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Nanchang Q-6


Sep 19, 2008
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Nanchang Q-6 Nanchang Q-5 to the chief designer Lu Xiaopeng led the design Q-6. Q-6 design is based on MiG -23 began air power and structures. The mid-20th century, 70, in addition to two MiG-21M, China has acquired from abroad two MiG-23MS, two MiG-23BN, two MiG-23U, and 10 AS-5 ground missiles. Therefore, China imitation through reverse engineering of its components, in particular, avionics, and R-29 turbojet engine. Lu Xiaopeng also visited a number of Chinese air force and naval officers, the aircraft needed to listen to their views. In February 1979, the final design presented to National Defense Science and Technology Commission.
Q-6 is a variable-geometry wing aircraft. It draws most of the MiG -23 rear structure, and with a belly and a high intake of a new home before the cockpit fuselage combination. Q-6 plans to use 122.4 kN thrust of the WS-6 engines, aircraft weight of 14.5 thousand kilograms, the biggest load of bombs 4500 kilograms, combat radius of 900 km is expected to flight performance in excess of MiG -23.
In the sixties and seventies of last century, variable-geometry wing widely favored by the world of military aviation, several models have variable-geometry wing aircraft in service. China has noticed this trend and began their own research. In the 20th century, the mid-60s, China has actively carried out variable-geometry wing of the development work. Q-6 develop early, some people advocate that China should be the next generation of Strike Fighter F-111 MiG -23, or a sample. From the 20th century until the mid-60s late 70s, China has at least four conceptual proposals for the use of variable-geometry wing, including the Shenyang Aircraft Company's J-10 heavy fighters (with the current J-10 without any contact), Q -6 and similar F-111 / SU -24 / "wind" of the attack aircraft.
Q-5, compared with, Q-6 with multi-improved avionics system, and intends to use the MiG-23BN certain components within the equipment as a reference. Q-6 to be used in avionics systems include laser target indicators, tail warning radar, radio altimeter and radio gyro plate, but also intends to introduce a terrain contour matching and tracking system and modern flat-panel displays. However, most of the avionics system from the Soviet Union, with the use of IC compared with Western avionics system is clumsy old.
In China, one of the biggest problems facing the power plant, which is troubled by a number of other projects was a common problem. WS-6 engine after further improvement, in 1983, named after the completion WS-6G, rated 138.2 kN thrust. The engine with the J-9 and J-13's history, as experienced several delays due to technical problems. MiG -23 finally decided to adopt the R-29-300 engine, developed through the reverse 410 plant named WP-15. This is a double rotor turbojet engine, maximum afterburning thrust of 125.2 kN, 85.1 kN maximum thrust without afterburner. However, WP-15 ultimately did not equip any of the Chinese air force planes, but as a technical reserve preserved.
Q-6 on the development in progress, the modern military aircraft and the increasing use of telex control system. China's aviation industry started to pay attention telex control system and spend a lot of time to learn foreign technology, as well as editing software. The final Q-6 using the highly automated control system telex. JH-7 also used a telex control system, which means that the introduction of the Chinese Air Force Su--27 production of the aircraft before the Xi'an of China's most advanced fighter.
In addition to power plant addition, Q-6 to overcome the biggest obstacle is the reverse development of variable-geometry wing structure. In this regard, Nanchang, engineers and technicians experienced a serious problem because we can not copy the original design of the Soviet Union. Said that China's first variable-geometry wing structure of quasi-plane than the original weight of at least 12%, thereby reducing the new aircraft load of bombs, range and combat radius.
The same period, because at that time the Chinese regarded as the greatest enemy of the Soviet Union in the changes in weapons and equipment, leading to the Chinese military needs to change. The Soviet Union deployed along the Sino-Soviet border, such as S-300 and the modified surface to air missiles like the 9M38. Siberian Military District dense air defense network, already in flight to China pose a serious threat. Q-6 It is believed that low-flying than the JH-7 are more vulnerable to Soviet air defense forces to combat.
This new situation requires re-design, because far from done with Q-6 can not meet operational requirements. Because at this time of the JH-7 design and development work far exceeds the Q-6, Air Force and Navy will be fully attention to Xi'an, a large-scale attack bombers. When comparing the two has its own advantages: JH-7 structure is more simple, more compact aerodynamic design, a larger load of bombs, combat radius of more distant; while Q-6 more mobile, lower unit price.
It is reported that, Nanchang continue to develop variable-geometry wings and, ultimately, under the leadership of Lu Xiaopeng After eight years of hard work, in the late 20th century, 80 achieved a breakthrough. It seems, Nanchang to introduce a new design. The program uses the lower part of the nose inlet and variable-geometry wings, power installations in the WS-6 single or WS-6G. However, due to China's aviation industry made great achievements, the program came too late, and therefore can not escape the fate of being abandoned. With the JH-7's successful flight test, Q-6 for all the development work is concluded.
JH-7 has won the battle with the Q-6
JH-7 has won the battle with the Q-6

yeah but yet it could be marketed for replacement of A-5 to current operators. But yes with JH-7 and FC-1 are good choices
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