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Muslims declare Jihad against terrorism

You mean only one out of many of them!!!!!!!!!! This clearly shows whole picture of the mindset of west have against terrorism. They are not against terrorism but their motives are different.

Not even a single person in this forum have condmned the israeli nazism. But we shouldnt say the whole west, i have got my work mates who had been participating in every single protest which was organized against the strikes in Gaza. I can see there is change coming in people's attitude in Europe regarding the issue of palestine/israel, but i am not sure about it in america.
@Xdrive: Actually we also haven't seen you guys condemning Israeli and Zionist terrorism!!!!

Why you guys have sealed your lips on terrorism in Palestine and Gaza? why this hypocrisy???

Who is "you guys"?

If you look up my posts on this forum, i have atleast 50 posts criticizing israel.

You should remember that not only a single of them have condemned israeli cruelty and Nazism. On the other hand, this forum at least is full of hatred against Al Qaeda and Taliban from muslims.

So no one in the western world has condemned nazism?

What do you call the millions of western soldiers fighting against the nazis in WW2 then?

What a stupid thing to say,
So no one in the western world has condemned nazism?

I believe you are not that much familiar with using forums to communicate with people. Yes, people are condemning israelis for their Nazism in the west, i was talking about this forum, since you pointed out to the forum thats why i gave you answer related to that. and please kindly read the above comment i posted. but american officials and authorities are full of bias and doulbe standardism when it comes to the Middle East.

What do you call the millions of western soldiers fighting against the nazis in WW2 then?

every single of your comments amazes me!! I should have problem understanding English because it is not my language, not you. When i said Nazis, i meant Israeli Nazism, it was clear in my post.
First my apologies for not knowing Islam properly.
My question is, what is Jihad?
Does Jihad mean a war where the perceived enemy is to be killed? Or is it a boycott of that enemy?
Could experts throw more light on the definition of Jihad as mentioned in Qua ran. Why is it so commonly being used to create a movement amongst Muslims?
I believe you are not that much familiar with using forums to communicate with people. Yes, people are condemning israelis for their Nazism in the west, i was talking about this forum, since you pointed out to the forum thats why i gave you answer related to that. and please kindly read the above comment i posted. but american officials and authorities are full of bias and doulbe standardism when it comes to the Middle East.

every single of your comments amazes me!! I should have problem understanding English because it is not my language, not you. When i said Nazis, i meant Israeli Nazism, it was clear in my post.

No it was not clear and if you have problems with speaking English, don't seem amazed if i can't understand what you are saying :) Also i have never heard of such thing as "Israeli nazism" so that's why i am confused.
First my apologies for not knowing Islam properly.
My question is, what is Jihad?
Does Jihad mean a war where the perceived enemy is to be killed? Or is it a boycott of that enemy?
Could experts throw more light on the definition of Jihad as mentioned in Qua ran. Why is it so commonly being used to create a movement amongst Muslims?

Jihad is not something bad unless you use it for your own twisted political gains. What indians did against the british colonizer was a jihad, jihad is a struggle from the oppressed against the oppressor. BUT, what Al Qaeda and the Taliban are doing is not jihad.
What actually you call those jewish zionists who are killing innocent Palestinians????
Be specific.

You are even not ready to condemn Zionist terrorist ideology!
There is no "Zionist terrorist ideology". It is the difference between what a thing is and what it is called. The first is evaluated based on its content; the second is a label. You are reacting, I suppose, based on an unsound education about Israel reinforced by war **** - shocking images taken out of context.
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