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National Defence University hosts ARF HDUCIM


Jan 20, 2006
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This is one of the few forums where Pakistani and Indian Armed Forces participate together. This conference was hosted at Pakistani NDU in Islamabad.


Indian Vice Adm Sanjeev Bhasin can be see in the picture in the front row.

Rawalpindi, October 23:
The three-day long 12th ASEAN Regional Forum, Heads of Defence Universities / Colleges / Institutions Meetings (ARF HDUCIM) hosted by National Defence University Islamabad concluded today on a note of satisfaction. The meeting focused on the theme of “Military’s growing involvement in combat and non combat military operations other than war (MOOTW) in the contemporary environment necessitating reassessment of challenges in order to formulate an effective response strategy.”
Lieutenant General Panumat SRIVARA, Superintendent National Defence College, Thailand praised the efforts of the National Defence University for organizing and providing such a platform through which ASEAN Countries could interact in a regular manner. Appreciating organizational aspects and hospitality he said, “I find Pakistan best in hospitality, best in security and best in culture”. He said that the next ARF HDUCIM would be held in Thailand and we would provide our utmost facilitations for the participating countries.
The President National Defence University, Lieutenant General Muhammad Hamid Khan in his conclusive remarks appreciated the dedication and participation of the attending delegates who made the forum successful. He emphasized on the need for continuity of such forums so as to further boost and strengthen the cooperation among the participating countries. He said that Pakistan Armed Forces have been facing multidimensional challenges, combating terrorism, managing disasters and contributing to United Nations Peacekeeping Missions. He highlighted the need for establishing a Defence Colleges Network and Students Faculties Exchange Programme. He also welcomed the initiative of Thailand for hosting the 13th ARF HDUCIM in 2009.
A total of 42 delegates form 15 member countries including Australia, Brunei Darussalam, China, Cambodia, Canada, India, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam and Pakistan attended the meeting. Delegates from three international organizations, including ASEAN Secretariat and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Defence Attaches from member countries and representatives from Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs also attended the conference. During the meeting, delegates shared their views and experiences in combating terrorism / extremism and different natural calamities. They focused on further improvement of decision making under complicated circumstances, international cooperation, public diplomacy and adjustment in military education.
The event, other than speeches and presentations, included question and answer sessions, visits to landmark venues in Islamabad and surrounding cultural and social events to foster stronger ties and co-operation amongst the participating countries.
In the end, the Chairman (President NDU) presented souvenirs to the participants of the conference.
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