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Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

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In addition, these are innocent civilians who were not in any way associated with Kokang rebels from Myanmar. The point is this --- the Burmese Military need to find a diplomatic solution to this civil war else expect greater human refugee migration from Myanmar into the porous border with China.
Any further provocation should be met with force, a very mature outlook by the Chinese Government till now but if this is taken as weakness the Chinese should respond against the air force to stop further risk towards their people. Maybe a no fly zone inside a certain area of Myanmar near the border to show their might.
Ever entertained the possibility that Beijing might be deliberately playing this incident down to keep Myanmar within its sphere of influence? Not every incident warrants an equal and opposite response, especially in low-key high-risk areas.
To be honest, if Myanmar is not an important partner to our national goal for energy diversification and security, we already respond in full force. Due to that, they are giving us a very hard time. I wonder what exactly are they thinking.
Ever entertained the possibility that Beijing might be deliberately playing this incident down to keep Myanmar within its sphere of influence? Not every incident warrants an equal and opposite response, especially in low-key high-risk areas.
we could just do what the Americans do, this is a clear attack on Chinese soil, we can demand the stepping down of the heads of the Myanmar military and government as well as all those in command at the front, which they won't do.

Americans change government all the time, why not make Myanmar really part of the sphere.

Obviously I'm not saying we must or should, but keeping in mind there are options either way.
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This doesnt appear as accidents / coincidence
The Myanmar airforce has done this twice

Conspiracy theory aside, the next intrusion is an invitation for counter attacks at once regardless
Then we talk

Any further provocation should be met with force, a very mature outlook by the Chinese Government till now but if this is taken as weakness the Chinese should respond against the air force to stop further risk towards their people. Maybe a no fly zone inside a certain area of Myanmar near the border to show their might.

Precisely, my friend. I can even make reference to Pakistani and Indian border issues where Indian Javans enter Pakistani territory, are met with artillery strikes. The same also goes in reverse. Saudi Arabia recently installed a massive security fence system that separates KSA from Iraq, and the SANG (Saudi Arabian National Guard) as well as the RSA (Royal Saudi Army) regularly fire artillery on enemy combatants or foregin military units that enter Saudi territory without permission. The same goes with Iranian-Iraqi border areas, same goes with Finnish-Russian border areas, same goes with Thai-Cambodian border areas, same goes with Indonesian-Malaysian border areas.

I just cannot understand what went in the mind of the Squadron leader of the Myanmar Air Squadron that entered Chinese air space and fired into Chinese civilian zones. I also don't understand why the Chinese Air Command that is responsible for this region would even allow enemy planes to enter the territory unabashed.
I just cannot understand what went in the mind of the Squadron leader of the Myanmar Air Squadron that entered Chinese air space and fired into Chinese civilian zones. I also don't understand why the Chinese Air Command that is responsible for this region would even allow enemy planes to enter the territory unabashed.
The Chinese are patient and they do not want to make any incident into a greater confrontation. They are patiently trying to monitor and solve the problem rather then escalate. I think a harsher message would be sent through diplomatic channels which should be the way to act. Which is why I remarked any further strike should be met with disabling the ability of Myanmar to fly near the Chinese border. Let us hope for a peaceful solution and no loss of life and Myanmar getting back into their senses respecting their own people.

it's roughly 1 km inside China border.

i agree that we have to do something. 4 dead now there should be no excuse.
but the situation is still a bit unclear, we all need to calm down a little and wait for more information.

(i'm being fire bombed by all my social media connections right now, i'm kind of tired of the emotional outlet.)
I do not tell u. I always have my own ways to get the photo, don't ask me more. :D

for airshow, it's ok.
But for proving Myanmar violated your territory, let think twice.
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