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More militants sighted in area where twin attacks happened

Shoot these bloody brain washed militants.
I think India should take serious notice of its internal situation that is worst since its independence. As Bengal regions of India are looking to unite with Bangladesh.....

Also due to poverty and negligence people don't want to remain part of India....

:lol: :lol:
it is sad that Pakistanis are killing Indians... its like Hindustanis killing Hindustanis...

we were one people one country. and see now we are killing each other.

Why did the local kashmiris inform the police, instead of helping the militants? I thought that the militants came from Pakistan to help the locals, right? Same thing happened when 130 SSG commandoes were airdropped in 1965, and most of them didn't make it back alive - the locals led them to the local police station. LOL.

I don't know when these poor brainwashed jehadis from across the border will realize that nobody wants them here. Not the local kashmiris, nobody. Their masters get Saudi money for training and sending them to certain death. Jehad is a lucrative business for them, as long as there is a steady supply of idiotic young men who become cannon fodder.

Many of them will be killed by the Indian security forces including Kashmiri policemen, and a few may succeed in making life miserable for kashmiris, in a terror attack. But not an inch of Indian Kashmir will be lost. If they haven't learnt this in 67 years, then god help them, because kashmiris won't.

We also don't when you Indians stop involving Pakistan in everything.......Pakistan is like a nightmare and daily come in your dreams...:pakistan:
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I think India should take serious notice of its internal situation that is worst since its independence. As Bengal regions of India are looking to unite with Bangladesh.....

Also due to poverty and negligence people don't want to remain part of India....

Is there something wrong with you? Why would Bengali Hindus want to unite with the human cesspool that is Bangladesh? You seem really uneducated.

We also don't when you Indians stop involving Pakistan in everything.......Pakistan is like a nightmare and daily come in your dreams...:pakistan:

LOL keep dreaming. :sleep:
I think India should take serious notice of its internal situation that is worst since its independence. As Bengal regions of India are looking to unite with Bangladesh.....

Also due to poverty and negligence people don't want to remain part of India....
mate you seems to living in a dream world for quite a while now!Indian Bengalis will never ever go against India because we consider India to be our Motherland!we would rather sacrifice ourselves to protect the unity and the integrity of India if it comes to that.why on eath would we want to join a nation which is much more poorer than our own!plus we have already seen what those islamic fundamentalists did to our BD Hindus during the last 4 decades.
we sacrificed a lot to gain our freedom from the Brits and hence we will do everything in our might to stop any future potential partition in India....got it mate as these are the words of an authentic Indian Bengali person living in the state of Bengal!
who told you bengal want's to align with bangaladesh ? LMAO ! West Bengal dadas consider the BD as totally illiterate and ****** people ! They look down upon them as petty workers and not much more. To them it is as if the BDians have skipped one stage of evolution itself !

Now this may sound like insult but believe me its the ground reality. We all know BD have some real smart people in the academia but the perception among the West Bengalis are that only and in particular Kolkata !
it's nothing like that but the ground reality is that the Indian Bengalis consider themselves superior in literally every sense w.r.t their bangaldeshi counterparts.the reason behind this is most of the successful Bengalis came from the state of Indian Bengal and not from bangaldesh.we have got 2 noble prize winners,a no. of internationally renowned scientists coming from our state.plus most of the Bengali intellects are from India.bangaldesh hasn't got a single achievement in academia or in anything else till this date:omghaha:.heck many of the of the PDF bangaldeshis don't even consider themselves as Bengali descendants but identify themselves as the descendants of Turks and Arabs;)!plus the majority of the bangaldeshis are illiterate and consider their Indian Bengali counterparts as "Malauns"(meaning-Infidels).so apparently for these reasons bangaldeshis don't score a high marks in our books:coffee:!!
one thing is certain .. inspite of how many riots happen in india or hundreds of people of one community killed by another, no one will leave india :rofl:
Declare % of Budget to Be used in Arms . This should be made Clear to Every Country .... Other wise Sanctions ;) ... What you suggest ?
Indians are also dreaming all the days and nights since 1947, they will going to see some wake up call soon.
Indians are also dreaming all the days and nights since 1947, they will going to see some wake up call soon.

Since no such wake up call has ever come, maybe it's not a dream at all, but the reality? That thought ever occurred to you?

On the other hand, wake up calls have come to other countries which have disintegrated and are on the verge of further disintegration, with insurgents opening offices in the capital.
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