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Btw, I hate moustaches. Yak. Double yak. :bad:

I can't grow mine & I so badly want to grow those typical 'tariiii lagaaneii waleiii' moustaches that Rangers have but I can't grow them ! :cray:

All I end up is a slight, uneven drizzle of moustache hair which is embarrassing....heck I've seen women have thicker moustaches than me ! :cry:
hmm yeah.. original farsi is bandar...= port
dont know the meaning in arabic.. this guy is prince bandar bin sultan..

Ever heard of Sultan Qaboos ? Sound like the name of a fallen angle or djinn :D
He would have to hand you over to me :devil:

btw i ran into someone else on your email while you were asleep. I told her to pour a bucket of water on you and blame it on me :omghaha:

lmaooo i was just joking haha :D

Ha.ha.ha. you're so funny LOLOL on my email? you sure. I didn't see anything at all :P
I think that @ZYXW is ignoring me & she considers it beneath her to reply to one of my posts ! :cray:
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Mamba baby kaisay ho? Long time no Iraneez or Arbeez thread... :P

careful when you go to iraneez thread.. people have drawn daggers there .. ready to pounce on anybody...
except @iranigirl2.. she got a pen knife.. she is nicer :sick:
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All uncles need attention, and not the right kind. :D

You can ignore me as much as you want, however............. :P

WHAT? :blink: I didn't see your post. pshh hold up. and look at you uncle, since when do you like talking to me so much :D haha
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