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Musharraf suffers heart problem on way to treason hearing

MQM supporting their old benefactor... and in a way trying to get more concessions from Sharif.

All you Dosa Munching...Nihari Hating, bud-zauq food connoisseurs need to be taught a lesson ! :mad:

Maybe having Altaf Bhai forcibly put on a dieting program would break you guys ! :whistle:
When is he going out of the country for "treatment"?

LOL... Wah G Wah..... whats his "treeeeeeatment" got to do with you?!

are you wishing for him to go away from Pakistan?

Is Kargil still haunting you and the rest of indian armed forces...or just displeased with the fact that PAKISTAN's FLAG flying high on point 5353.

on a serious note....

he is currently in hospital and the lead doc has banned everyone from meeting him (due to health reasons).... more info as soon as the hospital releases statement.
LOL... Wah G Wah..... whats his "treeeeeeatment" got to do with you?!

are you wishing for him to go away from Pakistan?

No I'm not wishing anything. I'm hinting that he might be taken out of Pakistan on medical grounds.
MQM supporting their old benefactor... and in a way trying to get more concessions from Sharif.

I read in some local channels that he has suffered a severe Heart Attack.... Is it true? or just eyewash?...
Prayers are with Musharaf Sahib's health , hope its nothing serious, kaash ap ko Nawaz sharif ke umar lag jai

Civilian but brave and courageous


Army Commando but a Coward

Do you folks think before shooting from the hip?

What does the above mean? If you understood how outrightly silly your post is, you wont bother posting it.

Where is the cowardice in the sickness of a 70 year old man who has come to Pakistan of his own volition to face charges against him? When in the history of Pakistan has that happened?

Secondly, when you make statements about the "Army Commando" and a coward, you are denigrating your very own Army which is outrightly disgusting. Knowing Musharraf and those who have served with him, I will tell you the chap has a heart and is not pushed around easily. Its his very name and his association with the commandos that has brought him back to settle the cases against him. Had he been the variety of our "civilian" politician, he would have been sitting in one of his mansions in UAE or London and telling the courts to go forth and multiply!

The problem, that I am coming to know of more clearly now, is that the cases are so skewed and the bench composition so anti-Musharraf, that he is starting off with guilt already assigned to him. He is being asked to prove himself innocent which is diametrically opposed to the basis of our civil legal system.

Selective issues are being picked on whereas clear counter arguments are being discounted (such as why is he being tried as a civilian when he declared the emergency as the CoAS?)

In this atmosphere, there is no chance he will get a fair trial. So hold off on the jazbaati and populist rhetoric.

He is the only guy who calls a spade a spade in this sea of munafiqs in the Pakistani media and political landscape.
He is a commando so i don't expect him to give up so soon.
Do you folks think before shooting from the hip?

What does the above mean? If you understood how outrightly silly your post is, you wont bother posting it.

Where is the cowardice in the sickness of a 70 year old man who has come to Pakistan of his own volition to face charges against him? When in the history of Pakistan has that happened?

Secondly, when you make statements about the "Army Commando" and a coward, you are denigrating your very own Army which is outrightly disgusting. Knowing Musharraf and those who have served with him, I will tell you the chap has a heart and is not pushed around easily. Its his very name and his association with the commandos that has brought him back to settle the cases against him. Had he been the variety of our "civilian" politician, he would have been sitting in one of his mansions in UAE or London and telling the courts to go forth and multiply!

The problem, that I am coming to know of more clearly now, is that the cases are so skewed and the bench composition so anti-Musharraf, that he is starting off with guilt already assigned to him. He is being asked to prove himself innocent which is diametrically opposed to the basis of our civil legal system.

Selective issues are being picked on whereas clear counter arguments are being discounted (such as why is he being tried as a civilian when he declared the emergency as the CoAS?)

In this atmosphere, there is no chance he will get a fair trial. So hold off on the jazbaati and populist rhetoric.

He is the only guy who calls a spade a spade in this sea of munafiqs in the Pakistani media and political landscape.

Today he called for press conference, but his lawyers and doctor stopped him. According to Geonews , his heart in not in good condition due to smoking.
Start from Oct 99, bring in ex CJ.
He is a commando so i don't expect him to give up so soon.
Yes but more so than this "commando" issue, he is a Pakistani and that too a Pakistani Army officer who also happened to be the President of Pakistan. Respect is deserved for someone who has fought for Pakistan. One can call him foolhardy, but not a coward any which way one looks at him.

He is 70 years old, I am slowly getting there and without having the problems he has, I can tell you no amount of past experience, training and exercise can prepare one for the toll Pakistan's zaleel and disgusting siasat takes on one. One can imagine the amount of stress he is facing currently. None of his valid arguments are being heard. The bench is decidedly against him and pro PML-N. The prosecution charges are being tailored to nail him not for the military takeover, but by trying to prosecute him for declaring the state of emergency that was declared by the "Government of the day" and not just Musharraf. He is being asked to show up at courts without having any bomb proof vehicles and given the militant's penchant for suicide attacks using vehicles, how much trust can be placed on police and Rangers security being provided through a ministry which is party to his prosecution?

If all this does not make one stress out and become ill then one is not human. In his old age, he should be allowed to live in Pakistan without this selective "treason" tamasha. How does this strengthen democracy in Pakistan when you are trying him for declaring a state of emergency (which any executive/PM can declare) while willfully disregarding the bigger issue of 1999 takeover which obviously would embroil the former CJP and countless others? Basically its the patent unfairness of the whole game being played out here which leads to him realizing that will not get a fair break here.
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Forget to add, according to summary submitted to ministry of interior , a fire engine, ambulance and back up vehicles were missing. So, Nawaz personal vendetta.......
The judiciary of Pakistani can go to deepest pits of hell(God knows they deserve it), for all I care. I hope Musharraf is okay.
I know dang little about Pakistani politics...but Musharraf seemed to do well for the country. I am assuming this is political theatre by his enemies, right?
Nothing wrong with Musharaf enjoying a small break overseas for health reason , he has "IMMUNITY" no General /Military head can be trialed in Pakistan its in constitution. Only military court can cover him

He has no case against him its all balony
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