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More terrorists escape from Pakistani police custody


Jul 26, 2006
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All this - deliberate??? What would the Shia think???

In a related development, two Sunni extremists on death row for a 2004 attack on a procession that killed 42 Shiites were found missing from their cell Friday in Quetta in the southwest province of Baluchistan, said city police chief Rehmatullah Niazi.

There was no sign of forced exit and several jail officials were being questioned over the escape, he said.
"Their escape in a sensitive month is very dangerous," he said. "We have launched an operation to arrest them."

Pakistan border clash kills dozens - Yahoo! News
All this - deliberate??? What would the Shia think???

Why deliberate? Earlier it was Rashid Rauf who escaped - if you follow Pakistan you would know that criminals escaping from police custody and prisons is unfortunately routine. Blame it on corruption, lack of training, equipment and facilities. If you are associated with some group and of value to them, probably not very hard for someone to approach poorly paid prison authorities/police and bribe your escape.
Mr Concerned,

Are you suggesting that it is because of sectarian loyalties or tribal loyalties and not pure money being exchanged?
I think there are more extremist sympathizers in the police force than one thinks. Or there really could be a faction of the government who's not interested in Musharaff achieving success.
I think there are more extremist sympathizers in the police force than one thinks. Or there really could be a faction of the government who's not interested in Musharaff achieving success.

You dont need to see everything in black as there is also a grey part in it. AM has expalined as to why such incidents take place but that does not in any way mean that there are more sympathizers in police or for that matter in the government. As for being sunni, well to me its no surprise, pakistan has majority sunni, now anyone escaping was most probally sunni, but just to incite fear and anger among the other group the word sunni has be joined with it making it look like a deliberate attemp against shia's. These people have not faith at all, they just think that they are right and others are all wrong and they would probally struck a bomb at a sunni mosque because the molvi there said something that did not suited them and hence he was declared an infadel, justifing his killing and of all those who would prey behind him.
You dont need to see everything in black as there is also a grey part in it. AM has expalined as to why such incidents take place but that does not in any way mean that there are more sympathizers in police or for that matter in the government. As for being sunni, well to me its no surprise, pakistan has majority sunni, now anyone escaping was most probally sunni, but just to incite fear and anger among the other group the word sunni has be joined with it making it look like a deliberate attemp against shia's. These people have not faith at all, they just think that they are right and others are all wrong and they would probally struck a bomb at a sunni mosque because the molvi there said something that did not suited them and hence he was declared an infadel, justifing his killing and of all those who would prey behind him.

True, but it does gives a negative impression to the shia's that the establishment somehow is also behind promoting anti-Shia violence. Thou this is not true but seems likely for people to think like that...No!
Fact of the matter is that Sunni extremists have beeb escaping from the police custody for a long time. Whether one likes it or not; it is no doubt true that a significant number of the security forces covertly sympathize with the Islamists cause. Such things must have been aided not only by money but also by the zealots from within the security forces. You wont hear of Shia criminals escaping from prisons.

This is very similiar to the Gujraati police actions in the anti muslim riots. This is unfortunate but a fact of life. Bilqis begam could only get justice when her case was moved out of Gujraat to Mumbai.

IMO a substantial part of Pakistani public and the Media are also guilty of similar bias; as evident frm the media coverage of the Lal Masjid affair and complete lack of condemnation of the videos showing slaughter of Pakistani soldiers.

Regrettably, many political leaders and human rights activists including the prominent ones such as Asma Jehanagir use the events only selectivey to get the maximum political mileage. This shows that we are becoming a nation of hypocrites.

I heard Altaf Hussein's speach last night, while I disagree with the MQM's ethics; he was right when he accused politicians and NGO's of double standards. Imraan Khan and Aitzaaz Hassan made such a hue and cry about May 15 riots in Karachi when CJ was made to wait at the airort and Karachi rattled with guns. No one has made any complaints when property of non Sindhis worth hundreds of crores were destroyed in the aftermath of BB's death. I have heard that many poor security guards were burnt alive inside when shops and banks when these were torched by the Sindhi mob. Do you see Imran Khan or Qazi Sahib or Aitzaaz Hassan or Chaudhries condemning it. No editorials in Dawn or Jang or panels on Geo TV discussing it.

All this sickens me to no end and makes more despondent than ever about moral turpitude of Pakistan's polity.
^^^ I agree completely Niaz. I believe Pervez Elahi was in fact criticized in the media for raising the issue of damage done to the property of non-Sindhis, and talking about setting up camps in Punjab for those fleeing the violence.

When somebody condems the people who created chaos on the days after the Death of BB, media thinks its against Sindhi people and it will create a sindhi separatist movement.

I know some of the separatist thinking people in Sindh still live but they will also be dealt with heavy boots like before in the days of GM Syed.

This media needs a silent bashing by the Army!
I remember there used to be a show called 50/50 in Pakistan .in one scene people or smuggling a canon tied to the roof of the car and he runs into police weapons check.and for ten rupees (TEA money)they all claim that there is no cannon.:rofl:
I heard Altaf Hussein's speach last night, while I disagree with the MQM's ethics; he was right when he accused politicians and NGO's of double standards. Imraan Khan and Aitzaaz Hassan made such a hue and cry about May 15 riots in Karachi when CJ was made to wait at the airort and Karachi rattled with guns. No one has made any complaints when property of non Sindhis worth hundreds of crores were destroyed in the aftermath of BB's death. I have heard that many poor security guards were burnt alive inside when shops and banks when these were torched by the Sindhi mob. Do you see Imran Khan or Qazi Sahib or Aitzaaz Hassan or Chaudhries condemning it. No editorials in Dawn or Jang or panels on Geo TV discussing it.

All this sickens me to no end and makes more despondent than ever about moral turpitude of Pakistan's polity.

That is the main problem with our political parties. They are so self centric bastards, that the public interests and the interest of pakistan held no moral values to them, they just want whoever it maybe in the government to destablize it, inturn destabilize pakistan, take maximum advantage, create chaos and give the rest of the world an impression how idoitic we really are. It sickens me when political parities such as the PPP and PML(N) asks US to interfere. How pathetic these morons are? They even dont take an example from india. Did any of the indian leaders ever did so in the past call for US to intervene so that free & fair elections can be made possible.:disagree: It just disgusts me.

Musharraf is under siege from all quarters.

His democratic status and that Pakistan is a democracy is these days under heavy attack, both externally and internally.

He cannot let Pakistan downslide.

The West, which lionised him earlier, are now his greatest critic.

That is why he is, possibly, as a challenge, is asking anyone to come to check his democratic credentials.
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