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Mother of rape victim, sent to China labor camp for protesting, wins damage

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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Mother of rape victim, sent to China labor camp for protesting, wins damages in court


BEIJING - A Chinese court awarded damages to the mother of a rape victim after she was sent to a labor camp for demanding her daughter's attackers be punished,
a spokesman said Monday.

Tang Hui, who became a figurehead for critics of the "re-education through labor" system after she was condemned to 18 months in a camp,
won a total of 2,641 yuan ($430) following an appeal, a court spokesman surnamed Zhang told AFP.

The court in Changsha, the capital of the central province of Hunan, awarded compensation on the grounds that local authorities had violated Tang's personal freedom and caused her "psychological damage", Zhang said.

But it rejected Tang's demand that the police who sentenced her write a formal apology, because the "relevant people had apologized in court", he added.:sick:

The police chief of Yongzhou, who headed the committee that sentenced Tang, said during the hearing that he had "not acted with enough humanity or care", Tang told AFP earlier this month.

She was released last August after just over a week in a labour camp following a public outcry over her case, which was given unusual prominence in state-run media and prompted speculation that the system would be abolished.

The compensation award comes as a surprise after Tang lost her initial case. She herself had estimated the chance of success in her appeal as a "remote possibility".

Tang's daughter, 11 at the time, was kidnapped, raped and forced into prostitution in 2006, prompting Tang to seek to bring to justice the abductors and the police she says protected them.

Seven men were finally convicted in June last year, with two condemned to death, four given life sentences and one jailed for 15 years.

But Tang continued to agitate for the policemen to face trial, and soon afterwards she was sentenced for "seriously disturbing social order and exerting a negative impact on society".

She could not be reached for comment after the court decision but posted a brief message on a verified account opened in recent days on China's Twitter-like microblog service Sina Weibo: "Thank you everyone."

China's re-education through labor system gives police the right to hand out sentences of up to four years without a judicial trial.
:what: :sick::tdown:

Premier Li Keqiang said in March that the system would be "reformed", without giving further details.

US-based advocacy group the Dui Hua Foundation said on its website last month that some re-education through labor facilities had been "quietly taking formal steps to transition into compulsory drug treatment centers", citing local media reports.

Mother of rape victim, sent to China labor camp for protesting, wins damages in court - InterAksyon.com

Rape victim's mother Tang Hui wins damages over labour camp sentence | South China Morning Post



Icon of China’s anti-labor-camp lobby wins appeal - The Mercury

In surprise, Chinese court releases mom from prison labor camp - CSMonitor.com

Chinese mother of rape victim, 11, wins lawsuit in labor-camp case - UPI.com
At least that Mother in China depend on Law and win the government and local official, she got government compensation.
Yes the local official made mistake to force the Mother into labor camp and lead to bad social impact in China, but at last She win the case and sentence some rapists to death.

When Indian rape victims could share the same justice ? When Indian courts will sentence ur rapists to death ?
Some dude chose one case happend in China to compare with hundreds of rape case in India, U really think ur girls or ur sisters in India stay safer & more comfortable than in China ?
At least that Mother in China depend on Law and win the government and local official, she got government compensation.
Yes the local official made mistake to force the Mother into labor camp and lead to bad social impact in China, but at last She win the case and sentence some rapists to death.

When Indian rape victims could share the same justice ? When Indian courts will sentence ur rapists to death ?
Some dude chose one case happend in China to compare with hundreds of rape case in India, U really think ur girls or ur sisters in India stay safer & more comfortable than in China ?

Did you just notice Indians are obsessed with Pakistan and China, and they are posting rape cases of other countries? Mean while India is notorious for being the rape capital of the world. It just shows you their hypocrisy. Unfortunately they are bringing the quality of this site down as they are proving to be a nuisance..
Tang Hui, who became a figurehead for critics of the "re-education through labor" system after she was condemned to 18 months in a camp

Coz my most relative worked in China prison system (prison police unit), i clearly understand how China prison work.

It's clear that HuNan's "re-education through labor" system has no power & right to judge anybody was guilty, only local court can. Here's the biggest mistake for local 're-education through labor' official to lawlessly sentence a mother of rape victim.

So this time the morther accuse of HuNan 're-education through labor' system for official mistake, and she win the case.

Yes in China normal citizen also can win government in the court by the law. Do u understand ?
Honestly I have no sympathy with that woman. She should be sentenced to prison for neglect of her teen daughter. She repeatedly let her teenager daughter go out to sell to strangers via internet, etc. Now she wanna all those men who slept with her daughter sentenced to death? Then she just kept protesting? To me, she has ulterior motivation to be the spot light in news.

Her daughter was not raped by fact, but voluntarily prostituted for money. It's only statutory rape since she was a teen. The Chinese netizens are sick! Instead of criticizing her, they praised her as the greatest mother?

I am totally against so called "re-education through labor," but this case is not the right one to crusade against the system. She has too much stain on herself. Instead, this case proves that China's legal system is still swayed by popular opinions and Chinese citizens have no idea what "rule of law" means. This is exactly why democracy is not ready for China. Democracy without true rule of law is a disaster!
And still 99.8% of Indian woman would feel like winning the lottery of life if they could switch place with this woman.
And still 99.8% of Indian woman would feel like winning the lottery of life if they could switch place with this woman.

Was that really compensation? It sounds more like she is paid for her daughter's sex services.

Don't compare your controlled environment with India, please. Only reading that report I cringed so many times. Lab rat, guinea pig, dog with a leash came to mind.
camp??????? :what:
Seriously it's a labor farm.
In China prison system, there'r two places to manage prisoners. One is the prison to lock up >2 years sentence, another is the labor farm usually lock up 0.2-2 years sentence. The labor farm generally locate near town outside city or in the West, it looks like the farm but light-guilty prisoners grow vegetables and pigs, there'r prison polices manage them.

China labor farm... The biggest difference between the prison and labor farm, there's no any wall in labor farm.





Seven men who raped her daughter were convicted in June last year, with two condemned to death, four given life sentences and one jailed for 15 years.

So waiting for what Indian rape criminals will get on court
July 15th, 20 Indian soliders rushed into a welfare house and raped several 12-14 years old girl.
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