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Movement against rogue establishment!

So you are saying shias do soft takfeer while wahabis/deobandis do hard takfeer

Hard takfeer is unacceptable while soft takfeer is acceptable :lol:

Anyways I have already asked @SaadH to stop using this momin thing in his posts

No Takfeer should be done/allowed. That's for Allah alone to decide who is or isn't a Muslim. Never occured to me that calling someone "Muslim" can be soft Takfeer :lol:
But I do get the point you are trying to make here
Imran needs millions of his supporters on road.. Sadly his calls go unanswered and not even 1 Lakh March with him.... A
No Takfeer should be done/allowed. That's for Allah alone to decide who is or isn't a Muslim. Never occured to me that calling someone "Muslim" can be soft Takfeer :lol:
But I do get the point you are trying to make here

Saying 80% population of the muslim world can't be momin is itself a sort of soft takfeer imo
Saying 80% population of the muslim world can't be momin is itself a sort of soft takfeer imo

I believe that by referring to themselves as "Momins" and to others as plain "Muslims", the Shia try to imply that they are better Muslims, not that other Muslims are Kafirs. There's a huge difference between the two positions. .... It's their version of "All animals are equal but some are more equal than the others"
I believe that by referring to themselves as "Momins" and to others as plain "Muslims", the Shia try to imply that they are better Muslims, not that other Muslims are Kafirs. There's a huge difference between the two positions. .... It's their version of "All animals are equal but some are more equal than the others"

Yup soft takfeer
kill the bank, switch to gold and silver coins.
Interesting. We need home grown strategies not Landay kay experts from World Bank and IMF.
Only people who have army background are bootlickers.

Even PMLn supporters will agree that Army as an institution needs huge reforms otherwise it will cause more and more harm to country as time passes.
Proud to be a bootlicker then since army background = bootlicker. Anything else to dish out for those of us with contrarian views? Fascism in thought leads to fascism in actions. Slippery slope...
Proud to be a bootlicker then since army background = bootlicker. Anything else to dish out for those of us with contrarian views? Fascism of thought leads to fascism in action. Slippery slope...

For those not protected by titles, it also leads to "Negative Rating" for statements like: "Then may be IK should have paid more attention towards keeping his coalition intact and he would have remained in power." by @Accuntant. :D
Notjing will change until the people start killing the politicians and generals
Very aptly said while sitting in the safety of the UK!
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Sir army should not be involved in any civilian public matter they should have one clear job stay out of cities and figh a war that's end of it if you keep asking their remarks in any civilian matter than nothing will change

In developed countries

Armed forces stay out of cities and they are not allowed to even wear a uniform in public places and they have no extra rights as military

Imran wants military involvement which is never good why can't you learn from past lessons
This is right.
But we need to realize civilian institutions were devastated during martial laws and socalled democratic govt (elected is not necessarily democratic).
Corrput system is required by Zardari sindh ppp and pmln. Establishment is also corrput and a corrput class in itself.
A bitter truth not to trust them. IK learning lesson after assassination attempt. There is immense pressure on him to compromise otherwise face disqualification. I am sure he won't sit back.

Notwithstanding, continuous political engineering and control of judiciary and system by military inc.
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Abay bhai leave this nonsense glorifying ZAB

I don't know what is this new found PTI obsession with glorifying ZAB. The guy was a dictator in himself and has done more harm than good for Pakistan
Not glorifying but you are not answering the question.
Butto was hanged and body was disrespected. Assuming that was because he was a traitor.
Why Ayub, Yahya, Tikka, AAK Niazi were not hanged? Tried in court?
The challenge to IK and awam is massive as army establishment has no regard for law, constitution, morals, country, and its people.
I took part against butto in 77 when I was in 7th grade and then against Zia in 80's. This Army establishment have no regard of humanity as compared to past despots.
ان کے منہ کو خون لگا ہوا ہے۔

All the more reason to consider them as a worthy and motivated adversary and not to expect any miraculous changes.
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