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Muslim buys Israeli Football Club

May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
UAE royal buys 50 percent stake in Beitar Jerusalem Football Club.



In an announcement posted on their website, Beitar said Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Nahyan’s purchase also included a commitment to invest more than 300 million shekels ($92.18m) in the club over the next 10 years.

Beitar’s announcement on Monday quoted Sheikh Hamad as saying: “I am thrilled to be a partner in such a glorious club that I have heard so much of and in such a great city, the capital of Israel and one of the holiest cities in the world.

Mashallah. As a Football fan I will be buying Club Beitar Jerusalams strip and take pride that it is owned by a Muslim a Arab royal. The logo is a catchy yellow.


This is a racist right wing Israeli club

Ayrabs are real clowns at the moment
Isn’t this the club that openly claim they the most racist club in football? pretty sure they hate Muslims to the core now the club is owned by muslims 🤣
Stop being a raa-cist. Be happy the club is now Muslim owned.

Maybe it's a brilliant Arab plot to screw the Israeli from within

Muslim/Arab population is increasing within and around Israel

You bind Israeli hands with relationships

Let nature take its course

But that would be a case of 'the enemy plans but Allah SWT is the greatest of planners' rather then the Arab clowns actually having a plan
Till 2000 or 2010, it was in Pakistan's interest to espouse Palestine cause because Arabs would help Pakistan immensely over the issue of Kashmir. Hope you remember.

Maybe it's a brilliant Arab plot to screw the Israeli from within

Muslim/Arab population is increasing within and around Israel

You bind Israeli hands with relationships

Let nature take its course

But that would be a case of 'the enemy plans but Allah SWT is the greatest of planners' rather then the Arab clowns actually having a plan

Arab's don't have a brain to plan or think.
Not long ago on this very forum UAE and GCC was a living god. Arab's from GCC were like internet royalty. You dare say anything remotely that might be taken as disparaging GCC. The mantra was "Pakistan will defend GCC to the last drop of Pakistani blood". There was convergence of money, power, sectarianism that rested on the dual platforms of worship of GCC and hatred of Irani Shia Persia which often bizarely was hypenated with Zionist Israel. Many here actually looked at Israel and Iran as two sides of the same coin despite everybody knowing in the real world Israel was out to destroy Iran. GCC also despised Iran and wikileaks talked of Saudi royals asking Americans to chop the head of the snake[Iran].

Then came 2020. Boy shyte hit the fan. UAE and others jumped, grabbed and began making love to Israel all in the open with Saudia only waiting to "out". Both the Arabs and Israel are best fcuk budies and conjoined in a team out to destroy the evil Islamic Republic of Iran.


Just as matter of record I am entirely in support of the idea that Pakistan recognizes Israel and has relationship based on realpolitical interests as opposed to methene fumes of ummah or other such ridicalous ideas. Pakisatan should have done so in Musharaf's era and that way it would have looked like a trend setter rather than a lousy follower or that dumb basket left out of the whole plot cause he is clueless.

Still I take pleasure at all those brainwaashed Pakistani's now left illigitmate and without their living god who has dumped them. No doubt Pakistan will recognize Israel in about 20 years after it has got over the hangup. Drunk people need time to sober up.

Then it will be last to join the line ....
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