I always tend to see these things from the POV of Hindu Cosmology.
Rather than the bitish inspired disregard for ancient knowledge, I always try to keep an open mind and try to reconcile the knowledge in Hindu scriptures with Modern discoveries.
For example, God is described as MahaVishnu or the "Great Vishnu". So the next question should be what does Vishnu mean ?
Now Hindu names are descriptive which is why ALL Hindu names have a meaning to them.
The word "Vishnu" i.e. Vish - nu, Vish / Vishwa means "ALL" or "entire Universe". "Nu" means Certainly.
So Vishnu means "Certainly the Entire Universe" one the one who is Certainly spread over the entire Universe.
How is Vishnu described ? As the one Spread Over a Sleeping Coiled Snake with multiple heads.
The snake itself is called the "Ananth Nag" or the "infinite snake". Its also called "sesh nag" or "Endless snake".
And this coiled snake with multiple heads floats in an ocean called the "kshirasamudra" i.e Kshira samudra. This translates literally as the "Milky ocean".
So Vishnu is an entity that exist spread over an infinite coil snake with multiple heads which rests on an Ocean that looks Milky.
Now consider the picture below, A multiple headed coil / spiral floating in an ocean. (called the Milky way)
If this was to be described to people with no access to computers or books or modern education i.e. primitive folks, how would you describe it ? How would you describe a consciousness spread across the known galaxy ?
If those people were to then translate that new gained knowledge into art work and iconography, this is what that would look like.
Brahma emerges from the centre of this Galaxy or the "navel" of Vishnu. But there are more than one brahma.
It is Brahma who creates the "Brahmand" that we now know and Live in. Each Brahma creates a different Brahmand.
In each brahmand i.e Solar system, he then creates life.
More on that life in my next post.