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'Musharraf A Traitor, Foreign Agent'?


Dec 26, 2005
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'Musharraf A Traitor, Foreign Agent'

(RTTNews) - Pakistan's disgraced nuclear scientist Abdul Qadir Khan has called former President Pervez Musharraf a "traitor" and a "foreign agent," saying that if he comes out in the streets, the public will feed him to "crows and kites," media reports said.

Khan, who was pardoned by Musharraf and who shielded him from being interrogated by the international nuclear watchdog, IAEA, acknowledged that former premier Benazir Bhutto gave him permission to acquire "help" from China and North Korea for the country's missile program.

The 72-year-old, who had earlier accused Musharraf of forcing him to issue a confession on state-run television, had only harsh and angry words for former army chief.

"One of the traitors and foreign agents in the cloak of presidency tried to harm me but could not succeed in his goal and was expelled from the Aiwan-e-Sadr (presidential house)," Khan said.

"He himself has been disgraced fully...Now that self-styled commando cannot set foot on the streets of Pakistan for his whole life," he added.

He said that he was proud of the "services" he made to the country including providing atomic power to it.

Khan was under house arrest since 2004 after admitting to stealing nuclear technology and know-how from western nations and selling nuclear secrets to countries like North Korea and Libya. He was released after the new democratically-elected government came to power earlier this year.

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'Musharraf A Traitor, Foreign Agent'
i think people of pakistan belive and respect dr.khan much more then mushraf.i personaly feel he is 100% right
I also don't think ex-President is a traitor he was loyal to his country.
I got surprised to read this news item in TOI hence found and posted article from a neutral link.
this bastar d was selling pakistans nuclear secrets to everyone out there and he thinks Mush is the traitor.hes the real traitor and he should suffer a slow and painful death, as he is actually, hes got cancer..

Musharraf Zindabad
this bastar d was selling pakistans nuclear secrets to everyone out there and he thinks Mush is the traitor.hes the real traitor and he should suffer a slow and painful death, as he is actually, hes got cancer..

Musharraf Zindabad
+1.This guy gave out Pakistan's Nuclear secret and just imagine how embarrassing it was for Musharraf when CIA provided proofs to him that Pakistan's Nuclear Hero was giving information to others for money!He should be grateful to Musharraf for giving him security at his home and not making a case on him.
I think Mr. A.Q. Khan deserves this award!​

this bastar d was selling pakistans nuclear secrets to everyone out there and he thinks Mush is the traitor.hes the real traitor and he should suffer a slow and painful death, as he is actually, hes got cancer..

Musharraf Zindabad

neither i blame A Q bhai nor mushi bhai, but i think, the pak army and all senior officials were involved and khan has been the scapegoat, khan has given his life for pakistan's cause, i regret wht military has done to him, v get this treatment by offering our services and sacrifices for the cause of pakistan!!!!
neither i blame A Q bhai nor mushi bhai, but i think, the pak army and all senior officials were involved and khan has been the scapegoat, khan has given his life for pakistan's cause, i regret wht military has done to him, v get this treatment by offering our services and sacrifices for the cause of pakistan!!!!

It's a new one.
'Musharraf A Traitor, Foreign Agent'

(RTTNews) - the public will feed him to "crows and kites," media reports said.

Same will be the fate of dictators everywhere. Mushrraff was especially dealt a blow after the lawyer contriversy, public support dwindled and he became a lame duck. Still the man served the nation but took some unfortunate steps that were the cause of his downfall.
It's a new one.

who whuld have thought, incident 71 wuld occur!!!, wht mushi did, he didnt do all the things alone, the picture is made to appear in a way tht ppl blame all things to mushi, but how can mushi do things alone??, there was always a huge backup!!
neither i blame A Q bhai nor mushi bhai, but i think, the pak army and all senior officials were involved and khan has been the scapegoat, khan has given his life for pakistan's cause, i regret wht military has done to him, v get this treatment by offering our services and sacrifices for the cause of pakistan!!!!

Now are you blaming the Army top brass being involved in nuclear poliferation ?

who whuld have thought, incident 71 wuld occur!!!, wht mushi did, he didnt do all the things alone, the picture is made to appear in a way tht ppl blame all things to mushi, but how can mushi do things alone??, there was always a huge backup!!

Back up is, was and will always be behind every government, it's nothing new. But so far there is no evidence against them of transferring nuclear technology.

If AQ is so innocent, why is current so called democratic government not releasing him ? Why NS, PPP and MQM are not saying a word in AQ's favor ? There is no Musharraf now and this government can release him if they want. As a matter of fact evidence against AQ is overwhelming.
Back up is, was and will always be behind every government, it's nothing new. But so far there is no evidence against them of transferring nuclear technology.

If AQ is so innocent, why is current so called democratic government not releasing him ? Why NS, PPP and MQM are not saying a word in AQ's favor ? There is no Musharraf now and this government can release him if they want. As a matter of fact evidence against AQ is overwhelming.

LOL, if he released, how then can army escape the blame, obviously, if not khan, then spontaneously the military regime or army!!!, evidences can be made and erased!!, i dont think a proud man can lye, i believe qadeer khan is innocent, army is willing to hide their guilt and army has done the very thing!!!, abdul qadeer khan was used to prevent american attack on pakistan!!!
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