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Moscow is going back into lockdown as Covid-19 deaths multiply in Russia


Mar 1, 2019
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Moscow is going back into lockdown as Covid-19 deaths multiply in Russia


Moscow (CNN)Moscow will impose a 10-day lockdown from next week in an effort to curb soaring Covid-19 cases, the city's mayor has said, as Russia endures its worst-ever phase of the pandemic.
"In the coming days, we will reach historic peaks in Covid cases," Sergey Sobyanin wrote in his blog, before announcing strict restrictions from October 28 to November 7.
"During this period, the work of all enterprises and organizations on the territory of the city of Moscow should be suspended," he said, before outlining a few limited exemptions.
This coming winter is going to be very bad for Russia. Moscow has high population density. Virus thrives in winter in high population density places where it easily spreads.
This coming winter is going to be very bad for Russia. Moscow has high population density. Virus thrives in winter in high population density places where it easily spreads.

The virus is more resilient then we previously thought expect more lethal variants to pop up for the next decade or so. I predict another major break-out coming from with this very same covid19 it will jump from humans to animals and than jump back to humans and I expect one much more lethal than the one we have experienced in the next 1-2 years this break-out will emerge this is my prediction all the previous vaccines will mean nothing as the virus will significiantly get alerted
The virus is more resilient then we previously thought expect more lethal variants to pop up for the next decade or so. I predict another major break-out coming from with this very same covid19 it will jump from humans to animals and than jump back to humans and I expect one much more lethal than the one we have experienced in the next 1-2 years this break-out will emerge this is my prediction all the previous vaccines will mean nothing as the virus will significiantly get alerted

I hear this virus has a gene that can shut down a person's immune system the way it shuts down a person's sense of taste and smell. It's pretty cool. Definitely an evolutionary success in my books.

It's been dealing with bats in an arms race for tens of millions of years before jumping into humans a couple of years ago. It's evolved a few neat tricks up its sleeves.
mRNA vaccines can be changed every week if the authorities want to allow that.

The only problem is how long they want to test each one for safety before they release it to the general public.

Obviously the side effects of taking tons of slightly different mRNA vaccines will probably outweigh the benefits though.
mRNA vaccines can be changed every week if the authorities want to allow that.

It can. But pharma won't. It costs billions of dollars to revamp a production line to a new product. They won't do it unless hospitalization goes through the roof. As long as hospitalization is manageable they will sell the old product even though it is bad at preventing infection.

All the vax can be changed within a week if they want. Same with inactivated.
Basically we have to live with the virus but the mask should be put on, it is different when I see how US and British citizen deal with Covid amid high vaccination rate, they dont wear mask any more, no wonder US and British infection rate is climbing into about 90.000 and 40.000 case a day.

Singapore also now has revised their previous idea

In Indonesia, the restriction measure has been relax and public transportation can fill 70 % capacity where for the case in Jakarta it is allowed to have 100 % capacity due to lower infection rate and death, alhamduliLLAH

This is in Jakarta and people keep wearing mask, the video was in 2020 but actually the situation is similar like Today.

We need to keep being cautious when we are in crowd and keep mask, social distancing, and washing hands

Basically we have to live with the virus but the mask should be put on, it is different when I see how US and British citizen deal with Covid amid high vaccination rate, they dont wear mask any more, no wonder US and British infection rate is climbing into about 90.000 and 40.000 case a day.

Singapore also now has revised their previous idea

In Indonesia, the restriction measure has been relax and public transportation can fill 70 % capacity where for the case in Jakarta it is allowed to have 100 % capacity due to lower infection rate and death, alhamduliLLAH

This is in Jakarta and people keep wearing mask, the video was in 2020 but actually the situation is similar like Today.

We need to keep being cautious when we are in crowd and keep mask, social distancing, and washing hands

0% chance of that happening in the U.S. for obvious reasons.

People are literally choosing "get fired" instead of taking the vaccine in the U.S.

If there is anything close to a strict enforcement of masks to a useful level, there will be insurgents bombing government buildings probably.
0% chance of that happening in the U.S. for obvious reasons.

People are literally choosing "get fired" instead of taking the vaccine in the U.S.

If there is anything close to a strict enforcement of masks to a useful level, there will be insurgents bombing government buildings probably.

Ya, but for sport competition is actually no restriction any more despite physical contact will happen. We are not that tight either

This is the game just Yesterday for High school basketball competition in Jakarta, no mask and social distancing for sport as society needs sport and watching sport. Photo journalist still need to wear mask though

They can practice with no social distancing what so ever

High schools

Basically we have to live with the virus but the mask should be put on, it is different when I see how US and British citizen deal with Covid amid high vaccination rate, they dont wear mask any more, no wonder US and British infection rate is climbing into about 90.000 and 40.000 case a day.

Singapore also now has revised their previous idea

In Indonesia, the restriction measure has been relax and public transportation can fill 70 % capacity where for the case in Jakarta it is allowed to have 100 % capacity due to lower infection rate and death, alhamduliLLAH

This is in Jakarta and people keep wearing mask, the video was in 2020 but actually the situation is similar like Today.

We need to keep being cautious when we are in crowd and keep mask, social distancing, and washing hands

What Chinese study found was mask is useless to prevent flu and covid. It may prevent hospitalization and death, but not infection.
0% chance of that happening in the U.S. for obvious reasons.

People are literally choosing "get fired" instead of taking the vaccine in the U.S.

If there is anything close to a strict enforcement of masks to a useful level, there will be insurgents bombing government buildings probably.

I think mask can possibly work in Democrat states, but definitely not in Republican states.
I hear this virus has a gene that can shut down a person's immune system the way it shuts down a person's sense of taste and smell. It's pretty cool. Definitely an evolutionary success in my books.

It's been dealing with bats in an arms race for tens of millions of years before jumping into humans a couple of years ago. It's evolved a few neat tricks up its sleeves.
It is man made well engineer killing machine virus.
What Chinese study found was mask is useless to prevent flu and covid. It may prevent hospitalization and death, but not infection.

I think mask can possibly work in Democrat states, but definitely not in Republican states.

How come they can prevent hospitalization but not infection...???????? That statement is not coherent

We have seen what is happening in US and Britain compared to Indonesia, but you keep believing wearing a mask is not effective. Indonesia mobility is already going back to normal but alhamduliLLAH no spike of infection going on and the death is falling. Just search Google

We will see what will happen for the next month in Indonesia since public transportation has been reaching normal level. For your information we are doing the relaxation gradually, Jumah/Friday prayer is allowed since July but so far alhamduliLLAH the infection rate is still below 1000 and the death rate is under 20 per day

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