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N. Korea satellite appears dead: scientist

Sanction? LOL the North Koreans have been thumping their noses at the US sanctions all these years.
without china's participation, no sanction would work, so stop talking useless thing , china would not sanction north korea, and she has strategic use of north korea against america and japan,
Buddy, like I said we can't be certain. its all up to your and my discretion.

You may be right though.
North Korea, as a country, is primitive enough that no satellite is going to serve any purpose, not even for military purposes. This is purely about developing ballistic missiles.

Sanction? LOL the North Koreans have been thumping their noses at the US sanctions all these years.
Skinny thumbs and noses. From constant hunger and malnutrition. Proud of yourself?
LOL if I were you I wouldn't talk about other people's status. You're not exactly a giant yourself. ;)
Is that because am constantly malnourished? You obviously do not know the difference between heights caused by genetics versus heights caused by malnutrition.

But the relevant question is why are YOU, a resident of one of the more prosperous countries in the world, cheering for a country that is the complete opposite of all the things that made YOU the way you are today? You know more about US than about North Korea. I have been to your Singapore and know more about your country than I do about North Korea. Bottom line is everything we know about North Korea is negative, from foreigners who have been permitted access to defectors who fled the country. Have anyone throughout the years tried to 'flee' from Singapore?

So why are cheering for a country that is the complete opposite of all the things that made YOU the way you are today, the things such as better health, education, and freedoms, that you would never give up? The answer is you do it just out of petty spite for the US.

Petty spite.
I cheer for them because I feel deep sorrow for them and hate the American policy of "Operation Peaceful Genocide", here or elsewhere. I care for American people as well as I care for anyone but dislike people like you who think you have the ultimate right to judge others and use whatever power you have to satisfy your judgements.
I cheer for them because I feel deep sorrow for them and hate the American policy of "Operation Peaceful Genocide", here or elsewhere.
No, you do not. Their misery is the result of their own government's ineptitude, greed for power, and the obedience to a proven failed ideology. The starving North Koreans serves only as a convenient vehicle for your hatred of US. Without North Korea, you would have found another vehicle.

I care for American people as well as I care for anyone but dislike people like you who think you have the ultimate right to judge others and use whatever power you have to satisfy your judgements.
Show me a single person who does not judge and I will show you a person with nothing but a brain stem.
No, you do not. Their misery is the result of their own government's ineptitude, greed for power, and the obedience to a proven failed ideology. The starving North Koreans serves only as a convenient vehicle for your hatred of US. Without North Korea, you would have found another vehicle.

Show me a single person who does not judge and I will show you a person with nothing but a brain stem.

You're a pathetic person so there's no need for me to tell you how I feel about the American 'people'.

Of course people judge others but then they don't impose their judgements on others. If you don't believe me just look at yourself on the mirror. You ARE precisely the kind of person I 'dislike".
You're a pathetic person so there's no need for me to tell you how I feel about the American 'people'.
Doh...Here comes the race card.

Of course people judge others but then they don't impose their judgements on others. If you don't believe me just look at yourself on the mirror. You ARE precisely the kind of person I 'dislike".
The moment you judge, that moment, silent or spoken, is that imposition. You basically said that so-and-so person, or idea, or method, or whatever, is wrong, or inadequate, or misguided, or whatever. The US did not invade North Korea but chose a less violent mean to protect an ally, South Korea. You do not like that method? Then petition your Singaporean government to deal with North Korea. Your government does not like your idea? Tough doody. Plenty of people have done the same for their governments and usually their governments replied the same: Tough doody. So in effect, as far as North Korea is concerned, the majority of the developed countries have the same judgment and imposed the method as we proposed.

Looks like you are going to 'dislike' a lot of countries. :lol:
Congrat to NK communist brother, hope their missile will make a Big Mess in US's soil in near future :cheers:
hey dude we should hack to satelite and change song into psy oppa gangnam style let see what happen next?
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