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MQM to join Sindh Govt with six ministers

Not everyone,only you and`darkinsky`the two naive followers of a bloody crook.

As they say `if you can`t beat them,join them.MQM never had any intention of beating the wadairas,but always looked for opportunity of joining them.Time has proved it again and again.
sorry, how you got to know i support MQM, & what about the madate it still has from urban sindh?
guss what, personal likes or dislikes shouldnt be made hard facts ?
& MQM can leave the govt, any time it wants?
joining wadera,s on its own terms is rather different then , the slaves of zardari?
but as i said , its the worst decision taken by MQM, well im not a supporter of any political party in pakistan, & i dont belive in politics ,or in damocrazy?
i hope you got my point?
now after that , if you want me to dragged in for your haa , hoo , hoo or gilli danda stunts , sorry im not that a 70 years old kid , like you?
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