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Muslim Man Attacked, Beaten Bloody In Trump's America

Yeah, been there several times bro. We used to go skating at the Nonantum rink right up the street and then take all the kids over there for breakfast. I have family members from that area, right round the corner from that IHOP as a matter of fact lol.

I drove right by that MA State Police station a few weeks ago I think it's still there. Go towards the city and Boston Skating Rink on the right followed by WBZ TV and then the Harvard Colosseum. :-)

The actions in this video are not surprising at all. Go on YouTube and search "fights in restaurants" and you'll probably get 9 million hits all the same exact thing as what's on this video. What's even worst is when there's a huge group of these crazy people -- whom are the most inconsiderate -- fighting one another and throwing chairs and destroying the entire establishments. Imagine going to this extreme because the restaurant manager asked you to keep it down?

They moved the state police the other way near channel 38. It’s near the old Bank of New England drive thru.
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