direct bearing on internal security to develop operational capability of conducting intelligence based operations to contain, pre-empt and eliminate terrorism and other threats to public safety.

49. Establish a modern, well equipped Federal Rapid Response Force (RRF) comprising of Counter-Terrorism Departments and police with experts from other security institutions with nationwide reach and capability to interface and operate in close coordination with police, CAFs and Pakistan Armed Forces.

50. Reorganisation and activation of Counter-Terrorism Departments (CTD) within police organisation of all the provinces, Islamabad Capital Territory , Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Azad Kashmir Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, preferably with uniform structure and unified command at provincial, region and field level.

51 All CTDs to comprise of intelligence, operation, investigation, Provincial Rapid Response Force (RRF) and other technical sections enabling themselves to tackle the entire spectrum of internal security threats including terrorism and subversive activities.

52. Modernisation of RRFs under CTDs with matching capabilities as that of Federal Response Force (RRF) for ensuring uniformity.

53. Establishment of a dedicated CAF Headquarter under MoI for integrated warder management and modernisation and coordination of CAFs, i.e. Pakistan Rangers (Punjab and Sindh), Frontier Corps (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan), Frontier Constabulary, Gilgit-Baltistan Scouts, Pakistan Coastal Guards and Anti-Narcotics Force.

54. Modernisation of Law-Enforcement components of Pakistan Customs decides Levies in FATA and Balochistan and other LEAs.

55. Making concerted diplomatic efforts for international corporation to break transnational affiliations of terrorists through prevention of money laundering, organised crime and transnational movement of substances used in biological and chemical terrorism.

International Cooperation

56. NACTA will liaise with international actors for fostering cooperation to counter-terrorism and extremism.
Policy Directives

57. Peaceful resolution of disputes with all the sections of society is the cardinal principle of NISP, through dialogues from position of strength.

58. Ministry of Interior is the lead Ministry for National Internal Security Policy implementation.

59. For NISP implementation, all CAFs will be directly responsible to MoI.

60. Each ministry, organisation, intelligence agency and department shall furnish such information and intelligence as solicited by NACTA and shall clearly outline and pursue a roadmap in support of NISP within 30 days.

61. Initiatives will be available for specialised functions at all levels for the organisations dedicated to NISP implementation.

62. Restructuring of MoI, police and CAFs and other LEAs will be undertaken to rationalise their mandate and resources to implement the NISP framework. Whereas all the existing well functioning structures will remain intact, any overlapping and or redundant units in police and CAFs will be diverted to fill the gaps in the relevant organisations.

63. Political consensus for NISP will be solicited through consultative process with all the stakeholders.

64. Public support for NISP will be solicited through all communication channels. Valuable suggestions and input from intelligentsia, media and CSOs will be invited by the NACTA for improvement in the NISP and mid-course corrections where needed.
Prime Minister Nawaz appointed Hamid Ali Khan as new NACTA Chief

National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) has at last got its first head after six years, as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif appointed Hamid Ali Khan for the post late on Saturday

It should be mentioned here that the anti-terror body was functioning without any regular chief ever since it was formed in 2008 and restructuring after National Security Policy document.

Earlier, PM Sharif and Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif decided to re-activate the Nacta. It is pertinent to note here that Hamid Khan will replace Shahid Khan, the secretary interior who has the additional charge of the counter-terrorism body.

NACTA was deactivated due to funds issue, as Ishaq Dar refused to provide funds to NACTA body made after National Security Policy paper.

Khan earlier worked as secretary of Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) and additional secretary of interior ministry.

- See more at: http://www.suchtv.pk/
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