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More countries join Trump in call for probe of China, WHO over coronavirus


Jul 25, 2016
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    More countries join Trump in call for probe of China, WHO over coronavirus
    By Bob Fredericks

    May 1, 2020 | 2:09pm


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    More US allies and other countries are joining the Trump administration’s call for an investigation into China, the World Health Organization and the origins of the deadly coronavirus pandemic.

    “There’s a global recognition that China is responsible for this crisis, wasn’t transparent, and that not getting to the bottom of this could lead to future pandemics,” the Atlantic Council’s Matthew Kroenig, author of a new book, “The Return of Great Power Rivalry,” told the Washington Examiner.

    “This is a good sign that we’re seeing a number of key democratic allies in Europe and Asia with a pretty unified voice saying, ‘China is a problem, we need more information, and [to not be] intimidated by China’s heavy-handed response,’” Kroenig said, referring to the ruling Communist Party’s economic threats against nations that have been critical of the regime’s handling of the pandemic and lack of transparency.

    “You’re seeing a consensus among America’s closest allies that values and national security interests, with regard to the relationship with China, now trumps economics,” former Australian defense ministry adviser Patrick Buchan told the Examiner.

    Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has called for an investigation into the emergence of the pandemic as well as the WHO’s response to the crisis. Chinese officials tried to thwart any probe with economic threats, but Australian officials refused to back down.

    Chinese officials are furious with Australia, which also called for Taiwan — an autonomous country that China considers a renegade province — to rejoin the WHO several years after Beijing forced its ouster.

    “If the mood is going from bad to worse, people would think why we should go to such a country while it’s not so friendly to China,” Chinese Ambassador Cheng Jingye told the Australian Financial Review this week.
And also, maybe the ordinary people will think why they should drink Australian wine or eat Australian beef. Why couldn’t we do it differently?”

Sweden has also called for a probe.

“When the global situation of Covid-19 is under control, it is both reasonable and important that an international, independent investigation be conducted to gain knowledge about the origin and spread of the coronavirus,” Swedish Health Minister Lena Hallengren wrote in a Wednesday message to her parliament, the paper reported.

“It is also important that the entire international community’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, including the World Health Organization, is investigated.”

The president of the European Commission has also backed calls for a probe into the origin of the coronavirus but said China should be involved in the process, CNBC reported.

Lawmakers in countries like Germany, Sweden and Australia have also asked for an investigation into the virus, which has so far infected over 3.2 million people and killed over 230,000.


China makes economic threats against Australia over coronavirus probe
Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the EU’s executive arm, told CNBC she would like to see China work with her group and others to get to the bottom of how the virus emerged.

“I think this is for all of us important, I mean for the whole world it is important. You never know when the next virus is starting, so we all want for the next time, we have learned our lesson and we’ve established a system of early warning that really functions and the whole world has to contribute to that,” she said, while calling for more transparency in the future.

“For example, at the level of the European Union, we know that we need a more robust data system for such situations as we see it right now with the coronavirus. And for building up a system that is, that you can count on,” she said.

Coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, was first reported in December in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

Trump said Thursday that he’s seen evidencelinking the coronavirus to a Wuhan lab, but declined to elaborate, saying: “I can’t tell you that. I am not allowed to tell you that.”

The US intelligence community, however, released a statement earlier Thursday indicating that it agreed with the scientific consensus that the virus wasn’t “man-made” or genetically modified.

The WHO, though, is reserving its criticism of China and the ruling Communist Party.


Angela Merkel urges Chinese transparency over coronavirus
Richard Horton, co-chair of the WHO’s independent Expert Review Group, praised China’s handling of the pandemic in an interview with the China Global Television Network.

“China should be very proud of its medical and scientific community,” Horton said, adding that it was unhelpful, incorrect and factually incorrect to blame a country, like China, for the pandemic.

Horton, who also is editor-in-chief of the British medical journal The Lancet, cast blame on the USfor purportedly acting too slowly in response to the threat.

“Most Western countries, and the United States of America, wasted the whole of February and early March before they acted. That is the human tragedy of COVID-19,” he said.

Deborah Birx, the State Department immunologist on the White House coronavirus task force, said the Chinese Communist Party’s initial public reporting influenced assumptions elsewhere in the world about the nature of the virus. The Communist Party delayed for six days before warning its citizens that the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan had likely become a pandemic, allowing thousands of people to become infected, according to reports.

USA is not the same like years ago.

With Saddam or Gadafi they need no probe or evidences :lol:.

We dont need probes, China protect their provinces very well as they let the virus spread over all countries of the world.

Verdict: GUILTY and NO FLY ZONE in Beijing. :agree:

But they can't execute the sentence cause China military caps are better than the west.

And USA/Germany/UK dont want war, ruling elites in west europe dont want war, they live very well and all this only will impoverish the poors.
Its just bull talk, US will never go ahead with it because their hands are dirty and an investigation will reveal everything they are hiding.
Indonesia can also demand compensation as well for H1N1.

Almost all influenza case in Indonesia for the last several years was H1N1.

And it killed tens of thousands each year.

I think with many pandemics globally, many people are suffering.

Not to mention the global economic crisis as well.

Just because certain countries didn't manage their country well, they dumped and spilled all the problems to other countries.

As we are living in a democracy country...

We should ask compensation for all the problems that have made us suffer.

Scientific proof COVID-19 create by America

Documentary Proof: University of North Carolina Generated COVID-19
Documents below will show that research to create COVID 19 began in the United States in 2006 and culminated in a successful bio-weapon in 2015, with work done at the University of North Carolina and at Harvard and at the Food and Drug Administration’s lab in Arkansas.

Their work was titled:
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence

COVID 19 was a US Army bio-weapons project to manufacture a pneumonia-causing disease that would be nearly impossible to vaccinate for in patients over 40 years old.
The study was run by the University of North Carolina and funded by USAID/CIA. It chose a Chinese bat virus and chose to include a medical facility in Wuhan as well.
Now we know why, a smokescreen of the blame for a program China had little or nothing to do with, something satanically evil and purely American.

Scientific proof COVID-19 create by America, complete document

The post you made lacks redirect. This is the real research paper published online at NCBI around 2015 in Nature medicine. The research paper reports the attempt of understanding the potential threats of a virus that resembles to SARS-COV called SCH014-COV which is a virus that is found in the Chinese horseshoe bat population.



What scientists did was that they were working with this virus so that they could understand it's virulence (efficiency to infect population) .Hence, to study SCH014-COV, They made a novel chimeric virus which is having the spike proteins of SCH014-COV (the virus they were studying) and the backbone of old SARS-COV.
The work was intended as a demonstration that how this virus can replicate and in addition to that a warning that how these viruses shows potential threats for human population in future.They also slammed everyone with the incompetence of recently available pharmaceutical companies and reflected the need to speed up the process of finding and developing new medicines.

Hence, according to this research paper whatever steps were taken were meant for studying possible strain of virus using the method of reverse genetics.
It is just a research meant for humanity. I do not understand why independent researchers or scientists who are working for universities and research labs and always meant for the betterment of humanity are dragged in regional politics.
This has more to do with the incompetence and stupidity of regional governments. The fact is that warnings were ignored and hence outbreak occoured.
I will not delete the post because the link is not fake, the website that published it removed it by themselves but I will not allow anyone of you to play politics on basis of this and threaten each other morally.
This goes for Chinese and Americans both.

that above link is

Again @Horus the Chinese members here keep ignoring your warning post ( https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/warning-read-before-posting.660800/ ) about posting Coronavirus articles from known fake news sites.

"Veterans Today is a pro-Kremlin and antisemitic conspiracy theory and fake news website"

"In 2012, the website's chairman, Gordon Duff, told an interviewer that "about 30% of what's written on Veterans Today, is patently false. About 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false, because if I didn't write false information I wouldn't be alive",

The post I am sharing is from NCBI not veterans today. What veterns today did was sharing information from Nature and then removed it. That's why I checked reputable sources such as nature medicine and NCBI.
This research would never been published over there if intention of management was vicious. Why wouldn't they had removed it in the first place from the main source if there was a mega plan to annihilate or harm, duh.
Don't be afraid!

Another fake post by nypost. More countries join in? Just wishful thinking of OP and Nypost. Merkel just claim more transparency from China but she never claim to join in US gang to ask for any compensation. At the same time, she also ask US to show transparency too. Typical journalism from neocon US. Self deceiving.

They are only 2 countries , one is US ,another is their side kick Australia.
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