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Narendra Modi On Terror Hit List: Jaish-e-Mohammad Issues Threat


Aug 27, 2013
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The Bhartiya Janata Party's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi once again figured on the hit-list of a terror outfit that has issued a direct threat stating that the Gujarat Chief Minister will be killed, if he becomes the Indian Prime Minister.
Zee news channel's on its online edition stated that the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) founder Maulana Masood Azhar, who is said to be based in Pakistan, has issued the warning in the online weekly magazine al-Qalam.
The Al Qalam article reportedly called on the Muslims and asked them not to forget the role of Modi in the 2002 riots. "Muslims can never forget that BJP made Modi its PM candidate despite the accusations against the Gujarat Chief Minister for complicity in communal riots in Ahmadabad," the article stated.

Narendra Modi has been on the top list of the terror outfits such as Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), Hizbul Mujahideen (Huji) and Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), that want to eliminate him as he is seen as an anti-Muslim figure.


The most notable and direct terror attack Narendra Modi had was during his Patna rally on October 27, where in a series of bomb explosions, five people were killed. The Indian investigating agencies claim that Indian Mujahideen operatives were behind the blasts.
The Islamic militants groups have been closing in on Narendra Modi for long and as per the Intelligence Bureau, he is their top-most Indian target. There also has been intel that the Pakistan's ISI has been helping the terror groups, especially as any attack on Modi will lead to possible Hindu-Muslim clash, leading to instability in the country.

With all possible terror threats, the security cover around Narendra Modi has been on all time that may even be compared close to what the present Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh enjoys. The security detailing around Modi has a three-layer cordon, a special security drill and advance security liaisioning (ASL) - which comprises of Central and State forces for all public rallies of Modi.

The BJP Prime Minster candidate Modi enjoys the Z-plus security cover provided by the National Security Guard (NSG), which means at any point in time, 36 black cat commandos form an inner security cordon around him.
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