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Mossad, CIA spy who aided Soleimani killing executed: Iran


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Mar 4, 2017
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Global Village Space |
Iran on Monday executed a former translator convicted of spying for the CIA and the Mossad, including helping to locate a top Iranian general killed later by the Americans, the judiciary said.

The killing of Major General Qasem Soleimani in a US drone strike near Baghdad airport in January brought decades-old arch enemies Iran and the United States to the brink of conflict.

Iran executes Mossad, CIA spy over “espionage” and “betrayal” of Iran
The judiciary’s Mizan Online website said Mahmoud Mousavi Majd’s death “sentence was carried out on Monday morning over the charge of espionage so that the case of his betrayal to his country will be closed forever”.
Its spokesman said earlier this month that Majd had been sentenced to death for spying on “various security fields, especially the armed forces and the Quds Force and the whereabouts and movements of martyr General Qasem Soleimani”.

Read more: Iran manages to quell another protest, for now

Majd had been found guilty of receiving large sums of money from both the US Central Intelligence Agency and Israel’s Mossad, said the spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili.
Soleimani headed the Quds Force, the foreign operations arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Iran retaliated for his death by firing a volley of ballistic missiles at US troops stationed in Iraq, but US President Donald Trump opted against responding militarily.

While the attack on the western Iraqi base of Ain Al-Asad left no US soldiers dead, dozens of them suffered brain trauma.
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Mossad, CIA spy who aided Soleimani killing executed: Iran
Majd had been found guilty of receiving large sums of money from both the US Central Intelligence Agency and Israel’s Mossad, said the spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili.
Soleimani headed the Quds Force, the foreign operations arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Was he in anyway officially connected to the Iranian regime or military or anything of that capacity that would allow him that kind of close access to Soleimani's schedule? Or was he just a regular citizen who was in "hearing" proximity of the goings on?

These kind of things are usually fraught with bizzaro scenarios because you would think that even as sophisticated as US intel is and even with the help of mossad, the Iranians must've had routines where they always changed things at the last minute or locations or whatever; there are many things one can do to thwart any attack from potential enemies, especially assassinations. I remember there was a huge overhaul in Egypt after Sadat's assassination with the secret service and they started using these tactics which actually helped save Mubarak from several assassination attempts. Granted this was the president of a major ME country at the time and many secret services for many high value personnel often use these tactics to throw off any potential threats. And while Soleimani was a general, he still had some heavy clout and you would think security around him and his schedule would've been a bit more "secure" for the lack of a better word?

I'm curious what level work this guy was in and how close he actually was to Soleimani or the Quds Forces or if he wasn't? And you also wonder how much $$$ the US and Israel forked out to this guy. Definitely a traitor of the worst type.
Was he in anyway officially connected to the Iranian regime or military or anything of that capacity that would allow him that kind of close access to Soleimani's schedule? Or was he just a regular citizen who was in "hearing" proximity of the goings on?

These kind of things are usually fraught with bizzaro scenarios because you would think that even as sophisticated as US intel is and even with the help of mossad, the Iranians must've had routines where they always changed things at the last minute or locations or whatever; there are many things one can do to thwart any attack from potential enemies, especially assassinations. I remember there was a huge overhaul in Egypt after Sadat's assassination with the secret service and they started using these tactics which actually helped save Mubarak from several assassination attempts. Granted this was the president of a major ME country at the time and many secret services for many high value personnel often use these tactics to throw off any potential threats. And while Soleimani was a general, he still had some heavy clout and you would think security around him and his schedule would've been a bit more "secure" for the lack of a better word?

I'm curious what level work this guy was in and how close he actually was to Soleimani or the Quds Forces or if he wasn't? And you also wonder how much $$$ the US and Israel forked out to this guy. Definitely a traitor of the worst type.

There are photos of that scum accompanying Soleimani. To be able to be so close to Soleimani on many occasions suggest high importance within Soleimani's security team.
There are photos of that scum accompanying Soleimani. To be able to be so close to Soleimani on many occasions suggest high importance within Soleimani's security team.

There you go. They had to find someone who was extremely close to be able to get that kind of incredibly sensitive information. Definitely a learning experience where all militaries go through at all times and they have to overhaul their methods and change a lot of things from screening to scheduling to access etc.
Actually there is some more

Iran executes man convicted of spying for CIA, Mossad

"...Majd was arrested about two years ago and was not directly involved in the killing of Soleimani, according to a statement the judiciary issued in June.
The title is so misleading.
Soleimani was definitely sold by internal traitors.
If Iran is not able find them yet, I don't think it's a good sign for them.
The title is so misleading.
Soleimani was definitely sold by internal traitors.
If Iran is not able find them yet, I don't think it's a good sign for them.

Well the guy landed after midnight in Baghdad airport from Damascus and was met by some vehicles in a secluded area off the end of the runway.

Seems they simply recognized his modus operandi and were ready when they saw a repeat. A plane taking off late at night for a 500 mile trip to Baghdad gives them time to get ready.

"In recent years Soleimani was regularly seen making visits to affiliated militias in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, demonstrating not just his military influence but significant diplomatic clout."
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Soleimani was not Baghdadi or Bin laden.........

he wasnt hiding under rocks where his location was a secret and he was betrayed. He openly visited coutnries and hot battle zones. he was never ever afraid of an enemy killing him with an airstrike. even though both Israel, and the US easily could have killed him with a drone strike on one of his frequent visits to Iraq/Syria.

Ghaani his successor operates in much the same manner. Killing soleimani or any general gets you absolutely nothing. someone behind him gets promoted. The only thing that achieves is inviting severe retaliation at a minimum or causing an outright war (very high possibility, and almost what happened)

it would take a highly unusualy circumstances of an absolute moron, TV clown, geopolitically illiterate orange tangerine to delude himself into thinking he can score strong man PR points at the request of his parasitic zionist advisers.

who fully know and wanted this to be a casus belli for an Iranian US war. there is an element in the US government that actively seeks to hurt t he american nation to advance Zionist israels interest. This parasitic zionist entity and their desire to start an iranian american war was the only thing behind this strike.

if Israel was man enough, they would have done it themselves. After soleimani was killed, Israel put their armed forces on alert, and openly said this has nothing to do with us, its between Iran adn the US (begging Iran not to drag Israel in)

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