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MQM landed in Punjab

MQM doesnt represent mohajirs but the people of karachi (and other areas where it wont from)... get your facts straight you didnt even know that MQM aint for mohajirs anymore??!! ...
Agree. Karachi was NOT the only city ppl migrated to, then why we have "muhajirs" concentrated there!!!. My grandmother also migrated to punjab from india, she or her family never used this title "muhajir" for them. These so-called "muhajirs" r just using this title for political gains.
Agree. Karachi was NOT the only city ppl migrated to, then why we have "muhajirs" concentrated there!!!. My grandmother also migrated to punjab from india, she or her family never used this title "muhajir" for them. These so-called "muhajirs" r just using this title for political gains.
thats soo true, i have been to punjab over n over again but not even once i have seen ethical colonies as they have em in karachi.... just for the political gains the leaders are doing the same as mujeeb did in east pakistan, first make em insecure so that they blindly start following you and then have it your way!!!
People that migrated to Karachi were a different ethnic group than most Pakistanis. your grand parents migrated from punjab to punjab there isnt a large cultural difference.
Secondly the people that lived in Karachi called the new comers from India Muhajirs we did not call ourselves this. Secondly there was a concerted effort in the 1980's and 1990's to wipe out our identity by the government. So please dont give me this Hog Wash that this is all our fault.
MQM's altaf hussain has 37 murder cases in NRO list (murder... dont know about corruption charges)

ANP - all leaders of ANP even bacha khan had voted against Pakistan

so ANP and MQM they both suck some are traitors some are murderers
its not all your fault dude, infact its the leader's who have been driving karachi!!!!

no one was making you loose your identity... people who came from KP and punjab can retain their identity then why not you??? plus being called a 'mohajir' doesnt sound like an identity to me!!!! people did migerate from afghanistan/arab but they are called abdali, siddiqui etc etc but not mohajirs..
The family of my mother also migrated from India to Punjab we also know quite a few people who migrated from India to Punjab.But never ever anyone of them has used the title "Muhajir".Then they have married Pure Punjabi's like my father.Don't know why only in Karachi there is so much tension.

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