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Nasl-al-Behr exercise


May 29, 2013
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ISLAMABAD - Pakistan and United Arab Emirates (UAE) Navies on Sunday commenced a seven-day joint exercise Nasl al Behr to enhance bilateral cooperation between the two nations.The UAE Navy ships including Abu Dhabi and Baynunah class warships along with a maritime patrol aircraft have arrived in Karachi to take part in the exercises.

Special operating forces of UAE Navy would also participate in the exercise while Pakistan Navy's platforms PNS Khaibar, PNS Babur, PNS Quwwat, PNS Azmat and Helicopters will take part in these exercises. These exercises held by Pakistan Navy reiterate the connotation that Pakistan does not only want peace in the region and in the world and it will keep on playing its part through taking part in such exercises, said a press release issued by Navy here.It may be mentioned here that Pakistan Navy organizes exercises of Aman series with Naval forces of all major countries of the world.

The 4th Exercise of this series Aman 2013 was conducted in March 2013. Exercise Nasl Al Behr is being organized between Pakistan and UAE Navy from April 20 to 26, 2014. These are the first exercises of this series for mutual cooperation between both nations.The defender of the sea and coast, Pakistan Navy, has always been ready to accomplish its professional responsibilities. Pakistan Navy continues to hold joint exercises with other regional Navies to enhance its professional capabilities and to play its part in maintaining peace at regional and international level. Exercise Naseem Al Bahr with Saudi Naval forces and Exercise Thamar Al Tayyab with Oman Navy are testimony to it.

Pakistan, UAE navies joint exercise commences
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