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More than 100 tonnes of explosive material seized in Quetta raid


Feb 2, 2007
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QUETTA: Paramilitary forces seized more than 100 tonnes of bomb-making chemicals from a truck and a compound near Quetta and detained 10 suspects on Tuesday, officials said.

Paramilitary Colonel Maqbool Ahmed said forces also found wires, detonators and mixers used to prepare bombs out of the chemicals.

“We have arrested 10 people during the raid at the compound and the truck and seized 100.5 tons of explosive material with detonators,” Ahmed said.

Suspects told investigators that potassium chlorate and ammonium chlorate were packed with wires and detonators into vehicles at the compound, said Ahmed.

Balochistan and its capital Quetta are frequently hit by bomb attacks.

The province has been a flashpoint for violence and insurgency.

More than 100 tonnes of explosive material seized in Quetta raid – The Express Tribune
Holy smokes!!!

Whats up with terrorists these days?? 100 friggin tonnes - 100,000 kgs - possibly 150,000 bike bombs or 500,000 suicide bombers.

Bloody ridiculous - Pakistan ka Khuuda hafiz.
OMG --- hell of amount!
don't know whether i should be happy or sad ---- happy they caught it ---- sad to see what's happening in pakistan!
100 tonnes? where the eff is that kind of quantity coming from? We should return it back to the same country through our "dealers"
Good job!! but we should stop them from making 100 tonnes in the beginning
100 tones? Isn't it too much? how many trucks they would have seized? & what they were expected to do? destroy whole country?

Lets hope same chemical will be used against militants.. to make sure they get their share..
People should know who these people are & who is financing them. This is where the Govt. is a failure & they don’t raise the issue internationally & they are allowing countries like US to take full advantage of this situation who along with India & Afghanistan are openly supporting these rented terrorists.
Major bust, great intel work.
where was it coming from ..if it is done by indian embassy in afghanistan ... we should not waste those chemicals and redirect it to kashmir
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