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Nanotech get big in china


Dec 23, 2006
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Nanotech Gets Big In China
Josh Wolfe, Forbes/Wolfe Nanotech Report 02.01.07

It's no secret that China's economy is fast becoming an economic powerhouse, but I wasn't prepared for the signs everywhere of hyperactive growth when I landed in China last month to meet with numerous advanced materials start-ups and fellow venture capitalists. Shanghai and Beijing are cityscapes of cranes operating in every direction around the clock. Everywhere highways and buildings were being raised, and the presence of Western investors and businesspeople was ubiquitous.

Clearly, change is coming to China on a massive scale. But it is also happening at the nanoscale.

China is now rapidly trying to catch up to the U.S. in nanotech, and already U.S. startups are heading there for competitive advantage. The question for stateside nanotech investors, however, isn't how broad China's expansion is, but how deep it goes. The country's manufacturing infrastructure may be expanding at an alarming rate, and its markets are now opening to foreign business. But the country still has a long way to go as an innovator in nami jishu--aka nanotechnology.
Lux Research reported last year that China's nanotech spending, adjusted for current exchange rates, trailed fourth behind the U.S., Japan and Germany in 2005 [Full disclosure: My venture firm Lux Capital is an equity investor in Lux Research]. But adjusting the figures further to reflect purchasing power parity (i.e., the difference in the cost of goods and services from one country to the next), China's investment in nanotech research jumped to second place, reaching the equivalent of $1.11 billion, compared with $1.57 billion in the U.S. China was second only to the U.S. in 2005 in terms of published, peer-reviewed journal articles on nanotech. In nanotech patents, China ranked third in 2003, behind the U.S. and Japan.While impressive, these raw statistics provide only a glimpse of the big picture--and China's emerging nanoscape fills a very, very big frame. Depending on what pundit you listen to, China is presented as a gleaming investment opportunity or a looming threat to free trade. My read is that China represents something in between these two poles. It poses risks and opportunities as a commercial market, as a manufacturing power and as an innovator. In each of these roles, China deserves closer inspection than we can devote in a single issue of this newsletter. But we can get a better grasp of what the most important questions are.

China as a Market

With an integrated market encompassing roughly one-fifth of the world's population, China's opportunities for investment and trade are simply undeniable. China's urban population alone has risen by 200 million people over the last decade; that's equivalent to two-thirds of the entire U.S. population. Another 75 million rural Chinese are expected to migrate into the cities over the next five years.

With numbers like that within its borders, China doesn't need to be a technology leader or a global player to become a powerhouse economy. In other high-tech sectors like semiconductors, for example, China chose to build out its chipmaking industry operations with lower-cost, trailing-edge technology that could fill domestic demand rather than invest heavily in the advanced manufacturing technology it would need to compete with world-class chipmakers in Taiwan and Japan. Why invest in cutting edge manufacturing equipment to compete globally with Taiwan and Japan, when your domestic market consumed roughly two-fifths of the world's semiconductor output in 2005?

The question is whether or not this same dynamic applies to nanotech products. In one sense, nanotechnology is something of a fad among Chinese consumers. In an essay for Science magazine last year, the executive V.P. of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chunli Bai, cited examples of domestic companies boosting profits by simply adding a "nano" label to their products. He mentioned products such as nano-gas, nano-cups, nano-toothpaste and nano-beer.

These attitudes contrast with those of Western consumers, which are sometimes more circumspect about the possible health risks of nanotechnology. Even so, very few foreign nanotech firms appear to have tapped the Chinese market to date. One notable exception is Woodbury, N.Y.-based Nanosphere member Veeco (nasdaq: VECO - news - people ), a leading supplier of atomic force microscopes (AFM) used to characterize, measure and manipulate nanoscale structures. Most of Veeco's trade is currently conducted with China's institutes and universities, although it is also selling equipment to multinational companies who have opened tech centers in Asia.

In addition to AFM sales, Veeco is also doing a brisk business in other nanotech process equipment, such as instrumentation used to make thin film magnetic heads and LEDs. Overall, Asia in general and China in particular, have become an increasingly significant driver of Veeco's instrument business. They now generate approximately 40% of the company's revenues and represent its fastest growing region for sales. That's good news for Veeco, but it's less clear what this suggests for Western players trying to break into other nanocentric sectors of the Chinese market like biotech, energy and materials. Applications in electronics and life sciences are virtually nonexistent today.

Where China can compete strongly--both domestically and abroad--is as a manufacturer of nanomaterials. Players include Shanghai-based Yaohua Nano-Tech, which makes metal oxide nanoparticles, and nanotube manufacturer Shenzhen Nanotech in Guangdong. These and other Chinese ventures in the fields of nanoparticle-enabled coatings and composite materials could pose strong competition to foreign firms.

China as Manufacturer

Economic and commercial dominance is nothing new to China, which had fielded the world's largest economy for most of the last millennium. A decade or two before the Industrial Revolution caught on in Britain, China was cranking out a third of the world's manufactured goods. Today, the relative cost of labor and services has attracted a long list of foreign firms that have opened manufacturing operations in Asia.

But countering the potential cost benefits, are lingering concerns about IP protection, particularly in highly technical fields. Many companies are reluctant to expose proprietary processes or technology to copycats, and opt to move assembly operations in China while keeping sensitive operations elsewhere. Concerns about IP haven't stopped companies from opening R&D operations on the Asian mainland. Veeco, for one, opened a research center operated jointly with the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing. Also, in the Shanghai area, General Electric (nyse: GE - news - people ), Intel (nasdaq: INTC - news - people ) and Rohm & Haas (nyse: ROH - news - people ) have all launched world-class tech centers.

Another example is Accelergy Corporation, which, in addition to developing its own products for energy markets, also performs contract research in and beyond nanotech for mostly Western clients. [Full disclosure: My venture firm Lux Capital is an equity investor in Accelergy.] Despite its current client base and Palo Alto, Calif.-based headquarters, the firm opted to locate its R&D operations in Shanghai for two strategic reasons, according to Accelergy CEO Vic Sprenger. The first is to tap into China’s rapidly growing pool of world-class scientists. The second is a trend of scientific innovation and creativity. If true, that trend could evolve greater demand for improved patent laws and enforcement.

Earlier, I mentioned that China ranked third in worldwide nanotech patents in 2003, a detail that advocates of Chinese nanotech like to quote. Another way of counting might only include patents on file with the U.S. patent office, in which case China can present only 21 between 1995 and 2005, putting it in 12th place worldwide. China may not feel it needs to attract specialized industry operations to its shores. But if it does, the patent culture needs to change and the government will have to regulate and enforce IP more rigorously. Veeco's V.P. of marketing and business development for metrology and instrumentation, David Rossi, said he has heard talk of that, but he and other industry leaders need to see results.

Another trend I'll be watching for is a greater willingness among Chinese firms to form joint ventures and competitive partnerships with foreign nanotech companies. Today, the best and perhaps only example of this is San Jose, Calif.-based NeoPhotonics' merger with Photon Technology in Shenzhen, signed last year. Combined, the companies aim to advance photonic integration technology, which is similar to integrated chips except it shuttles around photonics instead of electrons. NeoPhotonics is backed by U.S. VCs including Nanosphere member Harris & Harris Group (nasdaq: TINY - news - people ).

There may be other joint nano ventures on the horizon, however. I've caught wind of two companies that had signed credible agreements in the last year. One to develop a nanoclay composite, the other to develop a heat transfer technology for semiconductor chips.

China as an Innovator Measured purely in terms of years, nanotech in Japan and the West does not have much of a head start against China, especially considering that China can leverage the basic research already done elsewhere. On the other hand, technology in any highly advanced field evolves at an exponential rate, which can make it hard for emerging players like China to catch up. This may help explain the conventional wisdom, which is that China excels as a manufacturing country and as a market for goods, but not as an innovator.

Presented with this belief, Accelergy's Sprenger responded simply: "We believe conventional wisdom is about to change." If China's emerging nanotech sector hopes to compete on a global scale in the next six years, it will need to invest heavily in research today--and it appears to be doing just that. As I mentioned earlier, when adjusted for exchange rates and purchasing power parity, China's investment in nanotech research runs a close second to the U.S. Much of that largesse is going toward construction of 33 nanotech centers across Asia, but significant portions are also funding centers already in operation like the National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology in Shanghai and the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China in Beijing.

But some of the momentum created by government funding may be lost by China's lack of a nationally coordinated nanotech initiative. The government imposes high level omnibus vehicles for disbursing money and setting priorities. Lacking direction at the national level, much of the research done at the regional level is redundant or less relevant than it could be. Also, while the large national research centers are well-funded, smaller universities often have to find other resources. This has driven some of them to seek collaborations with multinational corporations based nearby, particularly if the corporation has a well-equipped tech center. From this trend, two others have branched out. One is that, in contrast to the basic research conducted by large government funded centers, smaller universities have become the de facto source for applied research --partly due to their collaboration with more commercially oriented multinationals.

Another, according to Veeco's Rossi is that the multiple collaborations of China's small universities often facilitates connections between the foreign firms they work with.Veeco's collaborations with Fudan University in Shanghai and with CAS, for example, could open inroads with other multinationals located in Shanghai. "It's almost like the universities are allowing cross-pollination between companies that may not have opened up otherwise," he said.

Looking ahead, Lux Research has projected that China's R&D infrastructure will not only improve by 2012, but is also poised to become a dominant global contributor. Continuing government support will fuel further growth of nano-related publications. Meanwhile, reforms under way through the Chinese Academy of Science will help researchers think more like entrepreneurs, which could help invite increased international patent activity, more risk capital and more partnerships with major corporations.

as chines econmy grow china will invest more in nanotech. and soon will cross usa,because china know nanotech. is futur
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