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Most Expensive US Military Vehicles

Man thats why they are super power, they have made things which other countries can just think off, Pakistani,Russian,indian, British and French all airforces look so small against them. Their defence budget is more than the defence budgets of Pakistan,Saudia, UAE, China, Russia, India and Israel put together

lol even after that they lost everywar they failed to counter properly!


This is the most expensive toy of US military..
Cost 6.6 billion USD.. Ooof



Its all about innovation...every country aspires to match them...but they are always 1 step ahead.
Virginia Class Submarine

> Type: nuclear submarine
> Total Cost: $83.7 billion
> R&D: $7.2 billion
> Procurement Cost: $76.6 billion
> Total Units: 30
> Price per Unit: $2,552.6 million

The Virginia Class subs are among the most useful strategic tools in the DOD arsenal. These nuclear submarines can carry 38 different weapons, including Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, mines and torpedoes. While eight are currently in operation, the Department of Defense has 30 of these $2.5 billion mobile undersea missile platforms budgeted.

Trident II Missile

> Type: ballistic missile
> Total Cost: $53.2 billion
> R&D: $16.8 billion
> Procurement Cost: $35 billion
> Total Units: 561
> Price per Unit: $65.7 million

The Trident II is the most advanced U.S. Navy ballistic missile. Equipped with a thermonuclear warhead, the Trident II is carried by most Ohio-class submarines. According to 24/7 :

“The missile is 44 feet long and weighs 80 tons. Equipped with a three-stage rocket, the missile is capable of traveling at more than 13,000 miles per hour, and has a range of 4,600 miles. The Department of Defense currently has 561 Tridents on the budget, each worth more than $65 million, not counting research and development costs.”

Joint Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle
> Type: armored transport vehicle
> Total Cost: $41.6 billion
> R&D: $0.7 billion
> Procurement Cost: $40.9 billion
> Total Units: 26,552
> Price per Unit: $1.6 million

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have posed a set of new problems to the U.S. military. The biggest of these was the issue of roadside bombs, or “improvised explosive devices,” also known as IEDs. The military’s solution to this problem was the Joint Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle, or MRAP. Development of the MRAP program began in 2006, and now there are more than 26,500 separate units on the Department of Defense’s budget. The vehicles are produced by different contractors, and come in different shapes and sizes, depending on their role, but most vehicles have a V-shaped chassis to deflect blasts from under the vehicle, as well as armor and glass capable of withstanding 0.50 caliber rounds.

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