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Naila Jaffri Fund - save a proud Pakistani from cancer

modern food modern technology and you get cancer.

baking soda, and cannabis oil for cancer cure.

Thier is plenty of cures but everytime a scientist cures this disease he gets assasinated. Thier is a website that shows alist of scientist/dr etc that have created cures for disease then suddenly die from heart attack or have a tragic accident.
thanks to rockfeller /rothschild israel monopoly. On the list thier were alot of middle eastern scientist which was suprising as you dont hear about it.

Now you know how israel contributes. kill and steal and then at later stage monoplise it and charge a dime a dozen. or only few elites get the cure, join the masons lolz.

Listen to dr lorraine on the youtube or dr mercola.
AA Friends,

I am closing the campaign which I had started to support Naila Jafferi's treatment for cancer. The campaign hasn't pulled enough attention and I am not able to collect planned 20,000.

I am going to donate my contribution as Sadqa Jaria, but I am looking for Waqar Ahmed who has also contributed to the campaign https://www.gofundme.com/naila-jaffri-fund

If Waqar Ahmed is here at PDF, please approach me at graphican@gmail.com

In case I am unable to get his attention, begging Allah for forgives, I will also donate his contribution in Sadqa Jariya from his side.

Thank you all.

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