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Mystery Rock 'Appears' in Front of Mars Rover


Jul 3, 2012
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After a decade of exploring the Martian surface, the scientists overseeing veteran rover Opportunity thought they’d seen it all. That was until a rock mysteriously "appeared" a few feet in front of the six-wheeled rover a few days ago.

News of the errant rock was announced by NASA Mars Exploration Rover lead scientist Steve Squyres of Cornell University at a special NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory "10 years of roving Mars" event at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, Calif., on Thursday night. The science star-studded public event was held in celebration of the decade since twin rovers Spirit and Opportunity landed on the red planet in January 2004.

While chronicling the scientific discoveries made by both rovers over the years, Squyres discussed the recent finding of suspected gypsum near the rim of Endeavour Crater — a region of Meridiani Planum that Opportunity has been studying since 2011 — and the discovery of clays that likely formed in a pH-neutral wet environment in Mars past. While these discoveries have been nothing short of groundbreaking, Squyres shared the Mars rover's team's excitement for that one strange rock, exclaiming: "Mars keeps throwing new stuff at us!"

In a comparison of recent photographs captured by the rover’s panoramic camera, or Pancam, on sol 3528 of the mission, only bare bedrock can be seen. But on sol 3540, a fist-sized rock had appeared (raw Pancam images can be found in the mission archive). MER scientists promptly nicknamed the object “Pinnacle Island."

"It's about the size of a jelly doughnut," Squyres told Discovery News. "It was a total surprise, we were like 'wait a second, that wasn't there before, it can't be right. Oh my god! It wasn't there before!’ We were absolutely startled."

But the rover didn't roll over that area, so where did Pinnacle Island come from?

Only two options have so far been identified as the rock's source: 1) The rover either "flipped" the object as it maneuvered or, 2) it landed there, right in front of the rover, after a nearby meteorite impact event. The impact ejecta theory, however, is the least likely of the two.

"So my best guess for this rock … is that it's something that was nearby," said Squyres. "I must stress that I’m guessing now, but I think it happened when the rover did a turn in place a meter or two from where this rock now lies."

Opportunity's front right steering actuator has stopped working, so Squyres identified that as the possible culprit behind the whole mystery.

Each wheel on the rover has its own actuator. Should an actuator jam or otherwise fail, the robot's mobility can suffer. In the case of this wheel, it can no longer turn left or right. "So if you do a turn in place on bedrock," continued Squyres, "as you turn that wheel across the rock, it's gonna kinda 'chatter.'" This jittery motion across the bedrock may have propelled the rock out of place, "tiddlywinking" the object from its location and flipping it a few feet away from the rover.


@@Skull and Bones @Dash @Alpha1 @Flamingo @levina @Armstrong @DRAY @desert warrior @jbgt90 @Srinivas @kbd-raaf @BDforever @Aamna14 @Kurama @Marshmallow @haman10 @WAR-rior @Roybot @timetravel @gslvmk3 @Bombermanx1 @Guynextdoor2 @scorpionx @isro2222 @Indo-guy @gslv @gslvmk3 @madooxno9
come on, no alien.

What I see, it was rover crossed this place (Lazy Scientists), or picture of different place (again Lazy scientists).

I don't know what these guys are doing, while sitting in NASA. They can't even watch where rover is going :-s
Martians are throwing stones at us.


That's a Martian stonefrog, like earth's stonefish.

its not the landing platform. The rover drived to that point and was years on its way, then got stuck. The rover is not mobile since some months now. Thats why scientists are puzzeled. The stone simply suddenly appeared on this place.
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