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Musharraf, The Only Hope for Pakistan

Who is democratic leader is NOT determined by capabilities/abilities/personal qualities.

It is determined by "Hawa ka Rukh" ... The trend of general opinion. And general opinion doesn't change overnight. General Opinion carries a momentum ... You cannot change it's direction over short time.

Only way to make Musharraf a hope is that Establishment may extend out of the way support to him.
Edmund Burke, said, " For evil to prosper, it is enough that good men do nothing"
In my opinion

It was short term policy not as long term when musharf not musharaf personally his power (Powerful presidency, army chief etc) has gone so that every thing has gone.
Shortly we can say that Musharaf was pure servant of USA and when was able to pleasure his boss (USA) doing evry thing in his country like affia siddique ,lalal masjid,killing his own people Etc so on the reply his Boss USA provide him foreign investors helping in stock Mkts to pleasure his servant Musharaf as we can said that USA use economic terrorism ( as Zaid describe Economic terrorism on News one ) Exactly US use that tactics as musharf has gone they pulled out his appointed investors.
Musharaf nothing has done in this country in any mega projects ( Power energy,IT, peace in country).
He kill an innocent Man (Leader) Akbar bugthi, he destroy sincerely working Judiciary etc.
In the past history I think one leader has done something for this counter was Zulfiqar ali Bhutto (I am not belong to PPP and I hate and dislike these all corrupt politician) .
But in my View one man has qualities in current political leaders like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is Imran khan.
Musharraf cannot walk straight into leading Pakistan. There is no empty chair waiting for him.

He has to first be elected, and then his party has to win sufficient votes for him to form a govt. He's a long long way away from that as we speak.

His APML is only a few personalities strong, the Chaudary's in Punjab haven't extended their hand to him, and don't look like doing so. The ANP, JI and others in KP don't want anything to do with him. Balochi's still cry about Bugti, and the MQM is his only hope of support - but they have been pretty mute on the subject.

He has no power base in Pakistan, no regional offices, no grassroots campaign movement, so it's a near impossible task for him to make a success of it.

The only hope is if he's given a top spot in a cobbled together coalition. But as Pir Pagaro has made clear recently, if there is a merger of the PML factions, Musharraf's party are welcome to join.

Musharraf has legal cases to fight, and is still a controversial figure in Pakistan. His name has just been dragged through the mud in the sentencing of Aafia Siddiqui, a hugely damaging PR exercise.

He may have done good, but understand that it's not as easy as people make out for him to return and lead again. Very difficult is being kind.
^^ Akbar Bugti was innocent? Do you know how many people he tortured and shot and killed in cold blood? What planet are you from?

And as for Afia Siddiqui, let's not derail this thread since we have several Afia threads. In a nutshell, she was a radicalized Al qaeda supporter who left her husband to marry the nephew of a condemned terrorist (Khalid Sheikh Mohammad). She was also an American citizen found in Afghanistan... the only reason this is even an issue discussed today is because 1) she is a woman and 2) right wingers in Pakistan have drummed this up as a "ghairat" issue whereas it is not.

As for Lal Masjid, I agree Musharraf was at fault. Not for launching the operation, but launching it too late and waiting too long. He should have eliminated each and every one of the danda carrying terrorists, along with the hard core Uzbeks and others holed up in the mosque. All of these people were unforgivable enemies of Pakistan who had been going around taking people hostage, abducting individuals left-and-right, setting fire to people's belongings, beating people up and threatening citizens and the government. It is a shame that the Burkha mullah lives today and is allowed to walk around. He should have had a bullet put through his head. Ditto for the crazed terrorist wife of the brother who did kick the bucket... She is spewing hate and advocating revenge and terror even today. She needs to be put six feet under post-haste.
Smali Right after Musharraf's resignation I've written following Article. It might be helpful for you to know the facts a bit better.

Musharraf’s Fight For Pakistan

Fasih Ali Khan
Lahore, Pakistan

President Musharraf took over the Power on 12th October 1999 in a BloodLess Coup in Pakistan amid International Condemnation. The days he came in Power were one of the worst times Pakistan has ever seen in it’s history. There was Mismanagement in Every Field, Mass Lootings by the politicians of Nations Resources. Pakistan was on edge of being declared as ‘’A Failed State’’ and our economy was near Defaulting. There was Lawlessness, Religious Tensions and a Very Strong sense of Inter provincial Disharmony. This was all the result of Selfish, Power Hungry and embattled politicians who were fighting for their vested Interests.

When Musharraf was dragged into Power by then’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in an awkward manner by risking his (Musharraf’s) life and about two hundered other people on board, Musharraf Mangaged to escape and Imposed Army Coup in Pakistan and promised Pakistani Nation that he would Introduce the Real Democracy instead of a ‘Sham’ once, Which existed before him. Nawaz Sharif was sent into Exile on Request of him and a Friendly Country who agreed to host him.

Here Started the time of Musharraf as the ‘Chief Executive’ of Pakistan. Over the years he had a lot of Problems with ‘’International Community’’ (Mostly the Big Powers Such As US and UK like calling themselves) for taking the power over, from the ‘’Democratic’’ leaders, But he could not care less about all this and Kept Working in the Interest of Pakistan. Then happened the 9/11 Which has brought a Total Change in West’s Attitude towards Musharraf. All of Pakistan’s neighboring countries Including India have started reaching out to US to show support in it’s campaign against what they called ‘Terrorists’ (The Old Allies of Soviet Times). US wanted to get into Afghanistan to Occupy It and ‘’Bring the culprits of 9/11 to Justice’’ hinting at Alqaida and Usama Bin Laden. Pakistan was at crossroads, If we would have opted for Taliban (a Friendly Regime in Afghanistan) So had to face the wrath of ‘’International Community’’ and if we were to Opt for West it could bring dangerous Afghan war to our own streets. By the way we had to go for one Option. In Short President Musharraf has Opted for being Neutral and just offered to provide the West with ‘’Logistical Support’’ . By doing this he has turned from a ''Dictator'' to ''Most Important Ally of US'' and Personally saved Pakistan from being Isolated and feel the heat of the World’s Anger at ‘Non Cooperation’, At the other hand Did Not become the Direct Aggressor on the Neighboring Country.

In Those Times Chief Executive of Pakistan General Pervaiz Musharraf was seen as a Heroic Personality in the West and President Bush had ‘The Privilege’ to host Mr Musharraf many times in his Country with open arms and Unfinishing Praising Words. Even, All that did Not Stopped Musharraf to tell Bush in US, That The Pakistanis feel 'US is not their Real Ally Afterall, US gets it’s Interests solved by Pakistan and always betray us in the End'. In answer to this, Mr Bush came up with these historic words that ‘’ This time around US , Pakistan friendship would not be like a short dance’’ But again he has proved that those remarks Were Nothing But Empty Words used for US Interests. By the way MR Musharraf gained the Reputation worldwide as a Straight Forward, Truthful and Honest person in all these times.

In the mean time Afghanistan’s Ugly war has entered into Pakistan as feared, and Embattled Pakistani Soldiers started giving their lives to save their homeland and Their Citizens. Now America’s demands started growing, After unfinishing ‘Do More’ Rantings for our Border War, they started expecting Alot more from Pakistanis. They had their Misadventure done in Iraq after Afghanistan and when unexpectedly had The Real Tough Time in that Invasion, US Asked Pakistani Government to send it’s forces in Iraq to Replace US Forces. Around six months US used UN Platform for these demands, after got exhausted with Pakistani Government. But Musharraf had the Stance that we can Not Afford to fight someone else’s wars and would Not involve in that fight. Obviously it has angered US Gravely. Plus Musharraf’s refusal to Assist US in Latest ‘Iran Plans’ and by him Refusal to US Demands of Infiltration in Waziristan in wake of 'Taliban Threat' , Not to mention Pakistan’s Firm Stance to Go Ahead with Iran- Pakistan- India Gas Pipeline (IPI), Which US did not want to see happening.

All this made Musharraf from a Hero to a ‘’Dictator’’ Again. The Rants of ‘Democracy in Pakistan’ started pouring from Whole of the Western Media day in, day out. When the ‘’Do More’’ Stance has been answered by Pakistani Forighn Minister Khursheed Kasuri in a way that Pakistan is the Country who’s been facing the harshest consequences in War On Terror and it’s Others Not Pakistan who need to Do More.

All this was ‘Just Too Much’ for the West to bare …. So Much Independence by a Non-Western Country Specially An Important Islamic Country was like a Nightmare …… That wasn’t Quite Right they Supposed …. So Thanks to Our Traitors …. They got Sold off Yet Again .... Keeping the history alive and there came the Democracy Chants from Every corner of The ‘World’ and our SoldOuts Got what they Wanted ……

Now Thank God We’re back in ‘Democracy’ ….. Who REALLY Cares about Sovereignty….

PakNationalists.com | Home Of Pakistani Nationalists Online | A Meeting Point Of Pakistani Nationalists
Musharraf cannot walk straight into leading Pakistan. There is no empty chair waiting for him.

He has to first be elected, and then his party has to win sufficient votes for him to form a govt. He's a long long way away from that as we speak.

His APML is only a few personalities strong, the Chaudary's in Punjab haven't extended their hand to him, and don't look like doing so. The ANP, JI and others in KP don't want anything to do with him. Balochi's still cry about Bugti, and the MQM is his only hope of support - but they have been pretty mute on the subject.

He has no power base in Pakistan, no regional offices, no grassroots campaign movement, so it's a near impossible task for him to make a success of it.

The only hope is if he's given a top spot in a cobbled together coalition. But as Pir Pagaro has made clear recently, if there is a merger of the PML factions, Musharraf's party are welcome to join.

Musharraf has legal cases to fight, and is still a controversial figure in Pakistan. His name has just been dragged through the mud in the sentencing of Aafia Siddiqui, a hugely damaging PR exercise.

He may have done good, but understand that it's not as easy as people make out for him to return and lead again. Very difficult is being kind.
The merger of all the PMLs and naming them as APML is significant. Between themselves, they will secure a lot of seats and if supported by MQM and others, they will end up with the majority to name Musharraf as the PM.

It's like how did Zardari become the President? People voted for PPP in sympathy of Benazir, but the consequence was Zardari securing his power.

So Musharraf coming to power may not result from just the people wanting him to come in. His allies will carry him forward.
^^ Akbar Bugti was innocent? Do you know how many people he tortured and shot and killed in cold blood? What planet are you from?

And as for Afia Siddiqui, let's not derail this thread since we have several Afia threads. In a nutshell, she was a radicalized Al qaeda supporter who left her husband to marry the nephew of a condemned terrorist (Khalid Sheikh Mohammad). She was also an American citizen found in Afghanistan... the only reason this is even an issue discussed today is because 1) she is a woman and 2) right wingers in Pakistan have drummed this up as a "ghairat" issue whereas it is not.

As for Lal Masjid, I agree Musharraf was at fault. Not for launching the operation, but launching it too late and waiting too long. He should have eliminated each and every one of the danda carrying terrorists, along with the hard core Uzbeks and others holed up in the mosque. All of these people were unforgivable enemies of Pakistan who had been going around taking people hostage, abducting individuals left-and-right, setting fire to people's belongings, beating people up and threatening citizens and the government. It is a shame that the Burkha mullah lives today and is allowed to walk around. He should have had a bullet put through his head. Ditto for the crazed terrorist wife of the brother who did kick the bucket... She is spewing hate and advocating revenge and terror even today. She needs to be put six feet under post-haste.
Dude, my comments are very much playing the devils advocate, seeing it from a realistic perspective in terms of the current political climate and what lies in wait for Musharraf.

All the points you mention, I'm with Musharraf on those. I don't want him coming back and damaging what was on the whole a positive legacy IMO. Being taken through the courts, handcuffed and all that will make me increase my disillusionment of my country.

Of course I want him to succeed, because I see him as better than the current offering.

In fact today is quite a day for me. I'm going to see Musharraf for the very first time in person here in London at a Q&A session. It'll be interesting to see his take on his return, and how he thinks he will do.
@ Techlahore
If Akbar Bugti was not innocent then who is musharaf to kill him
What is doing government of Pakistan ,what is doing judiciary in Pakistan
No Mushraf, No Nawaz, No Zaradri, No Altaf, NO ONE...

We need new people. people lke on PDF, well educated people !!!
The merger of all the PMLs and naming them as APML is significant. Between themselves, they will secure a lot of seats and if supported by MQM and others, they will end up with the majority to name Musharraf as the PM.
No I see that, my question is will they position Musharraf as the PM in that coalition?

I see him being the best person, but will the likes of the Chaudary's et al provide him with that backing?

If they do then that provides a totally different complexion, and allows him to succeed.
MZUBAIR You're the Prime Minister then : )

Sorry just on a Lighter note .... Let's Come back to the Subject : )
I would agree with "Musharraf better than the current politicians" argument more than "Musharraf the only hope for Pakistan".

Personally I want an honest, hardworking and a true Pakistani at the helm and I strongly hope the rest of the nation realizes that, thats Imran Khan and gives him a shot.

Musharraf, I'd compromise with, given the alternatives in Pakistan.

I would say he was the last hope of Pakistani People, Right now position is the same like the era of Nawaz Sharif was ruling the country and people had enough of him, Right now he is against any military intervention just because he is waiting patiently for his turn and the same will be repeated again but considering the Musharaf as politician as last resort in my opinion is not true, He was considered the Saviour, but just to prolong his rule he made serious mistake, NRO is the biggest blunder he made, can anyone defend it i mean the NRO???
It was he around the 40 thieves the corrupt politicians of that time, he used NAB for his interest and on and on, I think we must give imran khan a chance he is worth it.


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