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Nasrallah: Hezbollah behind the explosion targeting Israelis in Shebaa


Jun 1, 2012
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Hezbollah's general secretary Sayed Hassan Nasrallah revealed in an interview with the Lebanese daily As-Safir that the unclaimed explosion that targeted an Israeli patrol in the mid-March is the work of the Islamic resistance (Hezbollah).

Sayed Nasrallah explained that this operation - that cost the life of one Israeli soldier and wounded three others - is part of a response to the Israeli raid that targeted the resistance in the border region of Janta (Békaa).

He added: « The Israelis have gotten the message very well…this is not about the rules of engagement, but deterrence ».

For Hezbolah's secretary general, the last Israeli raid against Janta is an attempt to find out the resistance's reaction after Hezbollah's intervention in the battles in Syria, and that this was done with the aim of changing the rules of engagement.

He has in this context reminded that when the resistance planted two bombs in Labbouné (August 2013, south Lebanon), it had the aim of warning the enemy: « We won't allow you to change the rules of engagement, and we will challenge you whenever you try to infiltrate with our knowledge.»

Sayed Nasrallah has stated that the resistance had not responded to the Janta raid in kind, « the [Israeli] enemy came to bomb whatever truck, object or house no matter where, under the guise that what it was bombing were hi-tech weapons and that it should be destroying this sort of weaponry». [He means that, whereas Israel attacked whatever it found in Lebanon, Hezbollah at least took aim at active soldiers. -- RFS]

S. Nasrallah discards a new war against Lebanon

Answering a question, Sayed Nasrallah discarded the possibility that « Israël » is leading a new war against Lebanon. He assured that the developments on Syrian territory are worrying the Israelis.

«Will this experience acquired by Hezbollah enable it to pursue new tactics in case of a new war against Lebanon, they fear.» That's why the enemy is focusing on the AlJalil region (Galilee, bordering Lebanon).

Terrorist attacks

When it comes to terror attacks, he informed that this danger has receded considerably.

Intervention in Syria

As for Hezbollah's intervention in Syria, he stated that Hezbollah has no problem with its public on this subject.

He added: «On the contrary, some of the Lebanese that were hesitating on this subject, have [now] confirmed their support for the intervention. (…) Part of the March 14 public is for our intervention in Syria to protect Lebanon from the danger of terrorist tafkiri groups».

The time to topple the Syrian regime has passed

Besides, Sayed Nasrallah guaranteed that the time to topple the regime in Syria has passed.

«They may lead a war of attrition, so much so that there are states financing, arming and inciting for this purpose. But there are no proofs in sight showing that the opposition is capable to engage in a large-scale war. What happened in in Latakia and Kassab can't be called that. Rumours about a major battle starting in southern Syria are more propaganda than fact. The experience taken from the last three years has shown that the regime isn't weak and enjoys popular support».

What matters most to us is the end of the war in Syria, and I believe that we're past the danger of balkanization, he added.

Breaking relations with Iran

Sayed Nasrallah revealed that the Syrian president has received offers according to which: «There will no longer be a problem with you (Assad) if you break diplomatic relations with Iran and the resistance forces and if you compromise with the Israelis».

« President Assad has decided to not accept that proposal, and we are grateful for this position», he clarified.


I had to translate that article because the English-language one that Haaretz posted omits 90% of the information shown above - all it has is what Nasrallah said about the receding danger of a Syrian regime change. What he said about last month's bombing of Israeli soldiers - that it was Hezbollah that did it - does not appear in the Haaretz report at all. I wonder if Haaretz is being gagged by Israel's military censors, none too pleased about this admission of Nasrallah's?
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Israeli sites in Hebrew have much more information, the English sites censor many things especially when it comes to extremist Israeli leaders. You won't see the crazy things Jewish extremists support on English sites which portray Israelis as the average people just seeking to live a life. It's actually the Palestinians who are just seeking to live a normal life and the Israelis who are doing everything to destroy their lives. There's a clear distinction between the oppressor and the oppressed.
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