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Murder of elderly couple in Sicily fuels Italy's growing anti-immigrant sentiment

Medias are pissing us off with that baby and migrants,but nothing about that poor Italian couple killed by a so called refugee.... RIP.
Look at his face.... rot in jail ba$tard.
Murder of elderly couple in Sicily fuels Italy's growing anti-immigrant sentiment - Telegraph

As sad and horrible as this murder is, stop being a hypocritical c*nt as I have never heard you NATO propagandists screaming the same when NATO bombers kill thousands of innocent civilians in Libya, Iraq and Syria, from little babies to the elderlies.

Now as the table turns around (thank your great friends in Washington) you scream like pussies. You just earn for what you sow. Too bad that I, too, am affected by the crimes NATO committed. Mea culpa for not voicing my dissent loud enough when this whole mess started right after the inside job of 9/11.
As sad and horrible as this murder is, stop being a hypocritical c*nt as I have never heard you NATO propagandists screaming the same when NATO bombers kill thousands of innocent civilians in Libya, Iraq and Syria, from little babies to the elderlies.

Now as the table turns around (thank your great friends in Washington) you scream like pussies. You just earn for what you sow. Too bad that I, too, am affected by the crimes NATO committed. Mea culpa for not voicing my dissent loud enough when this whole mess started right after the inside job of 9/11.

I only care for Europeans. If u arent happy with Nato,call them or go in front of their HQ to protest.
both innocent killing are condemeable. Govt (NATO, US) don't care public when they see war profits.. Tony blair lied about WMDs in iraq. then they killed saddam anyway, plus fuel civil unrest.. then US supported ISIS to topple Syria (bcz of isreal). Saudia turkey, supported ISIS as Baghdad became too pro iranian..
so ISIS is a gift to the world, produced by:
1. Lies of Tony blair , Dic cheni
2. Invasion of US, UK
3. CIA support to ISIS formation against Syria/Iran
4. Oil profits

i just realised ,Irony is, US did all the shit in ME, created problems for surrounding countries like Saudia , Lebonan, then detsablise Afghanistan and created problem for Pakistan, Then Ukarine crisis which caused problems for EU (also ISIS itching EU), and US itself is oceans away from all tehse mess... well played..

"The US created hell in iraq (~200,000 death, no job, no professional army/police) and what w'd else come out from hell, except hell hounds"
I only care for Europeans. If u arent happy with Nato,call them or go in front of their HQ to protest.

What a load of BS, if you really care for Europe, you would have voiced your dissent when NATO started to bomb our neighbours such as Libya. Have you thought that we can just bomb anyone without reaping the consequence? In what Lalaland are you living in?
What a load of BS, if you really care for Europe, you would have voiced your dissent when NATO started to bomb our neighbours such as Libya. Have you thought that we can just bomb anyone without reaping the consequence? In what Lalaland are you living in?

And what the fck could i have done ?
Gabriel : Sarkozy dont bomb Libya !
Sarkozy : Ok i wont bomb Libya !
And what the fck could i have done ?
Gabriel : Sarkozy dont bomb Libya !
Sarkozy : Ok i wont bomb Libya !

What a joke!

What about your claims and continuous bragging about democracy?

Doesn't democracy mean the people are determining who is ruling them and the people determining their own fate?

This is your fate. If we accept your bragging about democracy then this fate of yours is of your own making.

Suck it up. Stop complaining about it and acting like a neo-nazi racist.

If you are not a democracy then say so, openly and proudly. And ask for outside help to intervene and change the regime in Paris. It is not like, this has not happened in your history, so very often.

You can always ask for foreign help if you do not like your own regime.
And what the fck could i have done ?
Gabriel : Sarkozy dont bomb Libya !
Sarkozy : Ok i wont bomb Libya !

Your history has shown you what could be done.

Inform yourself from alternative media, then inform your family and friends about the criminals in Berlin, Paris, Brussels and particularly Washington who are building a neo-fascist world.

As I said, the French history gives you and me a good lesson to become a free people again.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité.

Non au fascisme, non au féodalisme, non au esclavage.
What a joke!

What about your claims and continuous bragging about democracy?

Doesn't democracy mean the people are determining who is ruling them and the people determining their own fate?

This is your fate. If we accept your bragging about democracy then this fate of yours is of your own making.

Suck it up. Stop complaining about it and acting like a neo-nazi racist.

If you are not a democracy then say so, openly and proudly. And ask for outside help to intervene and change the regime in Paris. It is not like, this has not happened in your history, so very often.

You can always ask for foreign help if you do not like your own regime.

If u arent happy you can write to the president.
Medias are pissing us off with that baby and migrants,but nothing about that poor Italian couple killed by a so called refugee.... RIP.
Look at his face.... rot in jail ba$tard.
Murder of elderly couple in Sicily fuels Italy's growing anti-immigrant sentiment - Telegraph
You know how they say your past comes back to haunt you, well this is what happens when you go around bombing other people's countries in the name of democracy, you get millions of refugees who want to overrun your borders.

Btw, if Europeans really gave two shits about the immigration crisis in their countries they would get rid of the JEWS who allowed all of these immigrants and refugees into Europe in the first place:

Jews, Multiculturalism, and the War on Free Speech: A TOO Case File | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

The refugees are only the symptom. If you get rid of the refugees today tomorrow they'll be replaced by other refugees, as long as you dont tackle the Jews dominating your countries.
What a joke!

What about your claims and continuous bragging about democracy?

Doesn't democracy mean the people are determining who is ruling them and the people determining their own fate?

This is your fate. If we accept your bragging about democracy then this fate of yours is of your own making.

Suck it up. Stop complaining about it and acting like a neo-nazi racist.

If you are not a democracy then say so, openly and proudly. And ask for outside help to intervene and change the regime in Paris. It is not like, this has not happened in your history, so very often.

You can always ask for foreign help if you do not like your own regime.

There are ways around democracy. I'll give you the example of the UK, having spent some time there and having discussed with people old and wise enough to not be merely driven by emotions.

When there was a referendum in the UK in 1975 about joining EEC - it was pitched as the open market. No one was told that it mean virtual open borders. That was done gradually via multiple treaties that the British people din't get to vote on - only their leaders did - that too in some cases.

Now, the people of UK are going to get another referendum - 40 years after 1975. Who is accountable for the uncontrolled immigration and subsequent impact in this period?

In the US, rich guys buy politicians from both sides. How does leave any choice to the people?

Merely because someone is concerned about the demographics of their country being changed drastically does not mean they are neo-nazis.
And what the fck could i have done ?
Gabriel : Sarkozy dont bomb Libya !
Sarkozy : Ok i wont bomb Libya !
It's a tragedy that ordinary European citizens are having to pay the price for their leaders misdeeds. But, like i said, I'd you guys really want to drive the point home then tackle the root cause, not the symptom. If today you stop millions of African refugees from entering your country tomorrow you'll have millions more take their place, its not a long term solution. Go straight for the cause of the sickness.
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