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Naseeruddin Shah claims government finances Indian filmmakers


Oct 4, 2016
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Naseeruddin Shah: ‘The kind of big-budget films that are coming. The big ones - cannot disguise the jingoistic agenda’

Web Desk
September 14, 2021

Naseeruddin Shah claims govt finances Indian filmmakers to make propaganda films
Naseeruddin Shah claims govt finances Indian filmmakers to make propaganda films
During an interview, veteran Bollywood actor Naseeruddin Shah expressed his thoughts about Indian government pressurizing major filmmakers to make propaganda films.
A Wednesday actor said, “They [Indian filmmakers] are being encouraged by the government to make pro-government films, to make films lauding the efforts of our beloved leader. They also being financed, also promised a clean chit if they make movies which are propaganda, to put it bluntly."

He went on, "You will find the biggest guys giving in to this. In Nazi Germany also this was attempted. Filmmakers who were outstanding, world-class, were rounded up and asked to make films propagating the Nazi philosophy. The kind of big-budget films that are coming. The big ones - cannot disguise the jingoistic agenda."

The 71-year-old stated that the reason why the biggest Khans don’t speak up is because they fear harassment, “(the Khans) are worried because of the harassment they face. They have so much to lose. It's a question of their entire establishments getting harassed. I don't know if the Muslim community is facing any discrimination now in the film industry. I think our contribution is far too important."

He added, "The amount of revenue you can generate makes for the amount of respect that you receive in this industry. The three Khans are still at the very top, they are unchallenged and still delivering. I have never felt any discrimination. I was advised early in my career to change my name. I kept it and I don't know that it would have made any difference."


Tag all these superhero Indians on this forum, lets see how they do the following:

1. Discredit him
2. Show irrelevant things as proof saying otherwise.
3. Show how apparently it is "normal" and how xyz also does it.
Everyone knows, he even done some of them Propaganda movies himself so what is he complaining?

I posted this because it has given quite a bit of validty, Indians always demand proof and we all know instead of brushing dirt out of ones house, they love brushing it under the mat or behind a sofa.

This is a very nice shut the f**k up call to them. :)
I have never felt any discrimination.
Not sure about propaganda films, if Naseer is saying it, it could be true.

But I'm glad he said that he never felt discriminated. A wake up call to those who think (and may be secretely wish) that Indian Muslims are being discriminated against. Thanks Naseer.
Not sure about propaganda films, if Naseer is saying it, it could be true.

But I'm glad he said that he never felt discriminated. A wake up call to those who think (and may be secretely wish) that Indian Muslims are being discriminated against. Thanks Naseer.

Ofcourse he wasn't discriminated between 1970s - 2005, it was before the crazy nazi lover Modi took over in 2013 and raised Hindu Extremism to full turbo.
Ofcourse he wasn't discriminated between 1970s - 2005, it was before the crazy nazi lover Modi took over in 2013 and raised Hindu Extremism to full turbo.
It was actually 2014 when Modi took over.
But you missed reading this part:

He added, "The amount of revenue you can generate makes for the amount of respect that you receive in this industry. The three Khans are still at the very top, they are unchallenged and still delivering.
So how these Khans are able to be on top despite that crazy Nazi lover Modi taking over?
It was actually 2014 when Modi took over.
But you missed reading this part:

So how these Khans are able to be on top despite that crazy Nazi lover Modi taking over?

He answers that question in the next line, they aren't speaking up due to harrassment concerns. You really think spanking the big 3 into submission would help? It'd send the Indian muslims into a frenzy. While Modi might be incharge, his buddy list isnt as big as those 3 and once media attention would start pouring in crazily from all over the world, Modi would be decimated completely.

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