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Najam Sethi: The new people joining PTI


Aug 15, 2009
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For very first time i loved to hear him.....

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Sardar Asif Ali corrupt and joins PTI? - YouTube

make some good excuses why its ok for the people like him to join PTI?
post any proof that this Asif guys is not joining for a seat but as a selfless motivated person like Imran is

i think somebody has to rule this country and at this point imran and his party seem better option than any other ever military dictators

if you have any other guy please point out

other ther imran MQM is the only party which can improve this country but obviously punjabis are not gonna vote for a party from karachi
Sardar Asif Ali corrupt and joins PTI? - YouTube

make some good excuses why its ok for the people like him to join PTI?
post any proof that this Asif guys is not joining for a seat but as a selfless motivated person like Imran is

I can come up with some,,, :) ...

You know Jesus too chose 12 disciples & one of them was a deceiver,,, Jesus couldn't figure out a rotten-egg in his team despite being a Prophet & getting direct instructions from God...

Hazrat Ali too , he had some crypto-jews in his force who caused the war b/w Ali & Aisha,,,

Prophet Muhammad too despite being a Prophet in touch with omniscient power, he couldn't realize that some of new converts were hypocrites & NOT sincere...!!!!

I mean come on , when a party grows bigger that too so quickly some rotten-eggs are bound to end up with it,,, firstly it's NOT always possible to detect them & sometimes we let them knowingly just coz we r in need of support at the moment,,, once established IK will definitely FORCE his own ideologies on all LOTAs irrespective of whatever they supported in past...


If i run a business & have 200 employees under me,,, what do u think all of them would be honest workers ,,, If I am a strict boss they will ALL be COMPELLED to work with honesty ... but if I am a lazy careless or corrupt boss ,,, then ONLY few of my employees will stay honest with their work on their own, most of them will feel free to do corruption...

IK is that strict & stubborn boss ,,,
i think somebody has to rule this country and at this point imran and his party seem better option than any other ever military dictators

if you have any other guy please point out

other ther imran MQM is the only party which can improve this country but obviously punjabis are not gonna vote for a party from karachi

had to respond on this 1...u think mqm is the ONLY party that can improve pakistan!!!!:what: uve got to be kidding right? what mqm has done to karachi u want the whole of pakistan to be ruled by this terrorist party..jeeeeeezzz
had to respond on this 1...u think mqm is the ONLY party that can improve pakistan!!!!:what: uve got to be kidding right? what mqm has done to karachi u want the whole of pakistan to be ruled by this terrorist party..jeeeeeezzz

MQM is not a terrorist party, MQM is just having militant wing in response to the militant wings of other parties in karachi like ANP and PPP

in karachi MQM has weapons because its the only party which suffered a decade of war with army and PPP and now ANP

and you dont know anything abut MQM, for instance, MQM is the only partywhich brings the common people from its contituency not some zamindars and jagirdars

while all other parties including imran khan party are brining the same old corrupt faces, PTI has no plan other than recruiting the old lota members, MQM won one seat in GB but contesting its common candidate against the PPP and PML candidates while PTI didnt get one seat
I can come up with some,,, :) ...

You know Jesus too chose 12 disciples & one of them was a deceiver,,, Jesus couldn't figure out a rotten-egg in his team despite being a Prophet & getting direct instructions from God...

Hazrat Ali too , he had some crypto-jews in his force who caused the war b/w Ali & Aisha,,,

Prophet Muhammad too despite being a Prophet in touch with omniscient power, he couldn't realize that some of new converts were hypocrites & NOT sincere...!!!!

I mean come on , when a party grows bigger that too so quickly some rotten-eggs are bound to end up with it,,, firstly it's NOT always possible to detect them & sometimes we let them knowingly just coz we r in need of support at the moment,,, once established IK will definitely FORCE his own ideologies on all LOTAs irrespective of whatever they supported in past...


If i run a business & have 200 employees under me,,, what do u think all of them would be honest workers ,,, If I am a strict boss they will ALL be COMPELLED to work with honesty ... but if I am a lazy careless or corrupt boss ,,, then ONLY few of my employees will stay honest with their work on their own, most of them will feel free to do corruption...

IK is that strict & stubborn boss ,,,

I do agree with the logic of not being perfect. but it can always be pointed out and the sincere Insaf Tigers must remain vocal to any new entrant whose profile doesnot match with PTI's benchmark.

So, that it will help PTI/IK to stay on track...
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