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More Pakistanis should listen to this guy instead of Zaid Hamid....

Haha, why? Because he speaks in the interests of you Indians?

These secular-apologetics do NOT represent the views of the majority of Pakistanis. They work against the interests of the state, and should be ashamed of themselves. Hassan Nisar is a tool and speaks out of his butt.

He does not spread facts, he spreads national-disunity and lies.

Zaid Hamid on the other hand speaks the truth, he analysis both sides of an arguement and presents solutions to the issues. He promotes national unity and spreads accurate and well-thought-out arguements and notions. He is genius, and not to mention very historically accurate!

Hassan Nisar basically says, we should be ashamed of ourselves and we are useless; and gets paid tons of cash to make Pakistanis feel unpatriotic.

Hassan Nisar is also extremely INACCURATE when it comes to history as well as pretty much all the things he argues about. He might be an articulate speaker, but he is a liar...
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This intellectual is surely for the Indians who want to hear nothing except anything which degrades Pakistan, and some wont be surprised that only Geo airs his program. He and some other bunch of 'Intellectuals' should be kicked out of the country.
Khajur Jee, that you are showing is out of the context, Nations have ups and down, what we know of world history, first there were greeks, than Romans than Muslims and now european.

Analysis of all these powers is that when Europeon got to Americas, they slaughterd Locals like sheep, went back on all thier pacts, locals childern were taken forcibaly from their parants and force to study in christian institutions, on the other hand MUghals never did that , Muslims ruled Europe for 500 years including Greece, but they did not foceably converted people, that is why in Greece or spain there are no MUslims, unlike Americas.

Khajut sain, you see only one side which is a side of agnostics about Pakistan and Islam, but you should study the real side where wherever Muslm went they comparatively did not force people to convert.

in south Africa locals were denied every thing unless they converted. Now tell me India prides it self of inventor of Zero, not Jero, but Zero, tell me where in europ it is known, no where, and that is why in europe we the people from subcontinant have no respect, because common man think we are ignorant, uneducated folks who beat there wives and live in huts and are ******, with that kind of reputation, how would one earn respect.

So know the real history and not one sided one in which Europe is the greatest thing, I think all civilisations have contributed to this world of today and the modernisation it has.

Think of Algebra, think of modern medicine, think of sunclock and think of Army as we see it today. It was set up by turks as it is today,not those which came from tribes and carried their tribal flags.

Know the truth and you will be better off. Khajur sahib.

asq mian,

I think u would agree Pakistan is going through a difficult period of time .And u are sure aware of the reasons behind it .

Hassan Nissar is the man who has ability to introspect, a quality badly needed to face the challenges ahead painfully missing in big section of its media, over zealously lead by security analyst/spiritual guide//sooth sayer all in one Zaid Hamid who is pushing its youth more in to confusion by seeking conspiracy in anything that ails Pakistan and driving religious frenzy among them with hallucinating ideas like Gazwa -i-hind in the panacea solution.

Here is a complimentary video that goes well with the first one...thank u.

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I think the guy is telling the truth bit harsh but at the end of the day the truth and something we should all think about

Truth? He says Muslims contributed nothing to humanity.

I guess he doesn't know where the words Algebra, Chemistry, Alchemy, etc, originate.

Here is how truthful he is:

It was Muslim scientists, inventers, engineers, etc, who changed the world for the better!
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i liked the first video............. let other issues aside.......... whatever he said i almost agree with him a part from that 500 years quote that none of the muslims were praiseworthy in last 500 years......... rest is fine
Mr. Nissar is eloquent but his historical perspective and reflection of Muslim history throughout the centuries is a historical distortion which deliberately creates a condescending perspective which some may mistake for introspection and unfortunately true wisdom. His points about little to no Muslim contribution to humankind is false, his belittlement of Muslim efforts and struggles is unworthy, and his overall capability to understand the grasps of the global and inner complexity and challenge that faces the Ummah today are not sharp.

I personally wouldn't mind having a face-to-face debate with Mr. Nissar, because I can debunk, turn over, and expose much of the twisted half-truths half-lies which of course is not the truth at all he evokes. He surely has an opinion and his reflection of his historical perspective is an interesting one but it is misleading and misguided at best.
Khajur, the problem with your post is the flag in your profile, not the video. Indians and Pakistanis alike understand the criticism fully when one of their citizens gives it out to them and hate it when someone else does. I am sure this video has been posted elsewhere on this forum and was agreed upon by most members replying in the thread.

It generally seems hard for most of us (me included) to associate our nationality so strongly as part of our entity, despite the fact that mankind existed on the planet for millions of years and our nations have been around for 60 odd years.
Nonetheless, I do appreciate his academic spirit.
What? Indians telling us who to listen? Come on guys, we aren't so friendly.
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