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My imam father came after me with an axe

I saw a some muslim women even married to non muslim but they never get converted even though they are no more muslim according to doctrine. But deep in their mind they still cherish Islam.
sir ITS Abused system because its been abused by people. I tell you abuse in a love marriage is much more than in arrange marriage. kind of distrust and unfaithfulness shown in that system is much more available. I can tell you its a abused system thats why we have such high divorce rate.
I am not saying that forced marriage is right or any b.s like that. I am just saying forced marriage is a human mind creation to abuse a very good system. Where all important issue are taken care of: such as reputation, wealth , vocation, religion, language and physical aspects.
So if you want to abuse you can abuse any system. personally i would not liek to be in a arranged marirage system. but there are reasons for it.

Forced marriage and arranged marriage is two completely different thing but few people always try to relate between them. Again love marriage as well as as arranged marriage is not free of flaws, its all about finding the right partners. In a arranged marriage their are some pre conceived rules which were accepted by both the parties which makes the life little easier and there are parents to support you when there were problems. Also arranged marriage comes with some sort of responsibility not only for the bride or groom but also for the familly, relatives and society which makes thing little difficult for falling apart. LOVE marriage is good which comes with a lot of passion, excitement and comfortability with respect to your partner, but as long as any of the party does not take it for granted, it should work out well too.
She probably thought Christian men lost all their potency through overuse and she feels safe now on their lap... :woot:

A request : Pls discuss the merits of the message, don't try to mock the messenger u don't even know. it only reflects badly on u.
I saw a some muslim women even married to non muslim but they never get converted even though they are no more muslim according to doctrine. But deep in their mind they still cherish Islam.

For a muslim woman to marry a non muslim man is sinful, and not legitimate in the Shariah. Yet, she is still a muslim.
I think a distinction should be made between "arranged marriage" and "forced marriage", I'm just not quite sure how to do it. The parents arrange but the girl and guy have to approve? I know enough South Asians to know that this system can work and be quite successful.

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