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Musharraf leaves CNN anchor speecheless..!!!

0:18 onwards. I cant stop laughing. Musharafs expression made the anchor look like an idiot. Musharaf was probably like "you are such an idiot, I am enjoying myself here, go on"
Musharaff was prepared to answer the question hence the confidence. He mentioned that he was asked the same question before by Wolf Blitzer of CNN.
Who is Musharraf to insult others???? he has already been insulted enough by his own people. There is a very hilarious video on youtube where a tormented right thinking Pakistani woman getting down from a rickshaw has openly insulted Musharraf live on a Pakistani TV channel and hundreds of people around her pitching in and appreciating her bravado. She was the voice of Pakistan. This video is one of the 100 best videos on youtube out of billions.

Remember the welcome (if that is what you call welcome) Mushraff received when he returned to Pakistan after years in exile?

In his life he has shown nothing but hatred for India. Remember when in 1999 when he took over, his comments included phrases like "we are nothing like Indians - they worship cows, we eat them." and when he said we are nothing like Indians, his mother wore sarees. He is a habitual liar and just mark his words about India. How can a man who uses such words can be a good humane soldier and what type of army is he going to create??? He brought grief not only to the people of Afghanistan but also Pakistan by his policies. he has lived all his life in luxury but the poor people of Afghanistan and Pakistan will never forgive him.

This is a very miserable and frustrated man.

and he has been confined in his own house and awaiting a very harsh sentence. He deserves that.
Cry me a river.
The guy is actually explaining how well did he serve his masters, lest they were not the real Master.
The real irony is that the man is only good at speaking/explaining to journalists; otherwise he conveniently freaks out if someone gave him a 'phone call'.
So what he meant is, Pakistan is so much vulnerable to situation in Afghanistan and practically Pakistan can’t do anything unless Taliban’s are defeated in AF itself by the US led collation forces…:)

And this is said by the ex-military chief of Pakistan who even dared to put its country into an unwanted conflict like Kargil against much bigger enemy ..what a joke
The guy is blaming Taliban of Mullah Omar in Afghanistan for all the troubles in Pakistan. Why then Pakistan still wishes a return of Taliban in Afghanistan? Why have they let the whole leadership of Taliban and Al Qaeda to hide in safe houses in Pakistan?

Conclusion - A lie, spoken once or a 100 times, still remains a lie..
He hasnt stated anything wrong, but neither does he have Zakaria freaked out or something..
Zakaria is a venomous pig against Pakistan...but at the same time.. the interviewee isnt exactly all enlightened either.
Who is Musharraf to insult others???? he has already been insulted enough by his own people. There is a very hilarious video on youtube where a tormented right thinking Pakistani woman getting down from a rickshaw has openly insulted Musharraf live on a Pakistani TV channel and hundreds of people around her pitching in and appreciating her bravado. She was the voice of Pakistan. This video is one of the 100 best videos on youtube out of billions.

Remember the welcome (if that is what you call welcome) Mushraff received when he returned to Pakistan after years in exile?

In his life he has shown nothing but hatred for India. Remember when in 1999 when he took over, his comments included phrases like "we are nothing like Indians - they worship cows, we eat them." and when he said we are nothing like Indians, his mother wore sarees. He is a habitual liar and just mark his words about India. How can a man who uses such words can be a good humane soldier and what type of army is he going to create??? He brought grief not only to the people of Afghanistan but also Pakistan by his policies. he has lived all his life in luxury but the poor people of Afghanistan and Pakistan will never forgive him.

This is a very miserable and frustrated man.

and he has been confined in his own house and awaiting a very harsh sentence. He deserves that.

I agree with many points in your post. He is a self centered man, who has led down Pakistan on many occasions. We often blame Zia a lot for his disastrous steps, but i am sure in the next couple of decades, when we shall face the after shocks of the steps taken by Pervaiz Musharraf, indeed we are gonna blame him....Drone attack...Terrorism...corrupting the army...corrupting the elite ruling class....clash with Chief Justice...clash with the Prime Minister....keep on insisting to remain in uniform...giving pathetic reason that i should remain the President because the current National Assembly has "ONCE AGAIN" elected me as President for the next five years upto 2013:hitwall:...involvement of military in every civilian matter, by which our military was losing its professionalism...their skills...handing over Karachi to Pakistan's most notorious, controversial political party MQM, whose hold was almost broken before Musharraf's arrival into power......, You name it and certainly we are gonna face the after shocks of his adventures....at least for another decade...:hitwall:
Fareed allowing Mushraff to give his explanation does not mean that mushraff won some kind of a debate. Fareed's duty is to ask tough questions and get an answer. that's what happened here.

See the question & giving answer ... Is it appropriate or not ...........
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