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Yara, I'm pretty awful at anything to do with electronics engineering stuff..... we had to take 4 mandatory courses from electrical engineering during undergrad..... i used to barely get an A after studying like a dog..... :P

Ask me about drilling..... manufacturing........ or anything that can be visualized and built...... similarly, even in real life..... I'm more of a practical guy...... :D

I think Oscar has a electrical and electronics engineering background, along with that yank.... keep forgetting his name.... then there is one Indian guy......... :)

@Hyperion Oye waise all AEW&C operate in the S band right- never figured that out, why not the X band like all air craft FCRs?
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God shall punish thee for thine intransigence in the face of the almighty's glorious plans.

Nah , there's a technicality involved , mate .

Unless I repent and come to the right path . :D
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